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What do you do with lasers

Jan 13, 2015
I understand from reading these forms that lasers can be very dangerous . you need to wear eye protection and when wearing eye protection you cant even see the laser beam. what do you do with lasers that is so fun ?

I only ever use goggles when experimenting with lasers or burning things. Other than that I use low powered lasers inside and high powered lasers outside. You also need to have a some knowledge about possible mistakes you could make. Like having a laser roll off a table and then hit you in the eye for example.

For me the beam is where the fun is. The lower the divergence, and the tighter the beam, the more I enjoy the laser.
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I personally enjoy taking long exposure photos of my 1w blue. Laser beams are just cool to look at. I also enjoy showing it off to friends who have never seen a laser over 5mW. It's fun to see their reactions. I remember using the laser once on the 4th of July on the beach very briefly (due to the huge crowd around me). Because it was so dark and so much mist from the ocean in the air, their was like a half mile radius of people going, "Woahhh, what's that?!" The beam was crazy bright. Again, I only used it very briefly due to the large crowd and possibility of getting it confiscated or accidentally hurting someone. Honestly, I think that was a bad idea of mine to bring a laser to such a populated area so I probably won't do that again. So for me, I like using lasers as a small side hobby and for "showing off". Some more serious hobbyists on this forum probably have better uses for em but that is what I use my laser for.

Though, I've been taking a whole lot less laser pictures lately cause I switched to spending hundreds on music and personal audio equipment as my main hobby instead. Btw, If you haven't already seen some laser pictures by Brucemir, you should look em up. He is the ultra laser picture taker dude.

P.s. (off topic) Beats by Dre are like Ferrari wouldn't you agree?
They look good like a Ferrari, they sound awesome like a Ferrari, and they are hideously overpriced because of the name, just like Ferrari.
Also look at this article by Time mag: Best Headphones: 18 Brands Ranked from Worst to First
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I understand from reading these forms that lasers can be very dangerous . you need to wear eye protection and when wearing eye protection you cant even see the laser beam. what do you do with lasers that is so fun ?

Oh that is easy. You light a match, Its fun, and safer than having the match so close to your finger. And you can set a fire in a emergency. You can, blind a evil burglar. And your can cut rubber, pop balloons and cut electrical tape and more.
Oh that is easy. You light a match, Its fun, and safer than having the match so close to your finger. And you can set a fire in a emergency. You can, blind a evil burglar. And your can cut rubber, pop balloons and cut electrical tape and more.
Lol, if you want to blind someone you have to get a weapon permit. You can get arrested even if the burgler is trying to kill you.
Lol, if you want to blind someone you have to get a weapon permit. You can get arrested even if the burgler is trying to kill you.
No, you can't get any kind of permit to legally blind someone.

I truly fear for the future of our hobby.

Well you can burn the hair on a Gnats butt. Kidding WL are all different in color that our eyes see. Change the WL and the color will shift . There are more scientific things to do with them then just burning stuff .
No, you can't get any kind of permit to legally blind someone.

I truly fear for the future of our hobby.


What are you talking about? I fear for the future of all of us!

I have a real use for one of my lasers, and that is to provide a visual indication of the particulate silver content in a silver solution that starts out as distilled water. My other lasers are just for fun at the present time.

Sounds like a question all my female relatives would ask. Unlike male relatives, who just say "whoa cool". I like the pretty colours, and setting stuff on fire with light. Something primal yet futuristic about it.
When I was a kid, I always loved those big searchlights that were used to attract attention to a new car dealership, grand openings, Hollywood premiers, etc.
Never dreamed as an adult I could replicate those with my very own lasers.
I think the different colored beams are beautiful.
I feel like James Bond after Q gives him some new equipment.
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wow just wow at some of these comments :gun: :wtf: :crackup:
We cannot really explain our passion....nor do we have to !! it just is a very real tangable emotion and fascination with Coherent Light....Perhaps it is the pure color....or the straightest geometry possible with beam propagation....here on Earth.

Perhaps it is the technical challenge of the build process.....which demands many displines.

Bottom line...It just exists !!! And this community truly supports safety and all legal considerations.

As a group, when we display our lasers...we should and do have the maximum amount of empathy for our neighbors and any fellow human sharing space with us at this time in history.

To those who may be lucky enough to share our passion ... I say with complete commitment...thank God for the gifts he has given us !! The world is a fascinating place....and many of us have a real appreciation of the scientific wonders we have been so fortunate to see !!

The medical/industrial/electronic/communication fields uses of Lasers in thousands of applications....so, our technical society surly uses and depends on them. Stick around...and catch the bug !!
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I just want to build a 5 inch laser that can shoot beams up into space and goes on forever. Including a solid beam and modes to switch (cutting glass mode, safemode, destroy mode, extreme visibility mode). If safemode is turned on, it will do nothing if you point it in your own eye also gives a power equal to 1000W 520nm laser. If cutting mode is on, you can cut through anything instantly(cuts diamonds and super hard minerals). Destroy mode is when you point it at anything, it goes on as a laser gun that shoots infinite beams that blow up when impact of a surface. Lastly VISIBILITY MODE is the beam is a solid BEAM that shoots strait up and goes on forever making it equal to 10,000W OF GREEN 520nM POWER!! Id make sure I save enough money to invent one!!!!
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My interest is solely in building a laser which has a visible beam in the night sky for the furthest distance I can afford to build before it expands so much the beam cannot be seen.
