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FrozenGate by Avery

New profile posts

Hey I moved the posts containing arguments into a new thread in the fightclub but upon doing so I think the software removed your sale thread. Can you confirm if it was deleted or not? I don't remember what thread it was? I cannot see it in the list at all.
Thanks for doing that. I’m going to stick to laser topics from now on. I know I had my involvement in stirring up GSS, but I never insulted his builds or plastic phaser lasers.

However, I am just going to ignore him from now on, the dude has issues and it’s beyond pointless to argue with him. He trash talks my builds, then uses other people’s builds in an attempt to compare..
My current collection:

Left to right: Two UV LED pens, 365 and 395nm, JLasers 700mW 520, and 1.6W 450, Sanwu Pocket 488, Z-Bolt 5mW 650, eBay 593.5, Tinkertavern 561, LaserGlow Gold Lyra 532, two Tinkertavern 488s 75mW, and 20mW, and last on the right is a 5mW 450 from Z-Bolt.

Your collection is awesome!
I think that the Jlasers pointer look great, yesterday I ordered mine and I will probably have to wait many weeks until I receive mine.

For how long did you wait to receive the Jlasers?
Hey Alaskan
Apologies fren but you have the wrong man. With that said, I am just starting to get into cnc lasers/modules and I have noticed your posts in several threads I have viewed and you seem to be one who knows his stuff. Could you direct me to any especially informative threads or lazer reading in general? I would sincerely appreciate it.
Hi there. bought your diode press full set.. for some reason quite sometime ago it got send back due to 1 dollar duty fee (that family didnt pay)

Can i pay for a reshipment.. its been half a year now sadly :( no response
Your profile is full of spam. Are you a host for spammers or are you a legit member?
I am a legit member, have not logged on in about 10 years though. Im only now seeing all the spam here...
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
Thanks for clarifying. We get so many accounts that get hacked with spammers so was just checking. Oh and welcome back
You need to be on Discord, I will message you Saturday.
I am on Discord Red, i'm thinking you didn't connect my 2 usernames..
Did you ever contact Avery with all the bull going on with the banning by are good friend UNown:whistle:
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
GSS you are on thin ice. The only bull going on is your attitude. You got banned for continuing the drama and making false accusations towards me. What did you think was going to happen? Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Post your apology either here or in a new thread and you will be allowed to stay
Sorry for any misunderstanding, I only have the wellbeing of the forum at heart.
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
I know and that's great that you are here to do that. Let's work together not against each other. We have a new section for bickering and venting now. Give it a look. You can make a thread pretty much about anything that you normally couldn't. Nothing illegal though. Peace man
