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FrozenGate by Avery

Your IQ?

Your IQ?

  • 121+

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • 111-120

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 101-110

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • 91-100

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • 80-90

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 79-

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
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Quite the distribution we have here so far...maybe there's a bit of a selection bias when it comes to polling a laser pointer forum? ;)

And guys, of course these online IQ tests are generally malarkey (not because I scored low, I got 124+, though I'm not tellin' exactly what I got :p). They're malarkey because to measure anything close to a real IQ takes a heck of a lot more than 5 minutes, some picture patterns, and some random trivia knowledge.

But these things are just for fun anyway, right? And isn't that what it's all about (excluding the hokey pokey, naturally, because we all know that's really what it's all about)?

Just spent 5-10 minutes on the iqtests.dk one, answered the first 20 or so questions and scored 103, having not attempted any of the others (other stuff to do, I'm lazy ;) ).

Remember that they want to sell you a profile, and supposedly in the future also want to sell you improvements in your score after their "training", so from a cynical perspective, I'd take the results with a pinch of salt.
yup, getting close to 100 is easy, the hard part is to get more than that.

Again, this test is not fair, use the one on iqtest.dk for almost real questions.

Remember, this as all the other test measure logical hability, which as a general rule is very close to the IQ. There's no way to measure the real thing, just to estimate it ;)
I got 120 on the first test, but I always thought that IQ tests were pretty bogus(In high school, depending on the test I took, i got 82-149). Also, i accidentally said K2 was the highest instead of Everest, because I didn't notice Everest before I clicked :(
I got 120 on the first test, but I always thought that IQ tests were pretty bogus(In high school, depending on the test I took, i got 82-149). Also, i accidentally said K2 was the highest instead of Everest, because I didn't notice Everest before I clicked :(
Sounds more like Trivial Pursuit than an IQ test.
Trivia has nothing to do with a persons problem solving abilities... that test is bogus

The one Albert posted is much more like the ones I was given in school. I'm very good at noticing patterns, and problem solving hence the high score... Which I believe is an irrelevant piece of information on this forum. I would like to think we are all intelligent in our own ways ;)
you have to have an equal amount of "common" sense to balance out your intelligence. It doesn't matter if you're a mechanical engineer, if you don't know how to change a flat tire, you're on foot pal.

I simply can't consider someone intelligent without at least a decent level common sense. Without common sense you just have luck keeping you from getting your ass killed in a bad situation.

Holders of degrees often have proved only that they paid an institution to teach them what the institution decided they should know, and have a piece of paper to prove it. I've known many with no common sense and obviously low to average IQ.

A family friend has multiple degrees & ~145 IQ but has made what many would see as truly stupid decisions both financial & otherwise. :banghead:
Another friend has possibly a below average IQ but tons of common sense & has done very well in life.
My mom was tested back in school & scored 147 but they neglected to tell her what the average was. :wtf:
Comparing herself to her parents (who of course had the added wisdom of age as well) she believed she was just average & that many where smarter. Doh.
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Simon, the result you got was meaningless. As posted above, I tried inputting random answer and each time got a higher score than you. I somehow doubt that a monkey pressing random answer would have a higher IQ score than you on any real test. Try taking the test Hallucynogenyc posted, that is from a Danish website (but available in several languages) and has given much more believable answers.


lawl I tried that other test and it gave me the EXACT same number. (94) So as of now I am still the worst on LPF, although I am not really sure what this means I am supposed to be worse at assuming it is correct. :eek:
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lawl I tried that other test and it gave me the EXACT same number. (94) So as of now I am still the worst on LPF, although I am not really sure what this means I am supposed to be worse at assuming it is correct. :eek:
You presume Your the worst on all of LPF? How arrogant. :mad: (ignores the "as of now" part)
I will have you know I have been reading LPF for months & you sir are far from the worst here.

I'm still screaming at the square peg for not fitting in the round hole.
See this is where creativity comes in, did you try a hacksaw? I thought the point was to get all the pegs through all the holes. Of course now I have 3 times as many pegs.
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as a side note, there is no IQ test that can measure substantial components of intellect, such as creativity, as well as empathy with other humans. (i.e. the ability to understand through nonverbal cues what the people around you are feeling. i.e. reading body language etc) There are many components of intellect that are impossible to measure with any standardized test. How do you test for creativity for instance? Especially when any artist can have a temporary case of artists block, which would skew the results a bit..... How do you measure the ability to get your ideas put into motion and actually realized? However few people deny that the great historical artists were geniuses, based on the creativity in their designs, as well as the ability to get those designs out of their heads and onto paper, into stone, into words, or whatever form of art they were specializing in......
I have met geniuses who could hardly tie a shoe, and one of the wisest men I ever used to visit with was a homeless vagabond in Orlando, I spent every morning out front of my office with him.

He was a trucker, lived in his sleeper cab, missed a few payments and the bank took his truck.

The things he said to me were priceless.

My favorite.

"humanity is like a flower garden, ugly and beautiful all at once, some flowers have thorns, some smell nice, many different colors... If we were all daisies, the world would be boring"

I always brought him a fresh cup of coffee and soup at lunch, he always waited on the bench.
I got 137, I would post a screenshot but my fraps isn't working properly. I will tomorrow, I'm going to bed.
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Updated the first post with Hallucynogenyc's test, it looks more professional :)
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