I am talking about people who HAVE DEALT WITH HIM BEFORE!
I personally don't care what people think of him, thats their opinion. People here are good at jumping on the bagwagon and just going with what other people say, but people dont have the right to bash him if they havent dealt with him. If you think he's a scammer, sure, think that way and dont buy from him, simple.
I have bought lasers from BlueFusion, it has been a while, but I am not stressing, I know I will get them in the long run.
I have been sitting in laserchat for around 3 years now, I have seen many, many people walk in and start complaining about BF in the middle of a conversation. I am just giving people the hint that no one in the room really cares what you think of him, and if you have problems with him, to PM him directly, we have better things to talk about.
Not sure about you, but there are a few people here that think you have been negative lately, and going by your rep page (Yes, I have bad reps too, but I have earnt myself enough of a reputation to have 1005 rep points over the last 3 years or so on LPF)
People can do their own research. There's a thread about BlueFusion already, if people want to buy from him, they can use that little box up the top with "Search" in it, and they'll have all the info they'll ever need, we (and other laserists) in #laserchat dont need people interrupting conversations with people crying over how BlueFusion has ripped their friend off (This happened just the other day).
If anyone wants to discuss this more with me please PM me, but this thread doesnt need to go any further off track