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Is it wrong/dangerous for the guy to have done this?

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Jan 12, 2010
I was just watching Comedy Central's "Larry the Cable Guy's Tailgate Party" and as it was almost over and he was saying his closing words, I noticed a bit of Green on him... so naturally I rewinded it and replayed it frame-by-frame (I have DVR) and it is definetely a Green Laser. I'll have a pic/video up shortly (I have the show recorded) but you guys can just watch it on YouTube and try to find it yourself. It is a fairly quick moment (easily noticable to a laser-enthusiast in my opinion...) as he is about to go off stage as he's saying "I love you all" and stuff like that. Once again I'll try to post a pic/video shortly but I'm having some camera troubles. Also from the size of the dot, it looks like the laser has either terrible divergence or was shot from quite a distance. It looks like it might have gotten in his eye a little but nothing serious-looking (once again it was quite diverged) but it seems like he noticed it. THen again, what are the chances of that one little part being in the final edit of the show? And with such good camera zoom? lol maybe the editors included it on purpose! :na:
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Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

That's funny. Can't wait to see the pic.
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I can't wait to see the video. But all in all, I think it was a stupid move.
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

That's funny. Can't wait to see the pic.

No THATS not funny and I hope the catch who did it and give him a flogging. This behavior is ammo for the anti-laser bashers and rightfully so.

not to be disrepectful scotty whats is so funny about a person without any warning getting a eyeful of 532nm anyway?

EDIT: this thread belongs if at all in the poll section also, thanks
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Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I am not sure that this incident does anything to benefit laser hobbyists. Rather, it presents as yet another example to opponents of laser legality as to why they should be outlawed in the first place.

I do not approve.

This sums up my thoughts pretty well...
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I see a member who has been here a while voted on cooking of the eyes:tsk::wtf:
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I was just watching Comedy Central's "Larry the Cable Guy's Tailgate Party" and as it was almost over and he was saying his closing words, I noticed a bit of Green on him... so naturally I rewinded it and replayed it frame-by-frame (I have DVR) and it is definetely a Green Laser. I'll have a pic/video up shortly (I have the show recorded) but you guys can just watch it on YouTube and try to find it yourself. It is a fairly quick moment (easily noticable to a laser-enthusiast in my opinion...) as he is about to go off stage as he's saying "I love you all" and stuff like that. Once again I'll try to post a pic/video shortly but I'm having some camera troubles. Also from the size of the dot, it looks like the laser has either terrible divergence or was shot from quite a distance. It looks like it might have gotten in his eye a little but nothing serious-looking (once again it was quite diverged) but it seems like he noticed it. THen again, what are the chances of that one little part being in the final edit of the show? And with such good camera zoom? lol maybe the editors included it on purpose!n:na:

So where is the YouTube link or video...:thinking:
I'd rather see it for myself before voting...

Something similar was posted on another Forum....
and it was more likely to be a green auto-focus light used on
some new digital cameras...

Pricks with Laser Pointers Again

Like I said... I would need to see the Video first...

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Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I am not sure that this incident does anything to benefit laser hobbyists. Rather, it presents as yet another example to opponents of laser legality as to why they should be outlawed in the first place.

I do not approve.

Well said:D
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I'm tired of stupid people, they will restrict the buying, selling, and import of all lasers. If these idiots aren't made aware soon, we'll be the next Australia... BTW, I giggled at the "sizzle the eyes out" option, cuz he got annoying a month after his first show, but I'd never do that honestly.
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I lived in Orlando during 1993-1994, the man was on the radio daily.... He's annoyingly funny in a redneck kind of way.

But how many times do you need to hear "git er done" before you want to silence him?

I read Jerry's post, and he has a point, some new digital cameras project light on the subject just before taking the picture. I have only seen red so far, but I'm sure there are green ones out there.
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

No THATS not funny and I hope the catch who did it and give him a flogging. This behavior is ammo for the anti-laser bashers and rightfully so.

not to be disrepectful scotty whats is so funny about a person without any warning getting a eyeful of 532nm anyway?

EDIT: this thread belongs if at all in the poll section also, thanks
Well he didn't say it was in his eye and plus it's funny cause he is famous. I watched a video where Kiss got on to a guy for a laser and it wad pretty funny.

I don't aprove of it at all and I wouldn't do it either but you can't help what has already been done. I think Larry would of been nice about cause he is a comedian.
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

Need link.

There are several things (non-laser) that could cause a green "dot" on a performer on stage.

@ Photon' -- Apparently lots of people like to hear "Git 'er done" lots of times ;)

Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

I'd also like to see the video. Was he getting all upset about it? or did he not even notice it?
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

@ Photon' -- Apparently lots of people like to hear "Git 'er done" lots of times ;)

Not me. Granted, he does have some funny jokes, however, I do think that over 50% of his jokes/stories are very stupid and immature.
Re: Larry the Cable Guy LASERED ON LIVE TV

Well you guys do know he doesn't really sound like that. He's just a normal dude.
I'll try to post a video up soon... and upon further inspection of the video, I realized that it wasn't really a laser... just kidding it was definitely a laser, but I now noticed that it was shone on him multiple times throughout the show (at different times). Once again, this is the TV EDIT, and was shot with professional cameras. I am 100% sure it was a laser and will try to have some pics/videos up as soon as I can fix my camera issues... otherwise I'll probably just use my phone. And it didn't look like it bothered him, but he probably did notice something when it got in his eye (towards the end).
