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FrozenGate by Avery

TrannyGirl Hugs

You have got to be kidding me is this a joke ? This is a laser forum not a dating site for trans gender sorry. Maybe try your luck in the right forum please i'm sure you can find a tranny dating site some where. But on the other hand if you have real questions about a laser issue here that would be appropriate ..
You have got to be kidding me is this a joke ? This is a laser forum not a dating site for trans gender sorry. Maybe try your luck in the right forum please i'm sure you can find a tranny dating site some where. But on the other hand if you have real questions about a laser issue here that would be appropriate ..


I smell troll... (VG)
Transtroll --Transspam

Don't get even - get odd LOL

VG with more bannedspam??
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I was thinking Ladyboy was a troll wonder if this is the same person.

Honestly I bet its USAbro or Laserbeamk
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Hi TG,
I'm not homophobic about trans gender folks don't bother me at all, different strokes for different folks, No pun intended here.. But at least if you had an interest in Wave Lengths and lasers and had a question about them that would be fine. Moderators step in please.

This is a welcome thread, he/she/it doesn't have to say anything about lasers in a welcome thead.

Hello TrannyGirl, my sincerest apology for the attitude and intolerance of several of my distinguished colleagues. Welcome to LPF.

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Prolly Techmunchie fits his profile for sure. Must have had a new neighbor move in who has open wifi unless he is at a Mcdonalds or sumtin.:crackup:
Now all members here are open minded. Some here ARE open-minded , rainbow friendly. Some are just jealous they only have small pointers that don't even work.
Now all members here are open minded. Some here ARE open-minded , rainbow friendly. Some are just jealous they only have small pointers that don't even work.

LOL good one trussmonkey. Crazy dysfunctional world we live in--people live in daydream worlds of their own design/imaginings --today's world.

"Insanity. It's not just a mental illness. It's also an identity. Men in dresses claim that gender is in the mind, not in the body. If you think you're a woman, then you are a woman. What used to be a minor form of eccentric insanity has now become educational policy in schools!

But why stop at gender when you can also do species? There are people who believe that their true identity is that of an animal. And who is to say that species isn't in the mind, just like gender is in the mind? Species dysphoria is the equivalent of Gender dysphoria. Mentally ill persons with gender dysphoria are fashionably diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. There is as of yet no Species Identity Disorder, but that is no doubt coming.

Like most newly minted civil rights groups, Trans**uals are intolerant of Transpecies Americans accusing them of only pretending to think that they're cats and playing the old, "How dare you compare your pain to my pain and your imaginary identity to my imaginary identity" game.

Men who claim that they were really born women based on their personality insist that the idea of men who claim they were born cats is just nuts. Identity is apparently only in the mind, until you encounter people whose identity is also in the mind and make your mind identity look stupid.

If you accept transgender, then you also have to accept transpecies and every other conceivable thing. If a man who believes he's a woman has a real problem that has to be solved with surgery to make him resemble a woman, then a man who thinks he's a dolphin must be given whatever surgery he needs to look like a dolphin."

"Tolerance has spoken."
from: Forget Transgender, Get Ready for Transpecies | Frontpage Mag

also see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transspecies and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-species_psychology
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My guess is he owns a flashlight that imagines/thinks it is a laser.
Are you implying that a flashlight can be surgically transformed into a laser? Wait, I think we have some soldering iron wielding surgeons on this form that have performed that very operation. :crackup:

OK. Carry on.

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