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The Right Brain vs Left Brain

what do u see?

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You have too much time on your hands but a good result. I'm gonna believe your hypothesis simply because you put so much effort into proving it!

Good job.

Next.... :crackup:


Haha yes I have to much time on my hands.

But I'm also getting faster at animating the more I do it. Besides... I like to show off :D

No matter how hard I try I can never make her go the other way (anti-clockwise), not even looking at the shadow nor playing with the gif on Opera.

What's that supposed to mean? I'm using Opera and I could make it change, and it started out anti-clockwise for me.
@CJ I like the animation, but disagree with the outcome. Don't have time to explain now, but I'll sleep on it and do some research and see if I can come up with a better explanation for what the effect is. I'm pretty sure that the creator deliberately designed it with the ambiguity intended though - there is no "right" way for it to turn.
@CJ I like the animation, but disagree with the outcome. Don't have time to explain now, but I'll sleep on it and do some research and see if I can come up with a better explanation for what the effect is. I'm pretty sure that the creator deliberately designed it with the ambiguity intended though - there is no "right" way for it to turn.

There has to be one way otherwise it wouldn't turn.

Sure it's made to seem both ways but in reality it's rotating either left or right, not both

But anyways I've shown the black naked woman's pivot angle for both
here's a vid in slow motion that makes it easier to go counter-clockwise

Here's an animation I made to help determine the positioning and orientation for each spin

As you can see if she was turning counterclockwise she would have to be on an angled axis

EDIT: Based on looking at this animation frame by frame I have determined that the image is rotating clockwise. I had to do extra work to make it rotate counter clockwise. I had to choose the frames within the animation to show what it would look like going the other way.



Thank you Oikos. I appreciate that :yabbem:

EDIT: I updated the animation to show you no foul play on my part.

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Ummm...why does she have to be tilted in order to rotate the other direction?

The diagram doesn't make any sense, why is it tilted when going the other direction? The tip of her toe is tracing the exact same ellipse, not a different one.
Now this is bs. Today when I looked the the OP's gif it turns anti-clockwise, yesterday is was clockwise. My theory it that depending on which frame you first see her at determine which way your mind makes her spin. I can also make her switch direction whenever I want by looking at the shadow for just a brief moment.
to me it starts off clockwise..
but then it goes back and forth.

I will have to show you guys this thing i can do..
its a mindfk.. many will raeg.
Ill make it in a new thread tomorrow as to not jack this one.
I see it spinning clockwise, but I am definately a left-brain person. What do I vote?

And also, I cannot get it to change direction, how do you do it?
wtf mine used to spin anticlockwise but now it spins clockwise and i cannot make it spin anticlockwise again argghh... :wtf:
I'm in the same boat as Grix on this one, most definitely a left-brain person.
Now this is bs. Today when I looked the the OP's gif it turns anti-clockwise, yesterday is was clockwise. My theory it that depending on which frame you first see her at determine which way your mind makes her spin. I can also make her switch direction whenever I want by looking at the shadow for just a brief moment.

your theory seems correct, look at the girls shadow and once it disappears briefly look up, she will be spinning in the opposite direction as before
