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FrozenGate by Avery

New profile posts

Ordered the Red guardian 1.2 Watt green laser and feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Cannot wait to see it at night and hope it is brighter than my 3 watt Blue
Kecked please join my discord.
I’m gone at least for awhile I’m tired of this. I try to help and get shit on. I’ll be back but not right now
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
My discord group may be small but we have good members. Stuff like that isn't allowed. I understand though. It can be frustrating at times. take care
Hi ya'll! I am a retired electronic engineer who has been fascinated with lasers since my high school days back in the 60's. In my career life, I worked with NdYag lasers, nightvision (FLIR) equipment and such, so thought this might be a good time to pick up yet another hobby;)
question for the mods
if i ignore a member can they still 'PM' me ? (it was harassment)

and why do
some get their panties in a bunch over our sigs?
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
Who pmed you with this "harassment"? Maybe someone who got tired of you harassing them about intro posts and location? And are you seriously complaining to the mods about people not liking sigs?
Hey, I trying add a laser diode and a LED light to a toy phaser pistol, but I have no idea how to do it. Any advice, or videos, or a circuit diagram?

Acer 22" Monitor maintenance​

I see that this was posted on 2010, but I hope you will reply,
I see there are TWO connection to LCD panel, see attached file.
What type (name??) of connection is that? I only know about either 30 or 40 pin connectors on laptop LCD panels.
Sorry I can't seem to insert a picture here, but I attached photo file on the thread.
All is well, thanks for asking... Been a bit of that cold, white and wet stuff around, it’s been a mess...
Trying to stay safe and out of trouble... You?
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Reactions: ArcticDude
Everything's cool here hehheh
Here's some Kryptonite for you ;)

No thank you! Heeee :)

welcome from Lake Jackson.

There WILL be (when we can) a laser meet (or LEM) near you. When you make your intro put DFW in the title and you will get some nice 'greets' from members in TEXAS-- I have met most (at TEXLEM and SELEM) These gatherings are super-- most say when they end--'I wish it lasted a few more days'. Do a search to see LEM vids etc (SELEM Laser)--- hope to meet you soon....Len
You don't need to post a welcome thread or give out personal information. It is not a requirement nor does anyone else expect you to
