Re: **** True >200mW 532nm S-KY PGL-200 handheld l
Joenobody said:
[quote author=drlava link=1196846233/390#400 date=1205886781]Joe, it sounds like yours is having a connection issue. All of the lasers ran at about 1.4A-1.75A when tested and shipped, and all of them were able to achieve the specification of 220mW for at least 30 seconds during the testing period. In your photo the laser is producing over 220mW, which it would not be able to do on 300mA of current (it wouldn't even lase). Have a look at the tailcap interlock and see if there is conection trouble. Alternatively (what I'd reccommend), you can mail it back to me and I'll have a good look at it to see if it still meets the 200mW spec, and if not, arrange for a replacement.
For the IR filter, 30-50mW doesn't seem too dangerous when a 200mW+ beam is shooting out of the laser at the same time. Most quality green goggles also protect for the IR wavelengths involved. If yours don't it's something to be cautious of.
Hey Dr,
Don't take any of this personal. I seem to have an ability to p!$$ of some peopel when they don't know that I really am not mad, just trying to state facts as I see them, so just a heads up.
The only thing I can come up w/ is that switch has to be fooling the meter somehow, and it must be in the switch as I tried two dfferent meters.
And when wiggling the switch is when the readings would go up/down, but output was not effected much, (well, really somewhat dependant on temp, as high currents netted less MW's untill 86 degrees is reached)
So some effect, but not much, not what you'd expect.
Yesterday it would jump 20mw's if I just touched it while shooting the Kenometer, and I did not move it at all. :-/
What was very eveident was when it showed the lower currents, it ran MUCH cooler for MUCH longer and w/ the high 1.5a+ readings, it was getting pretty warm in 5 minutes.
I can't explain that.
Up till today, I didn't dare push it past 5 minutes, as by then it was hot, hotter than any laser I have has ever gotten.
But today it never went above a head temp of 96 degrees at ten minutes.
Haven't ran it longer than that and only that long twice.
So you got me??? Demons and Devils???
As for the IR, I was just under the impression it was to have one. (all these years and I still don't where eye protection, shh, don't tell anyone)
I recall seeing the other stuff about warranty and such, but that I don't really, so maybe just something I read about IR on this from soomeone earlier that hung in my mind?
I really don't care much about this either, other than if you add one, it isn't a 200mw laser anymore. I would have figured that for a high-end unit, that the specs would be of pure green, not a mixture like a DX.
If saying this is a pure green unit, then it is a PGL-150 and that is how they should sell it. IMHO of course.
So am I to gather that the warranty only covers MW output now and not a tem-02 issue that is there 100% of the time?
Like I mentioned to AMK, I really don't have an issue w/ its power much, as when warmed up it seems to do ok, most of the time, as you noticed in the picture.
That shot was taken at 2-3+ minutes into the run and had just then broke back into the low 200's.
But by 8 minutes it was holding 250+/- pretty stable at a 93 degree head.
The body just behind the head gets a tad warmer than the head, just figured due to no grooves there, but maybe the driver is getting that hot?
And the tem-02 deffinately explains the beam specs and the no abililty to light much past a several feet away as it just won't collminate tightly out very far. (or very good up close for that matter)
But again, I am just worried, as if it is tem-02 now, what will it be like a few months from now?
And if that isn't covered now, what happens in the 6 months when it is a flashlight beam?
If S-KY doesn't care about the tem issue, then I guess I bought a P.O.S.
I do not want to see you go out of your way for this.
Their specs they list on their greens are tem-00 and that is what I would want fixed.
The power works for me, even if it isn't all they said.
Maybe it took a knock in shipping?
But if all you are going to do is check its output, then no real need to send it back.
Sometimes it will make spec, and other times it won't come close, so who's to say which it will be when you get it back? If it ended up performing then, then it would be a wasted trip and that isn't really my issue.
Let me know what they say when you get a chance. No rush on my end, it's already been 3 months, what's a few more days/weeks? ;D ;D ;D
You have a good evening and don't worry about it much, I am taking care of that. ;D

Regards, Joe

im sure sky will do something, especially if they are trying to get a good rep...