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Two comments about your reply #59:

1) You are not trying to provide a "small piece of info...." to the Forum members waiting for the lasers, you are trying to push fire on them. Has someone delegated you to act against Igor? I haven't read anything about it, I have seen that insinuations like: "there is a chance you will loose your cash..."and "better to be safe than sorry..." are coming only from you and I find them disgusting, as Igor is not here to answer you.

2) What is not hilarious is to see how arrogant you are: being not a relative or a friend of mine (for good luck) YOU CANNOT KNOW the reasons why I have expressed my own trust opinions about Igor; so all your "suppositions" about my valuations and knowledge are only bullshit.

I'll no more read or answer to one of your topics. The other Forum members will valuate you. Over and out.

Hello folks, I just want to express my USD 0.02 worth, and it is all my opinion.
I feel that Igor is the kind of man who will not rest with the feeling that he is in anyone's debt, especially those who he has dealings with, again, that's just my opinion. I am not promising anything nor am I in consistent communication with Igor of late. But I have seen that when Igor has a person feeling that they were not well served by a deal with him, and he would not feel well served if the deal were the other way around, he will do all he can to "make it right" in his own eyes. I believe that he will make it up to those who waited patiently or uneasily, just as if it was his own loss or delay. IMHO, that is just the quality of character I have come to know in Igor. /rant

Thanks for reading! and may you who are (like me), waiting on things, be soon taken care of. All my Best Wishes to both Igor and his customers! -Glenn
FrancoRob said:
Has someone delegated you to act against Igor? I haven't read anything about it,  I have seen that  insinuations like: "there is a chance you will loose your cash..."and "better to be safe than sorry..." are coming only from you and I find them disgusting, as Igor is not here to answer you.

2) What is not hilarious is to see how arrogant you are: being not a relative or a friend of mine (for good luck) YOU CANNOT KNOW the reasons why I have expressed  my own trust opinions about Igor; so all your "suppositions" about my valuations and knowledge are only bullshit.

LOL ;D Talk about going 'over-the-top'...

I'm not, in any way, acting against Igor. Also, maybe you need a dictionary, because the sentence "there is a chance you will lose your cash" - is NOT an insinuation. I'm not insinuating it will or will not happen, I'm stating the chance exists - and it does. If Igor was here to answer, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Igor is a reasonable person, from what I know of him - and an honest person too. If something happened and he were unable to complete his orders, he would refund all monies. I'm sure you agree with that. The FACT that he can NOT respond, and hasn't sent lasers, and can't refund monies or even communicate shows that Igor is in a position that is out of his control.

Does that make sense? Can you understand? Do you need translation help, or are you just an asshole? If you know, for a fact, that the guy is honest and good (which we do), then that means the situation he is in has more control over him than he does right now. Igor might be the most trusted guy on Earth - but whatever has him tied down right now is making it impossible for him to help or carryout his orders. Do you understand? It doesn't make him any less trustworthy, it just makes it so he can't be his normal self. It's like having a great Ferrari with the steering wheel locked! It's still a great car, but it sure can't do any driving with the wheels locked, can it?!

There is nothing, literally, NOTHING I care less about on this planet than you and your laser that you don't have, FrancoRob. I am HONORED to know we won't be conversing any further. Everyone in the USA is playing with their lasers and having a blast. Many in the UK have nothing. The info I posted is relevant, and may help some UK members in their struggle with this. What is NOT relevant is this argument, and I apologize to 'Murrat' for hijacking the last few posts in this thread with this mind-numbing junk. My sincere apologies. Any further remarks can be made via PM. :-X
scopeguy20 said:
Hello folks, I just want to express my USD 0.02 worth, and it is all my opinion.
   I feel that Igor is the kind of man who will not rest with the feeling that he is in anyone's debt, especially those who he has dealings with, again, that's just my opinion.  I am not promising anything nor am I in consistent communication with Igor of late.  But I have seen that when Igor has a person feeling that they were not well served by a deal with him, and he would not feel well served if the deal were the other way around, he will do all he can to "make it right" in his own eyes.  I believe that he will make it up to those who waited patiently or uneasily, just as if it was his own loss or delay.  IMHO, that is just the quality of character I have come to know in Igor.  /rant

 Thanks for reading! and may you who are (like me), waiting on things, be soon taken care of.  All my Best Wishes to both Igor and his customers!  -Glenn

I'll drink to that! Well said...
Does that make sense? Can you understand? Do you need translation help, or are you just an asshole?

Smells of frustration....  ::)

Igor Is not Here right now.... You have stated your opinion...
Other members have stated theirs...

Move on.....  8-)

I know that I may regret asserting myself into this, especially since I did not participate in this sale of Igor's, but I'm going to anyway. I definitely agree with jriga here. I know that Igor is generally above reproach here, but obviously something has happened to prevent him from being able to make good on his end of the bargain.. Under these (or any) circumstances that lead to someone not receiving goods that they have already paid for, it would be foolish of that person to just give up on their investment just because of the reputation of the seller. In other words, just because Igor is such a great person is no reason not to look out for yourself. If Igor has found himself in a bad place, (which would be very unfortunate, to be sure) this is no reason to expect the buyers to just walk away, no questions asked.

If Igor is in some sort of financial trouble, then a resolution to that trouble could be awhile in the making. It is entirely unreasonable to expect people to wait an undefined amount of time for their items just because Igor is such a nice guy.

All this has been said before by jriga, so I don't want to restate too much of what he's said, it's just that the idea of "Oh, well, Igor's such a great guy that I don't care if I ever see my stuff as long as it makes things easier on him" is foolish. NEVER hesitate to look out for yourself in life. You'll always end up better off for it. There is NO shame in it whatsoever, in fact it's what most people would expect you to do.. Igor included.
It doesn't really matter if someone agrees with "jriga" or not...
What matters is  that the members involved with these IgorT sales
have been made aware of both sides of the argument... and it is up
to the individual buyer to decide which course of action is required... IMO 8-)

lasersbee said:
It doesn't really matter if someone agrees with "jriga" or not...
What matters is  that the members involved with these IgorT sales
have been made aware of both sides of the argument... and it is up
to the individual buyer to decide which course of action is required... IMO 8-)


I posted at the same time as your last post.. and you may be right Jerry, but there's nothing wrong with trying to encourage people to make the smartest choice.. It's a fact that if a person is unable, unwilling, or too timid to stand up for themselves and their finances then they will lose out in the end. No matter what.
I wasn't going to reply to this, but you keep being blatantly wrong without even knowing it...

jriga said:
THEY WILL NOT TAKE MONEY FROM IGOR'S BANK ACCOUNT.  Why don't you read??  He is in Slovenia.  PP is in the USA.  Igor is NOT ALLOWED TO TRANSFER MONEY to a bank account BECAUSE HE LIVES IN SLOVENIA.  The ONLY balance available to PayPal is Igor's actual, physical PayPal balance.  That's IT.  NO MORE.  Only the money he has collected for lasers is available to refund to people.  Not one cent in his business or personal accounts with real banks be touched by reserving your money.  NOT ONE CENT.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. You are missing one essential point: ALL money except cash is tied to a bank account of one form or another! The very first thing you need to do when creating a PayPal account is to verify a Credit or Debit Card. You can't really do much with the account before you do that. Even if all you do afterwards is receive money, you still have a card attached! And now, let's see... where do you think the money for the card comes from? Thin air? NO, the card itself is attached to a bank account.

I know very well how PayPal works outside the US, and the only difference is that you can't transfer money directly to a bank account. But they can still take money from you! That was the whole point I was trying to make: if Paypal decides to refund money, and Igor's ballance is empty (as it may be if he ordered parts for other lasers already), then they WILL take money out of the card associated, therefore from his BANK ACCOUNT. Do you get it now?

jriga said:
You are posting FALSE information about the PayPal process based on some poor experience you have had and that DOES NOT apply to Igor in Slovenia.
What you don't seem to grasp is that I live next-door to Igor basically so everything that applies to me applies to him as well!

jriga said:
You're right, it doesn't concern me anymore.  But last time I checked, you join a forum to contribute - not just to bitch and moan.  You don't like my post?  Fine.  You don't want your money back, fine.  We get it.  Now shut up.
This would've been funny if it wasn't so sad... First you emphasize  that we are all here to contribute, then you have the nerve to tell me to "shut up"? Lame... really lame.

The problem is that you didn't just come here and post a small note like "Hey, guys, in case you forgot, you can still get your money back if you start a dispute with Paypal", you actually fill page after page with dubious information in bold font with large sizes about how we owe it to ourselves to do this and we are morons if we don't and that it "won't hurt Igor anyway". That's what got me riled up and pushed me to reply, and as you may have noticed other members as well!

In any case, I think people here are (mostly) adults that are quite aware of the value of their own money. It's their job what to do with it. And that's the last I'll add on this subject.
Helioplasma said:

Great news, that  :D

Could you please be the first non-US member to tell us how he shipped it (reg. air mail did you have to sign for it, etc.) and what the posting date that was on the package?

Thx & congratulations  ;)
Helioplasma said:


Took 13 days though I was almost worried...

Congratulation !!!! How's it? Please post a review and some photos !!!!! ;) ;)
Traveller said:
Great news, that  :D
Could you please be the first non-US member to tell us how he shipped it (reg. air mail did you have to sign for it, etc.) and what the posting date was on the package?
Thx & congratulations  ;)
Same request from me :) That would be interesting to know...

It was registered and priority, it took six days to ship, as it was sent the 20th IIRC. Wierd since Igor told me he would send me the 13th... but I don't care, now I have it.

I guess you will recieve it no matter what. Maybe in april... but you'll recieve it
To prove it to you, I have been more than four month without my laser  ;D

BTW : 191mW when I asked 170mW, high wavelenght.. thats an efficient diode. It makes paper less blue than my previous one due to the higher wavelenght (less fluorescing power). The dot looks exactly the same from the previous one, but the beam is visible in lit conditions !

I have comparaison beam shots on a blackberry (due to the awesome 1.3mpix camera that can take violet, unlike top of the end 13mpix cams), but I have yet to upload them on the comp, since I can't seem to connect the blackberry on the computer. Also I don't have a memory card for it. Sucks heh ?

More in the review... I've got to sleep now, have exams to prepare etc... thats killing me. Expect a review this weekend, if not, after thursday :/
Helioplasma said:
I guess you will recieve it no matter what. Maybe in april... but you'll recieve it
To prove it to you, I have been more than four month without my laser  ;D

4 months? :o
To know that we will receive sonner or later does not make me feel better :-?
It's like saying you will receive your flashligt in summer days in Norway (There is no night for 6 months in Norway)
It's not being pessimistic but knowing an approximate date is what I prefer. It can be even one year.
If I know that I'll receive it after a year that's not a problem but to wait for an unknown period is a killing :(
