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FrozenGate by Avery

200mW violet @ 59$ on KD? (focusable on 18650)


Mar 3, 2009


hmm sounds like the same debacle as on the green one (advertised 200mW, actual output +-80mW? that laser dropped in price btw)

This would be worth it even if the output is 80mW, right?
Have a look at the label... The lasers beam logo is printed in Green....
the last number of the wavelength is "2" (that couls very well be 532) ...
and the box cover says "Green Laser Pointer"

I highly doubt it is a "200mW Blue-Violet Laser"... for $58.85..:whistle:
Just so you guys know, I purchased the "200mW violet laser" from focalprice as a guinee pig. The specs said 532nm, the box said green laser pointer, the warning label said 532nm but when I turned it on it was indeed violet although only 80mW of violet, pot moddable to higher power but a pain to get back together again. If anyone would like this host let me know. I have one sitting here collecting dust.
Just so you guys know, I purchased the "200mW violet laser" from focalprice as a guinee pig. The specs said 532nm, the box said green laser pointer, the warning label said 532nm but when I turned it on it was indeed violet although only 80mW of violet, pot moddable to higher power but a pain to get back together again. If anyone would like this host let me know. I have one sitting here collecting dust.

But have you cranked the pot up, then?
Just so you guys know, I purchased the "200mW violet laser" from focalprice as a guinee pig. The specs said 532nm, the box said green laser pointer, the warning label said 532nm but when I turned it on it was indeed violet although only 80mW of violet, pot moddable to higher power but a pain to get back together again. If anyone would like this host let me know. I have one sitting here collecting dust.

me me me pick me
Yes, I cranked the pot up and it doubled in power. I am using the diode and driver for another build. And John I will sell the host to you for $15 shipped. I will also include a couple of dummy boards with buttons and springs already attached.
Yes, I cranked the pot up and it doubled in power. I am using the diode and driver for another build.

Oh, great! So this means you could get around 180mW of power for 59 bucks.

Show us the "other build" when you finish it, please :D!
