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FrozenGate by Avery

The thread about "real" goggles/glasses. . .

Has anyone tested my Red Enhancement Glasses (Plastic) if you have a pair?
Shown here on ebay,
Laser Enhancement Glasses for Red Lasers, ship from USA - eBay (item 120579608843 end time Jun-12-10 20:26:27 PDT)

or (they will sell soon) look under my for sale items:
lasers4u items - Get great deals on Business Industrial, Electronics items on eBay.com!

If they work, they are under $10.
I can check and measure some OD numbers. They are to enhance red, and may have an OK OD at 445, 450nm.
I only have about 30 pairs left.
ebay: LASERS4U

I`ve got your glasses, and with a 5mW 405nm pointer I can still see the violet dot once it has passed trough the glass. So I think that it will not be useful for this 455nm 500/1000mW diodes.
I`ve got your glasses, and with a 5mW 405nm pointer I can still see the violet dot once it has passed trough the glass. So I think that it will not be useful for this 455nm 500/1000mW diodes.

I can measure the passing power and compare with your results. I think all glasses will pass the beam. So the OD is calculated as the - Log of the transmitted beam power / input power.

An easy calculation with power meter results.

So you measure the power in, measure the output through the glasses and see the loss, and do the calculations.
Meh. I couldn't wait, and I already pulled the trigger on two pair. Might be in for a third, at GB prices. . .
I'm in touch with Sperian about reflective goggles.

Also, the urological practice I work at uses an 80W 532nm system for prostectamies - I've talked to the director of surgery to see if they have a contract with a company for safety equipment. If they do, I may be able to get goggles via the company contract. I'll post again when she follows up.

Quick check of my red enhancement glasses, and at 405nm.
Not much light passes through the red plastic.
Input: 4mW
Output: 30uW, or less (quick measurement with my 3Watt Ophir Head, Vega meter.
Therefore OD of them at 405nm ~ 2 to 3.
I can sell NOIR, in some kind of volume to make it worth while. More later as I see what is the best units at a good price.
Others... look over their site.

I have a pair of those I had ordered from Laserglow for a couple of years. If anyone is curious the "style 34" includes a nice case, prescription lens adapter, neck strap, and cleaning cloth. I'm assuming the ones directly from OEM linked above come with the same accessories (just not Laserglow branded). They are very nice quality - MUCH better than some of the uncertified cheap junk ones I've seen.


Jasonlitka posted a few pictures his 500-550mW 405nm Blu-ray viewed through a pair of ARG glasses & says he will post results the WL 445nm Arctic 1W.

If you do decide to do OEM glasses, I've talked to them and they'll give us 20% a 25 unit purchase.

Didn't notice a link to the GB
20% Off OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear
GB up to 8 already but we are looking for a Vet to take over in order to generate even more interest with a more recognized name.
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Is this style of goggles available for 445nm lasers?

If I buy a 1W laser, I want something that seals my eyes completely, NOT normal glasses that leave gaps at the edges where reflected beams can still pass.
Is this style of goggles available for 445nm lasers?

If I buy a 1W laser, I want something that seals my eyes completely, NOT normal glasses that leave gaps at the edges where reflected beams can still pass.

Yes. I just got a set, and they're really quite comfy. A little snug, but they're new. Check out the link in post #2. You want style 60. I do believe there is a group buy going on right now that could save you some money. Oh, and in the link, the ones pictured are white. Mine came in black, like the ones above. Much better, IMO, but then I didn't buy them for looks.

Here's a pic of them with the style 700 medium fit overs.

Edit - The cases really are quite nice. I'll post a more comprehensive review when I get a chance.
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heard back from NoIR

asking them if they still supplied glasses for WL . . .

"We have been one of their suppliers in the past. I do not know what goggles they supply now, but here are the spec sheets for the appropriate goggles for a 445nm laser. AL2 would be to reduce the beam energy but to still allow some spot to be visible, where the ARG is for full attenuation."

here are the pdfs


the AL2 filter referenced in the reply is not visible on the company site but the pdf exists. see above
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