Re: UPDATED,THE'RE HEERREEE!!!>(*u*)<A better ILDA projector deal than the REKE 500
Okay, So I decided to power mine up and get familiar with it. It is NOT broken! YAY! I can always trust DHL to bang my packages up really bad though. So after inital powerup it was amazing! I'm 100% happy with mine and all of the preloaded stuff thats in it! It will be nice when I can get a serial cable so I can mess around with ********* a bit.
Color mix on mine is a bit off. I really don't see white. I see blue.
Now, it's worth mentioning that the alignment on mine is "close" but after about 5' you can really start to tell that my alignment is off. My green and red seem to be off JUST a tad. I'm not sure I can move them horizontally though? I have not looked under the base plate. My blue seems to be alligned perfectly with red and green but my blue and green mix are good but it seems my red is lacking

. May just be because of the alignment though.
Now another few things that were worth mentioning. 2 of my dichros had finger prints on them. Nothing major. I suggest you guys clean yours. After I cleaned mine the colors looked alot more sharp! (No I didn't knock my green/red out of alignment!)
Lastly could you guys let me know if all the fans work on your lasers? The red and blue are both running but my green's fan doesnt seem to move at all. It might be dead? IDK.
The good!
Very bright beams! I have this running in a dimly lit room and I can see the beams perfectly! It's amazing!
The patterns are awesome!
The unit is very quiet! I can only hear the fan in the back running.
Very solid and sturdy! For something made in china this sure is a solid laser.
Out of all honesty if i had to give it a rating from 1-5 I'd say its a 4/5. There are some VERRRRRY minor things that I mentioned above but some were/may caused by DHL.
for 510$ shipped this is a very nice unit! I LOVE it!