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Trump Trial

Sorry Jerry. It wasn't from me. I wouldn't have attacked you in that manner. I have no idea who it might have been. As far as covering this story, it is historic and no one has to watch it if you don't want to. Nobody forces you to come here and read anything.

The jury is in its second day of deliberations. The information they wanted does seem to be positive for the People as this was what they asked the jury to look at during their summation. They are eating lunch right now. Possibly deliberating while doing so.
I know it wasn't you Paul. Your saying so was good enough
for me. No need to be sorry for something you did not do.

I now know who it is....;)

[EDIT] BTW Paul good news for you... Trump just got convicted


I'm certain it will be appealed. If you are expecting an overturning of all convictions you will likely be disappointed. The New York SC is called the Court of Appeals. One needs a good reason to get it overturned and the judge in this ruled as often for the defense.

Besides, Trump has an awful track record in courts. He has lost all of his appeals so far.
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A good reason ? Judge Merchan clearly should have recused himself given his provable political bias and Cohen was the key witness..... a hostile witness known to perjure himself and the charges are the same 3 charges repeated over and over, also they are misdemeanors somehow turned into felonies. The jury pulled from an area that voted 95% Biden and at least 2 jurors admitted that had bias " said they hated Trump " the jury didn't even understand what the crime was supposed to be....... clearly a mistrial, a political sham corrupt mockery of justice and a political hit job.

Of the 34 judges of which 1 was supposed to be randomly chosen....Merchan wasn't one of them and Merchan donated to the progressive turnout project as well as Biden and he donated to an org named " Stop Trump " yet Merchan refused to recuse himself.

Merchan allowed false slanderous statements to be made than said " ignore that " ...... mistrial all day long.
A good reason ? Judge Merchan clearly should have recused himself given his provable political bias and Cohen was the key witness..... a hostile witness known to perjure himself and the charges are the same 3 charges repeated over and over, also they are misdemeanors somehow turned into felonies. The jury pulled from an area that voted 95% Biden and at least 2 jurors admitted that had bias " said they hated Trump " the jury didn't even understand what the crime was supposed to be....... clearly a mistrial, a political sham corrupt mockery of justice and a political hit job.

Of the 34 judges of which 1 was supposed to be randomly chosen....Merchan wasn't one of them and Merchan donated to the progressive turnout project as well as Biden and he donated to an org named " Stop Trump " yet Merchan refused to recuse himself.

Merchan allowed false slanderous statements to be made than said " ignore that " ...... mistrial all day long.

:LOL: Judge Merchan only donated $35 to a Democratic candidate and he asked a panel of Judges their opinions on this prior to taking this case. They all said there was nothing to keep him from ruling on this. Hell, there were people on the jury that got their news from FOX. Trump will need more than that to win an appeal.
Convictions or not, Trump will be re-elected and he can pardon himself, this kangaroo court drama is only helping Trump's numbers go higher.
Convictions or not, Trump will be re-elected and he can pardon himself, this kangaroo court drama is only helping Trump's numbers go higher.

:ROFLMAO: Give it some time. He was only convicted a few hours ago. Most people don't want a convicted felon in the White House, irrespective of your opinion. Only a NY state governor can pardon him.
True that State and Federal charges differ as per Presidential pardon powers, but Trumps support was so strong after this verdict it crashed the fundraising server.
People don't like this abuse/misuse of the court system, the concept that Trump somehow interfered with the 2016 election by mis-recording an NDA payment to a porn star is laughable..... and 34 felonies...... this doesn't sit well with anyone but people like you paul who are hypocrites.
True that State and Federal charges differ as per Presidential pardon powers, but Trumps support was so strong after this verdict it crashed the fundraising server.
People don't like this abuse/misuse of the court system, the concept that Trump somehow interfered with the 2016 election by mis-recording an NDA payment to a porn star is laughable..... and 34 felonies...... this doesn't sit well with anyone but people like you paul who are hypocrites.

It's true that website crashed, but what isn't certain is why. Too bad you didn't see the need to follow this as you wouldn't be so ignorant as to why he got convicted.
Just an update...
It is not Paul... I was sure it was not Paul. That's why I
asked him for confirmation and he said no it was not him.

I had my doubts who it was and just got confirmation
who the Sniveling Democrat Coward Child is...
I'll be Posting the proof tomorrow in the Veterans
Thread. This guy is still Butthurt... Poor Baby...:LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO:


Hey! I'm a registered Democrat. Are you SURE this guy is as well?
Bullshit !

You regurgitate the liberal media, don't pretend you know anything that I don't, I am aware of exactly how this was contrived and it's purpose, this is political lawfare intended to sully Trumps name and help Biden.
A beltway insider with an ( R ) in front of their name that the deep state can easily manipulate...... I'm sure that's what they want.

Same thing happened about two years ago.
Just an update...
It is not Paul... I was sure it was not Paul. That's why I
asked him for confirmation and he said no it was not him.

I had my doubts who it was and just got confirmation
who the Sniveling Democrat Coward Child is...
I'll be Posting the proof tomorrow in the Veterans
Thread. This guy is still Butthurt... Poor Baby...:LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO:

No from now on you will post anything related to arguing and confrontations in this subforum, the fightclub. Any arguments and fighting will be deleted elsewhere. Thank you.
What ever happened to safe spaces? Lmao. I thought LPF would remain apolitical but I know times are changing and it's all more divisive than ever.
I got rid of the politics thread just for this but the fightclub was the owners idea. Unfortunately despite posting rules about not attacking each other some certain members keep resorting to personal attacks and name calling. I was letting it slide but now that you came out and shared your frustrations I'm tempted to step in.
I have to read all of this crap because I need to make sure that nothing illegal is going on. I don't have to but I like to do my job. I'm going to talk to the owner and see if we can have a setting to block this subforum if one so chooses to do so.
I'm sorry you had to come back to these certain conditions but alot has changed.
