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Trump Trial

Sep 20, 2013
As usual your speculation is dead wrong.

Small donations are flooding in, people who don't normally donate and people with not much to spare are stepping up and supporting Trump...... This political lawfare against Trump has backfired. 😛😝😜🤪

You seem to have forgotten Trump is a convicted felon and he is still under a gag order which he violates all the time. Not a good look for his upcoming sentencing. Yes, Trump does have his MAGA base. But, he'll need much more than that to get elected
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Jul 10, 2015
That was the entire point of this kangaroo court trial, giving Trump a label that people like you could repeat to attempt to sully his name, but voters see through it, people can read the 43 charges and see that they created something out of nothing and it makes people feel insecure about our legal system, it makes people feel unsafe as it should.

Let the judge who should have recused himself throw the book at Trump, actually I hope he does..... but he won't, because they have already created a monster and I trust Trump will continue to exercise his Freedom of speech, corrupt judge be damned.
Sep 20, 2013
That was the entire point of this kangaroo court trial, giving Trump a label that people like you could repeat to attempt to sully his name, but voters see through it, people can read the 43 charges and see that they created something out of nothing and it makes people feel insecure about our legal system, it makes people feel unsafe as it should.

Let the judge who should have recused himself throw the book at Trump, actually I hope he does..... but he won't, because they have already created a monster and I trust Trump will continue to exercise his Freedom of speech, corrupt judge be damned.

As I have said, you MAGA Republicans are Trump's base. He will need much more than that to get elected.
Sep 20, 2013
Like the throngs of small donors who are flooding Trumps campaign site for the 1st time ever.

Where did you get that from? Trump? There may be a few that never supported Trump before, but hardly enough to elect him
Sep 20, 2013
Reports are everywhere, here's one.


The Biden admin has failed at about everything and the cost of everything keeps going up, meanwhile the Biden admin is arming Ukraine with long range weapons systems and Putin is not happy, I don't want a nuclear war and I don't want Biden getting everyone I love killed.

Yes, but just because they are new donors that doesn't mean they weren't already part of his base. My ability to predict has been better than yours and I predict Trump will lose. It is actually embarrassing that you would even run a convict. Biden has done a great job and he will be reelected. ;)
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Jul 10, 2015
You predicted 1 stolen election, I predicted 1 election...... that's 1 to 1 ....... your math skills are lacking.

I understand this is about optics, the deep state is attempting to make it even look possible for Biden to win so they can steal another election..... well the cat is out of the bag, Trump is going to win big or be cheated big, either way people are not buying the BS.

Sep 20, 2013
You predicted 1 stolen election, I predicted 1 election...... that's 1 to 1 ....... your math skills are lacking.

I understand this is about optics, the deep state is attempting to make it even look possible for Biden to win so they can steal another election..... well the cat is out of the bag, Trump is going to win big or be cheated big, either way people are not buying the BS.

That's it. Every time Trump loses or costs the GOP in some way it was the "deep state" or was rigged. It's only fair when the convict wins.
Jul 10, 2015
I tell you what's not fair, ignoring our Constitution and our Constitutional rights..... or picking and choosing which rights can apply.
I am a conservative Republican, yet I acknowledge a woman's right to be in control of medical decisions regarding her own body, that is to keep or kill her unborn child while it is inside her body...... why can't you accept my Constitutional right to carry a gun ? Or Trumps right to speak his mind ?

Don't tell me BS stats that include suicide because they are irrelevant, we are talking about the first two rights in our Bill of Rights, Freedom of speech and our Right to keep and bear arms, they are absolute rights paid for in blood. Yet you woke progressives want what you want, it's only fair when you get what you want.
Sep 20, 2013
I tell you what's not fair, ignoring our Constitution and our Constitutional rights..... or picking and choosing which rights can apply.
I am a conservative Republican, yet I acknowledge a woman's right to be in control of medical decisions regarding her own body, that is to keep or kill her unborn child while it is inside her body...... why can't you accept my Constitutional right to carry a gun ?

First of all it is a packed conservative court that says you have that right. I personally don't care if you carry a gun...as long as it isn't around me.
Jul 10, 2015
I will carry my gun where I please and you can go to hell if you don't like it, your feelings and inane fears do NOT supersede my Constitutional rights.

So if you don't want to be around me while I carry, they YOU go away from me, don't try to tell me my rights don't apply while I have to accept what you want that I don't like.

If R's and D's and all the rest would start with the common ground that ( Our Constitution is the master law by which all others are measured. ) which is where we come from, it's what made us who we are as Americans, then we could talk about the rest and compromise.

However you woke progressives don't really want to compromise now do you ?
You want to cheat and pretend your not cheating, you want to change the meanings of words to suit your moment then change them back when it suits you.

It's only fair when you get what you want.
Sep 20, 2013
I will carry my gun where I please and you can go to hell if you don't like it, your feelings and inane fears do NOT supersede my Constitutional rights.

So if you don't want to be around me while I carry, they YOU go away from me, don't try to tell me my rights don't apply while I have to accept what you want that I don't like.

If R's and D's and all the rest would start with the common ground that ( Our Constitution is the master law by which all others are measured. ) which is where we come from, it's what made us who we are as Americans, then we could talk about the rest and compromise.

However you woke progressives don't really want to compromise now do you ?
You want to cheat and pretend your not cheating, you want to change the meanings of words to suit your moment then change them back when it suits you.

It's only fair when you get what you want.

You MAGA Republicans are going through all the stages of grief except acceptance with Trump's conviction.
Sep 20, 2013
I rarely use it myself. Most of my use is my credit cards because I get rewards for using them.
Oct 18, 2013
Its never Trump's fault if things don't go in favor of Trump. Its *always* a stolen election, rigged jury, deep state, lizard people, aliens, or the Jews with their space lasers. Theres no convincing the MAGA crowd, they *cannot* accept being wrong about anything, there is always, always, some reason they didn't lose besides the obvious fact that Trump is a shitty conman.
