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FrozenGate by Avery

"My God, it's full of stars."

Apr 26, 2010
I realize this thread is also in the Vets area, but I figured I'd put it in the open forum area as well.

You know, it took a bit to think of a title for this thread, Take care for now, until next time, or the famous line drom Dagon Ball Z, "See you next time!" Or perhaps bring back the famous last words from Space Odyssey. Given the intellectual atmosphere of the forum, I felt the latter was more fitting given my current situation.

So, as some of you may know, basic begins tomorrow. At around 0330 I will receive a wake up call at the hotel, then a minor check up to make sure nothing has changed from my last physical, then I will proceed to breakfast, then I will board a bus to the airport. This will then lead to a flight to San Antonio airport, then a bus ride to Lackland AFB to begin the fun. Obviously, due to this, I will be completely inactive from the forums for the next 9 weeks. Pretty sure I will not be missed, but I figured I'd drop by to let everyone know, so they are aware of why I'm not posting come 2 weeks from now. I feel some of you may even have this day on your calendar with a smiley face, so be it. Whatever the case, this forum will be missed, but I will return, I still have builds to build, and wavelengths to conquer. So until then, take care yall, it's been fun, thanks for the stay!

Good to let us know. The physical training must be hard. Good luck there and come back safe and sound. :wave:
Best of luck in basic. :D One of my friends is in the Canadian Army, so I have heard stories of his experiences in basic and from his deployment overseas. :eek: Just last year he returned safe and sound from Afghanistan. :)
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Thank you for your service Bloomie!!! Good luck and best regards sir :beer:
Good luck and take care...stay safe, no matter where you are..... or what you're doing.
I know I've been busting your chops a bit...:eg:

But in all sincerity...good luck with your Basic Training..
and concentrate on what's ahead..:beer:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Good luck, young man. Make us proud. Have fun and don't hurt yourself.
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