I Just did a couple Power readings and Measurements of this lens that Came out of the "Pan" Projector.
Here are some Photos and Videos of my results.
The Power Test Videos:
I Compared this "Pan" Lens to a G2 lens in both these videos.
Here is a Power Reading using a Mitsu 500mW P73 638nm diode:
Here is the Power Reading using a 9mm 445nm diode(For some reason it wont let me Post more then 1 video at a time so here is the link):
There seems to be a Slight power difference between The "Pan" Lens and the G2 lens. I have not yet dont a Cut out module setup to see if this power difference is due to a Clipped beam or some other factor. But I believe its not being Clipped. The Focal length seems to be somewhere ~7mm. Ill get you guys the exact number when i make the cut out module this weekend.
Here are also some Pictures I took at 22 feet of the Dot Comparison. Sorry its a little difficult to see the numbers on the 445nm shots. It was very difficult to show it without washing out the camera picture.
First up is the 500mW Mitsu 638nm P73 diode with the "Pan" Lens:
(22 Feet Distance/ 38.69mm Dot "-" Size)
Dropped My Calipers during theses Pictures.

Cracked the Glass on the display.Errr
Now with the G2 lens:
(22 Feet Distance/ 66.95mm Dot "-" Size)
Here are the Picture with the 9mm 445nm diode.
First up is the 9mm 445nm diode with the "Pan" Lens:
(22 Feet Distance/ 17.15mm Dot "-" Size)
With G2 lens Now:
(22 Feet Distance/ 28.41mm Dot "-" Size)
Here is a Picture how i mounted the lens. Basically i Machined the Lens nut out on the inside IIRC 7.6mm which allowed a perfect lip for the Crown of the lens to sit on. I used a Little Thermal Adhesive to hold the lens in place and then centered it and let it set for 12 hours. It mounted perfectly. The Module i used where the longer copper modules that DTR has and the lens fits in there perfect.

With the Stander size Modules the problem is not the Diameter of the lens as that will fit, but the problem is the depth due to the way i mounted it the module has to be longer since the threads dont start till the lens is already past focus. Iam not sure if its possible to machine a lens nut for this lens to fit in a stander size 12mm module.
Here are a couple photos of the lens coating and shape: