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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: Mid-2W 445nm hand held

PM sent. I can build you one. I was actually already thinking of a 2.5W and eyeing this one beautiful host for a while. I'm sure you'll love what I'm going to offer.

It won't be in a huge host though I'm not really into those; it's compact, but it will have great heatsinking.
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PM sent. I can build you one. I was actually already thinking of a 2.5W and eyeing this one beautiful host for a while. I'm sure you'll love what I'm going to offer.

It won't be in a huge host though I'm not really into those; it's compact, but it will have great heatsinking.

Where are you going to get a diode that you know can do 2.5W? Do you harvest diodes and bin them for efficiency etc? :thinking:
For the ants, take a look at these: Celaflor Ameisen-Köder, 2er: Amazon.de: Garten

They take the white (not harmful stuff for us!) inside and carry it into their colony. The eat that then and die. Had problems with ants twice, after absorbing them with a hoover, I saw that I can´t get them all cause they were hiding behind my skirting boards.
Try out the product I linked you above.

For the laser, go with one made by lazeerer, he is doing awesome stuff, has a lot of equipment and very good build skillings.
For example: http://laserpointerforums.com/f63/kryton-smooth-polished-angelos-top-guy-72588.html#post1045281)

You should write him a PM. If your budget is right, you can get the best lasers (high efficient diodes, top heatsinked hosts) from him around.
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I have provided a laser goggle with the laser. That is much what I can do about safety.
From the sound of it, they stayed in the box... or, at the very least, his 'driver' didn't have any glasses... I know it has nothing to do with you, I just thought it was funny.

/highjack over
