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X-Boost V7 Mini & Super Mini (8mmx11.5mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

May 25, 2010
Hey All,

"The Super Mini"

Comes in at: 8mm x 11.5mm.:evil:




I think the dime is to big for an Example so lets use a Focus adapter ring to help you picture how small it really is.

'The Mini'

"X-Boost V7"

Just wanted to show this latest Boost Drive that i made.:)

Most of you guys have all seen my X-Boost. Its nothing New.

Here is a slightly different version using a Different chip and design in order to get it smaller.

It is pot ADJ and can boost up to 1.8A for 445nm down to 3.6v-3.7v off 1 single driver.:D No need to dual. As well as run 12x diode, Single Mode Blues etc....

The Pot is a Nice and Beefy. Very forgiven. In other words its easy to set and no need to search for a tiny screw driver.:whistle:

But there is also another cool thing about this driver. The Pot can also be Removed or not put in place and now the laser Driver becomes Fixed for those that hate pots and would rather have a fixed driver and there is no need for any extra modification. Just as simple as that. "I dont really care for Pots"

The Driver was designed simple for Size. Get it as small as possible.

Right now As you can see below its very small. 10mm x 12mm which puts it 1mm larger then the Flex drive/Micro Boost to give you a prospective. It will be getting even smaller then this just need some more time to play with it but for now iam pretty happy with it.:)

It can fit in most of the hosts out there that you would use such a driver for and fit in the back half of an Aixiz Module.

Here is a quick list of the Spec's.....


Name: Mini X-Boost VS7
Kind: Boost
Input Voltage: 2.7v-6.5v
Currant Range: 100mA - 1.8A
Currant Setting: Pot Adjustable
Over Heat Protection: On
Size: 10mm x 12mm

Here are a few pictures that i took........

Right now these drivers are hard to make due to the Chip they use. Its very time consuming to do it by hand and very hard to re-flow. You end up doing alot of re-work with these chips.

Unfortunately iam not set up at the moment to sell these right now one by one. I have been talking with a Few that are willing to buy them in bulk. So we see how it goes.:)

I will be making a video shortly so you can see it in action.:cool:

Iam very Proud of this driver and its size.:wave:

With a few more tweaks it will be perfect to how imagined it.:beer:

:thanks: For Looking.!!!
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Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Wow awesome!
That's a lot of tech packed into a small package. Definitely will be very popular.

Thank you for your contribution to the LPF community!

Cheers! :beer:
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

That's a very nice device you've built. Congrats! :beer:

Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

1.8amp boost :drool:
Very nice work!
(ik this is early for this question, but any idea on reseller price yet?)
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Looks awesome! Great job on the size too, I think you have the smallest driver that can do 1.8A :D

Those DFNs really suck. I would go crazy if I tried to make a large batch of drivers with those chips. :banghead:
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Hey thanks guys.:) GLad you like it. It was was a fun long project to do.

Nothing beats looking at your finished board when your done.

Looks awesome! Great job on the size too, I think you have the smallest driver that can do 1.8A :D

Those DFNs really suck. I would go crazy if I tried to make a large batch of drivers with those chips. :banghead:

Thanks Buddy.:D

Oh tell me about it. I hate them. They never re flow right in the over and hot air seems to be the best and only way because you can move them around. Even then by the time you do 1 driver alot of time has passed. Must think of a faster method.:thinking:

Iam already crazy. These have made me go NUTS.!.:crackup: j/k
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Wow they look great :beer: 1.8Amps from something so tiny, best thing is the pot :D
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

This was going to where I said I could just kiss you, but the geeks in this forum wouldn't get that.:na:
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

After using your X-Drive Buck drivers, I have a really good feeling that these X-
Boost drivers will be very stable drivers as well! :cool:

Great range of adjustment, nice small size, awesome!

Can't wait to try some out! :beer:
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Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Wowee, this looks splendid! :beer:

EDIT: Does it have reverse polarity protection? And is the negative terminal continuous?
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Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Oh tell me about it. I hate them. They never re flow right in the over and hot air seems to be the best and only way because you can move them around. Even then by the time you do 1 driver alot of time has passed. Must think of a faster method.:thinking:
Perhaps try a batch on a hotplate? :thinking:
Reflow the DFNs on the hotplate & do the other side in a toaster. Epoxy the little monster if it tends to move during 2nd reflow.
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Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

That mini boost drive looks great!
Count me in for some for sure!
Lazeerer you're always coming up with something bad ass man ;)
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Wow ! :) 1.8 amps for a boost driver is great ! :)
Re: X-Boost V7 Mini (10mmx12mm) 1.8A Laser Driver

Awesome sign me up :) do u have a price in mind ?
