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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

The only reason Trump and Musk can put up a fight is because they were already well off and because of public attention, but someone like Matt Hoover of CRS firearms, even tho he had a youtube following, was railroaded in a rigged court, it's impossible for the average American to stand up to our corrupt government except by the grace of the good people who work as the foot soldiers of our agencies, from whistle blowers to those who don't want to see the system used against their own friends and family, people who won't violate the law and the peoples rights, but others will and as our system devolves and becomes populated with parasites who do the masters bidding, we will suffer the tyranny of the few ultra wealthy and political elite who control it all.

We have been at war over the petro dollar and protection of our control of oil, I am very suspect of the entire 911 event and what we knew before hand, this is why I love Trumps plan to ( Drill baby Drill ) because this will protect American interest and benefit our economy, but politicians would rather power broker while exporting American wealth ( the value of our dollar ) using climate religion as an inane excuse, as if buying foreign oil is any better for the climate theory, even if climate theory was accurate, buying foreign oil does nothing to change it.
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The only reason Trump and Musk can put up a fight is because they were already well off and because of public attention, but someone like Matt Hoover of CRS firearms, even tho he had a youtube following, was railroaded in a rigged court, it's impossible for the average American to stand up to our corrupt government except by the grace of the good people who work as the foot soldiers of our agencies, from whistle blowers to those who don't want to see the system used against their own friends and family, people who won't violate the law and the peoples rights, but others will and as our system devolves and becomes populated with parasites who do the masters bidding, we will suffer the tyranny of the few ultra wealthy and political elite who control it all.

We have been at war over the petro dollar and protection of our control of oil, I am very suspect of the entire 911 event and what we knew before hand, this is why I love Trumps plan to ( Drill baby Drill ) because this will protect American interest and benefit our economy, but politicians would rather power broker while exporting American wealth ( the value of our dollar ) using climate religion as an inane excuse, as if buying foreign oil is any better for the climate theory, even if climate theory was accurate, buying foreign oil does nothing to change it.

We don't have much oil that isn't being pumped out already. We only are 10th in proven oil reserves.
Climate change is real, I already provided debunks to claims you have made. We are already the top oil producer. Are you in favor of rationalizing our oil? If not, how would you ensure that it gets used here rather than exported for larger profit? Are you aware of what European people pay for gasoline?
We have ample untapped reserves, what we need are more US refineries because ours are running at full capacity, so we are actually buying already refined gasoline and fuel oil products, but we could be oil/gas independent and stop that portion of our inflation..... just look at Saudi Arabia, UAE, they have Ferrari police cars and indoor ski slopes in the dessert, they have high speed monorails and some of the tallest buildings, we have exported all that wealth for oil, that's lowered every Americans standard of living..... Drill baby Drill would mean my grocery money goes further !

p.s. We also need pipelines to deliver our light sweet crude to the refineries, but they are blocked by environmental concerns, this makes importing foreign oil that comes in on ships and is delivered straight to the refineries more financially viable for producers, we also need to stop blocking the construction of US pipelines.

Yes it will be wonderful one day when we can go 100% renewable, but we are not ready, battery technology and infrastructure are lacking and would be cost prohibitive, plus we burn natural gas, oil and coal to make 80% of our electricity, nuclear and renewables are only 20%

Actually according to the web:
Fossil fuels—petroleum, natural gas, and coal—accounted for about 84% of total U.S. primary energy production in 2023.
We have ample untapped reserves, what we need are more US refineries because ours are running at full capacity, so we are actually buying already refined gasoline and fuel oil products, but we could be oil/gas independent and stop that portion of our inflation..... just look at Saudi Arabia, UAE, they have Ferrari police cars and indoor ski slopes in the dessert, they have high speed monorails and some of the tallest buildings, we have exported all that wealth for oil, that's lowered every Americans standard of living..... Drill baby Drill would mean my grocery money goes further !

p.s. We also need pipelines to deliver our light sweet crude to the refineries, but they are blocked by environmental concerns, this makes importing foreign oil that comes in on ships and is delivered straight to the refineries more financially viable for producers, we also need to stop blocking the construction of US pipelines.

Yes it will be wonderful one day when we can go 100% renewable, but we are not ready, battery technology and infrastructure are lacking and would be cost prohibitive, plus we burn natural gas, oil and coal to make 80% of our electricity, nuclear and renewables are only 20%

We cannot drill ourselves out of this economy. Trump's supporters would like to think we can, but that isn't the case. Coal is not being used nearly as much any longer. It is the dirtiest of fuels.
Gas went down a bit in my area. 3.10 at this one I saw.
We can in fact reduce...... eliminate our dependence on foreign oil and it will in fact reduce our rate of inflation and benefit the US economy, but we need to build US pipelines, otherwise trucking all that oil is very expensive, we need to build US pipelines.
Yes, normally a person would get a cease and desist letter 1st, but they wanted to make an example of him.
His drawing was 125% the size of an actual lightning link, it would not function even if someone cut one out, but government agents cut one out, modified the hell out of it and got it to kind of work.

What they did was instruct the jury that all they needed to prove was his intent to sell the drawings, which he admitted to doing as selling a drawing is not illegal..... basically they convicted him of a thought crime and for thumbing his nose at our unconstitutional laws.

The drawing was nothing more than a conversation piece, but it got people thinking about defying the unconstitutional laws, so they had him travel out of State to be deposed as they has an out of State court they could manipulate. The jury instruction is what did it, otherwise the government was losing the case.
Gas prices will be manipulated before an election, but what we are doing now is importing oil and refined petroleum products from other countries.
Where did the US get imported oil from in 2023

Canada 52%
Mexico 11%
Saudi Arabia 5%
Iraq 4%
Brazil 3%
Opec 16%
Persian Gulf 10%

Of course we get the majority of oil from Canada and Mexico. They are on our two borders. It is a conspiracy theory that gas prices are being manipulated in order to win an election. This is Biden's Presidency and Harris is his Vice President. She cannot do anything except to support the President. Vance is Trump's VP pick. I'll bet there's buyers remorse there.
No paul, it's not a conspiracy theory, Biden released oil from our strategic reserve to impact the midterms.

Trumps Drill baby Drill policy will work and Trump supports pipeline construction which will work to reduce inflation and strengthen our economy, but Harris will not, people will vote for Trump to restore a strong economy as Harris would tax and spend us into a recession.
Trump has experience and a proven track record on the economy, but Harris..... she's a border czar who wouldn't even go to the border.
We can't drill our way out of this. There isn't enough oil reserves to do it. This is Trump's whole policy on the economy. That's it. Nothing more.
264 Billion barrels proven recoverable reserves in the ground and Trillions of barrels in shale oil and we use 12.9 million barrels a day...... we can in fact drill our way out of it, but we need to be allowed to build pipelines, Trump is in favor of pipelines, Biden is not, Harris has no valid policy but as a socialist liberal......

The largest known deposits of oil shale are in a 16,000-square mile area of the Green River Formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming with a total in-place oil shale resources estimated at 4.3 trillion barrels.

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264 Billion barrels proven recoverable reserves in the ground and Trillions of barrels in shale oil and we use 12.9 million barrels a day...... we can in fact drill our way out of it, but we need to be allowed to build pipelines, Trump is in favor of pipelines, Biden is not, Harris has no valid policy but as a socialist liberal......

The largest known deposits of oil shale are in a 16,000-square mile area of the Green River Formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming with a total in-place oil shale resources estimated at 4.3 trillion barrels.

What makes you believe that the people in this country will benefit from this? This is Trump's only message about the economy. He actually thinks this, all by its lonesome, will change the economy.
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No paul, that's not true, you're just making stuff up again.

Here are just a few off the top of my head:
Trump believes in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and he's right, it works.
No tax on tip income for hospitality and service workers.
Trump cuts restrictions on business, it also works.
Trump passed a law that for each new regulation, two old regulations had to go, this over-deregulation policy is beautiful and it works.
Trump also made China play fair and took in Billions in revenue for the US, Trumps trade protection and reciprocal tariffs work.
Trump believes in legal immigration and that means labor jobs for Americans.
Trumps investments in energy and the financial sector are also wins for our economy.
Trump believes in bringing jobs back to America.
