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Trump Trial

A beltway insider with an ( R ) in front of their name that the deep state can easily manipulate...... I'm sure that's what they want.

What you call the "deep state" is just career people in government that aren't corrupt like Donald Trump.

When I heard about Trump on the radio earlier today I knew that Paul was going be happy lol. Trump will be fine though. If the election was stolen (which I believe is a total possibility) it will probably be stolen again.
When I heard about Trump on the radio earlier today I knew that Paul was going be happy lol. Trump will be fine though. If the election was stolen (which I believe is a total possibility) it will probably be stolen again.

One needs faith in our democracy in order for it to flourish. Hillary Clinton didn't say the election was stolen from her. Only Trump has pushed that...along with Putin and Xi.
Of course the 2020 election was stolen. Hillary and the DNC stole it from Bernie!

<ducking for cover. LOL>
Just moved some of the posts from the Iran war thread into this one. Going to try and keep this a bit organized or we'll end up with 5 threads all about Donald Trump lol.
Just moved some of the posts from the Iran war thread into this one. Going to try and keep this a bit organized or we'll end up with 5 threads all about Donald Trump lol.
Works for me. You can put all of them in one place if you like.
I got rid of the politics thread just for this but the fightclub was the owners idea. Unfortunately despite posting rules about not attacking each other some certain members keep resorting to personal attacks and name calling. I was letting it slide but now that you came out and shared your frustrations I'm tempted to step in.
I have to read all of this crap because I need to make sure that nothing illegal is going on. I don't have to but I like to do my job. I'm going to talk to the owner and see if we can have a setting to block this subforum if one so chooses to do so.
I'm sorry you had to come back to these certain conditions but alot has changed.
Should get rid of this Thread as well...
Religion and Politics will always start an Argument and Conflict....

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The Washington Post has a fact check on Trump's claims that Biden had anything to do with this trial and that Merchan is corrupt. This was brought by the NY DA, not Biden and an ethics committee found Merchan acted in a fair manner. Trump also complains that Smith, their federal election expert wasn't able to testify, but that was the defenses call. The prosecution would have called their expert and it would not have benefited the defense. It earned Trump 4 Pinocchios.
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Actually, much of that may be because of billionaire donors.

As usual your speculation is dead wrong.

People don't like a legal system where anyone can be found guilty of anything and it's driving business out of NY because they don't feel safe there anymore.

Small donations are flooding in, people who don't normally donate and people with not much to spare are stepping up and supporting Trump...... This political lawfare against Trump has backfired. 😛😝😜🤪
