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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Well, best of luck on growing your collection. And don't be affraid with stability issues of DPSS at 532 nm. If you do not require it for scientific purposes or holography, there are solutions even in a bit out of optimal conditions IMO.

    Regarding batts from laptop accu pack, I did not tried it. But AFAIK they have one centralized electronics for keeping it safe - in other words individual cells are not protected. It is better to have protected batts as you do not need to think if your laser and charger have its own protection or not. Unprotected batts might be quite dangerous.

    I also play with idea of getting some nice little hene laser powered by 12 V DC supply, might run on battery pack or 12 V pb gels for example. That would be quite nice portable even at output in a few mW only. :D
    Ha, thanks GSS. :) I was wondering how you managed to rep me again so quickly. :p
    You deserve it too. :beer: I notice that me, you and Encap seem to stick together as a trio when it comes to rep. ;)
    Still I'm not sure, as it usually helps to warm module part in hand a bit and it starts working again, so likely it seems to be this case or maybe combination of both. From my experience lithiums like 18650 and 16340 (however a bit different technology from lithium AA) are very sensitive to low temperatures, it increases its internal resistance when cold and protection circuit just stops the power at high draws. I cannot use my Arctic and Krypton on full power with my current 18650 Panasonic batts in cold due to this. Maybe some high draw with much lower internal resistance would be better. I've seen some 18650 able to deliver as high as 30 A - bit crazy IMO. In summer there is not a problem at all. The more powerful laser, the more it is a concern and need for high current batts. Good luck with your selection. ;)
    520 nm is also awesome color. It is quite a different green from 532 nm and I started to like it recently. But in high powers it is quite expensive and very multimode. But I think you will like it a lot. And do not be affraid from getting class 4 of 532 nm, it is a lot of fun with it and usually it has awesome beam compared to thick beam of diode lasers in general, TEM00 provides nice dot/beam in terms of intensity distribution. My WL Krypton at 520 nm is something like TEM22, but I did not checked it under different conditions much. However DPSS as you know are not that stable as diodes in extreme temperatures, but I do not think it is much a problem for 532 nm. They are even used in these starshower lights in freezing temperatures and what I've seen it works quite well there (I thing there is something like 50 mW module inside). Although my Evo sometimes stops working when too cold, but it might be because I use lithium AAs, which are sensitive to low temps.
    Also my 800 mW rated Sky Lasers dilda is nice as it is focussable - I can paint not only dots and lines, but also blobs with it. But for far field like beam on sky it has noticeable divergence - flashlight look. However currently I'm looking for nicer beam and high power - the idea is to reach larger areas with 532 nm. I was looking on Optotronics RPL II, but it has a lot of limits for my use - especially very short duty cycle. So I wrote Gray from Jet Lasers if they can do some custom laser of similar beam specs and power with their PL-E Pro host, which could have better heatsinking compared to Opto host IMO. Basically JL Pro host is the largest dilda in my collection - much larger than WL Spyder host, which looks like a toy next to it. :D I noticed somebody on LPF has 1 W custom greenie from them with much better divergence than 2 mrad advertised on JL website. Let's see. ;)
    Thanks. I see you (and some other members here) the same way. ;) Yes, all decent lasers can be used somehow in laserpainting. If I speak about my 532 nm lasers, I like to use Evo a lot as it is decent power (not too much, therefore somehow more safe), great safety features, removable lens protection cap and versatile optics from expanded lens kit - they have threaded rims from both sides, so you can screw them together easily (just see my latest post in laserpainting thread, where I combined two gratings together to get very nice diffraction pattern). Also it has great host, which is easy to hold in hand and has very comfortable knurling on its body, running on 2 common AAs, with variable power (however in low power it likes running TEM01 or TEM10, but switches to TEM00 when adding more power or warm enough). I think it is the best portable from WL.
    Thaks for rep. You know, I like nice beams, so lower power with nicer beam is my option. However if there is higher power with about the same beam specs, why not to get it? ;)
    I am feeling a lot better now. :) Thanks GSS. I am not usually ill fortunately. It was the Easter break as well, so I knew that I wouldn't be on as much, but the illness didn't help. I often notice too when someone isn't online very much. :)
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