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FrozenGate by Avery

The "COLEMAN Special" camp laser


LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012


What Hi-Tech outdoorsman wouldn't want to have the Coleman camp laser on hand to point out stars, ward off wild animals, or use as a rescue beacon? ;)

Everybody is familiar with "Coleman" camping equipment, now we have the NEW Coleman camp laser. :D

Seriously though, When I saw this little dk. metallic grey LED flashlight with the red accent pieces on it, I knew it to be modded to output some red photons!

What better way to accomplish this than to use the a complimentary red wavelength provided by the Oclaro 120mW 638nm single mode diode from DTR.
This has become one of my favorites, since first using one of these in my "Ti-B in Red" build.

Here is a couple of pics. of the "BEFORE" and "AFTER" look; for me, 1 LD beats 5 LED's!


Below is a blow-up view showing all the components used in the build.

  • Coleman 60 lumen 5 LED flashlight.
  • Custom Heatsink.
  • 18500 Sanyo 1700mAh battery & sizing sleeve.
  • Survival lasers extended, red anodized aluminum focus adapter.
  • Opnext/Oclaro 120mW 638nm diode in copper module w/flexdrive (set at 300mA) & G-2 lens.



Below are the original and 2nd versions of the H.S., crown, and focus adapter assembly.
I decided to go with the 2nd version, as it seemed to fit the concept better; the H.S. in this one has been bead blasted, and sprayed with a matte finish lacquer to protect the finished surface.
This is topped off with one of Survival lasers beautiful red anodized/extended focus adapters which closely matches the existing red accent pieces on the host. :)

The H.S. has been bored out at the front to allow the focus adapter to be recessed into it, thus hiding the lens barrel and spring from view.


Coming together with help of Flaminpyro's super soldering flux.


All assembled and ready to try out! :eg:

IMO, this guy is just the right size, not too large, or too small.
Officially, it's 137mm (5.4") long, and 30mm (1.18") in diameter.


Time for a few photo's of finely focused photons! :rolleyes: (Whew, that's a mouth full)




Finally, the obligatory outdoor beam shot.


When metered on my LPM, this shows an output of 235~240mW average, with 260+ peak! :yh:

That's it for now folks, hope you liked it.

BTW - This is my 1,000th post! :beer::beer::beer:
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Very nice! Its super refreshing to see something other than 445 C6 builds! I have another 638 build planned for when my drivers finally come. I love the color- to my eyes its a very vibrant orange-red.
Cool, good job on using a unique host.
It looks very nice. With such good heatsinking it probably has a nearly continuous duty-cycle.:)

Congratulations on 1,000 posts:beer:
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congrats Jeff on making your 1,000th post--admin will get you white-listed.
+6 for being a real vet from day one..

sending you now the secret handshake- the 'high' sign and your personal PRIVATE key to the Vet Restroom-- very plush!!
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I really like the host and how it turned out. I tend to not see as many flashlight conversions these days and it is nice to see a great one like this.

+1 rep for a great build and thoroughly detailing the process!
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments and the +rep!
I also really like the way this build turned out. It's uniqueness is what originally attracted me to it; It doesn't have the "flashlight" look.

@crazyspaz - My thoughts exactly, it's also nice to be able take this out and not have to worry quite so much about blinding everyone, or setting everything on fire, not to mention the sweet red/orange beam!

@hakzaw1 - Very plush indeed! :crackup:
Hmmmmmmm think I've seen that somewhere before... (sorry, inside joke)
Congrats and love it;) Sorry can't REP you again yet:(

I know I've seen that flashlight around but where did you get the heat sink? Don't think they come with those. The coloring is just right between the "zones"
Hard part about a weekend reveal is there's hardly anyone around.
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Hey Pman, thanks, glad you like it. BTW, yep, you were the 1st to see it! (They all say that though) :D

I picked that flashlight up at a Target store, in the sporting goods section. They had two styles, this one, and another, smaller one that IMO wasn't as nice. Both styles came with either the red, or green accent colors.

You're correct, it didn't come with the heatsink; I made that myself.
Great job on that heat-sink. You also chose the correct setup. Looks cleaner. Did the adapter come from Fasttech? Great deals on those there.
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I tried to give the Vet restroom attendant a dollar but I was mistaken it was Dagin.
funny tho--he did take the buck!!! jk

IMO no HS is nactually needed- I let one of these run a LONG time (on a 18650 li-ion batt) w/ n-ps and it was not even warm-- it only makes about 2 or 3 mW...so Jeff might have been able to make a plastic 'sleeve' I m sure the batts would die before the laser..

we can start a list and if enough want these lights we can order some for the forum.

I have access to the modules. (below reg prices) I think most would want at least two of these ...a second one for the 5mW AixiZ 405 that is identical in size and VDC required. I was also wondering if the 'ear-ring lasers' were bigger. AixiZ has some reds even smaller.
@Pman, Thanks, it was quite a PITA to make, the threads were the real test since I hadn't threaded with this particular lathe before, and they were a bastard size.

The red focus adapter came from Survivallasers.
BT....That looks very good !!! The color combination really looks great ! Compact ....as in a perfect size for a HH...and streamlined...Looks kinda like your classic "Ray Gun"...especially on the front end !!!
I have no yet attempted threading on my lathe...seems very challenging !!! Very nice presentation !!! Thank you !!!
Can't imagine how great it would be to own a lathe and know how to use it properly. Probably be a lathing maniac. Have some odd hosts that I haven't quite figured out yet for cobbing together a heat sink. Given enough time something comes to me. Thinkin you need a green one now;)

I took a look around and for anyone interested I believe that's a Coleman CT7 and is available in Walmart and Amazon besides Target. Price all show about $16. Couldn't find a picture of the green trimmed one. BTG will make you the custom heat sink for $99.99 plus shipping;)

I see in your sig that you already received your 2 free 589nm for achieving vetdom.
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@CDBEAM - Thanks, I really appreciate your comments. That's the impression I get of it also; it's got a sort of old school, Buck Rogers look to it. I wonder if anybody even knows who he is? :thinking:

@Pman - Yep, I'd heard the rumors of the freebies, but I didn't think I'd get 2 589's! ;)
I Know Buck Rodgers and my 589's got lost in the mail:(
Very nice build Jeff. To be honest I thought Coleman was making lasers for campers from the title and the first picture. The first few pics look so professional I thought you bought it that way. It wasn't until I scrolled down and started reading I realized you built it. Really like the fit and finish I'd buy one if you ever decided to make more.

P.S. BowtieGuy I was getting close to sending you a PM. It seems a certain car we have been waiting on will arrive this week. This Friday Jan. 9th is the party at the dealership and I'm sure in a few weeks we can expect a open house at the warehouse where Ken will share his new hypercar.
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