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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

No paul, that's not true, you're just making stuff up again.

Here are just a few off the top of my head:
Trump believes in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and he's right, it works.
No tax on tip income for hospitality and service workers.
Trump cuts restrictions on business, it also works.
Trump passed a law that for each new regulation, two old regulations had to go, this over-deregulation policy is beautiful and it works.
Trump also made China play fair and took in Billions in revenue for the US, Trumps trade protection and reciprocal tariffs work.
Trump believes in legal immigration and that means labor jobs for Americans.
Trumps investments in energy and the financial sector are also wins for our economy.
Trump believes in bringing jobs back to America.

Trump's tax cuts benefitted the wealthy most of all.

Trump's no taxon tip is very nonspecific. Believe me everyone will be looking tips under Trump.

Trump wants to cut out all regulations. That is stupid.

Again, deregulation is stupid.

Tarrifs are another tax on consumers.

Trump wants to deport 15 million immigrants.

Trump's energy is just, "drill, baby, drill."

Everybody wants to bring back jobs. Biden and Harris actually did that. :LOL:
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Nonsense, a healthy economy benefits everyone.

No he doesn't, again you're spouting nonsense.

No, I said de over regulation, not the elimination of all regulation.

Tariffs allow domestic producers to compete, insure American jobs.

We need to deport a bunch of illegal immigrants, if people want to come in they need to come in legally.

No but drill baby drill is part of it.

Biden did nothing but sniff kids and fill up his diaper and Harris is the failed border czar.
Nonsense, a healthy economy benefits everyone.

No he doesn't, again you're spouting nonsense.

No, I said de over regulation, not the elimination of all regulation.

Tariffs allow domestic producers to compete, insure American jobs.

We need to deport a bunch of illegal immigrants, if people want to come in they need to come in legally.

No but drill baby drill is part of it.

Biden did nothing but sniff kids and fill up his diaper and Harris is the failed border czar.

:ROFLMAO: Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Trump said he was going to elimate all regulations. His words, not mine. Harris was never the Czar of anything. She was tasked with trying to see what could be done to limit immigration. And, Biden and Harris brought back jobs that had long left our country.
That's just a pitiful argument paul, Trump did not try to eliminate all regulations, but he did seek to reduce over regulation.

No Harris was the border czar and she did nothing, Harris was an abject failure.

Biden and Harris did diddly squat, Biden didn't know what was going on, he just signed whatever they shoved in front of him and Harris was a useless cackling boob who failed as border czar.
That's just a pitiful argument paul, Trump did not try to eliminate all regulations, but he did seek to reduce over regulation.

No Harris was the border czar and she did nothing, Harris was an abject failure.

Biden and Harris did diddly squat, Biden didn't know what was going on, he just signed whatever they shoved in front of him and Harris was a useless cackling boob who failed as border czar.

Yeah, I know Trump supporters believe that, but the Chips Act got many more jobs back here. Even in my state of Washington. Your guy is a drag on the Republican party and I hope you guys run him again in 2028. If he's still alive.
That will be impossible paul, there's a 2 term limit, you know that.
lol JD Vance could be the first official Secretary of Femboy Affairs. UwU! Making Femboy Friday a National Holiday and allowing all forms of cat ears and maid dresses as a protected article.
That will be impossible paul, there's a 2 term limit, you know that.

You still think Trump will win. That's delusional.

Trump's "interview" on X went badly last nght as it didn't even start until over an hour after it was supposed to. Interview is in quotes because Musk has been a supporter and was mainly a cheerleader.
There was a net outsourcing of jobs under trump, and has been an increase of them under biden.

We know what trump wants to do, stuff like allow energy companies to emit more C02, because he doesn't believe climate change is real, and put foxes in charge of the henhouse like he did with the CFPB, which is a stunning example of corruption that every American would do well to learn about.

Ultimately I don't think anything meaningful will be done about climate change. Things will have to get so much worse before there is any widespread will to do anything about it and by then it'll be an even harder or impossible task
The abortion issue will be on the ballot this November as they collected more than twice the number needed to get in on. More than 500,000. This will be far more than a little issue this election.
It's been reported that one in seven Arizona voters signed the petition to get abortion on the ballot this November. They got 577,000 valid registered voters signatures to enshrine this in the Arizona constitution. They submitted 800,000.
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Abortion is on the ballot this year in eight states with another three working to also get a ballot inititive.
