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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Watch and learn paul, watch and learn, you will have 4 years to deal with your TDS while Trump serves his 2nd term. :ROFLMAO:🤪

Watch and learn paul, watch and learn, you will have 4 years to deal with your TDS while Trump serves his 2nd term. :ROFLMAO:🤪

There's an article in the Washington Post today about this very subject. Trump claimed the elction was stolen from him in 2020. He also has stated that Harris' rallies were AI generated. And that is irrespective of all the photos and videos showing otherwise. Trump just wants to keep his base energized regardless of what he has to say to do so.
That's just too funny, this from you paul, a mouthpiece for the progressive liberal agenda and democrat party, you literally regurgitate the democrat propaganda word for word and carry their dishonest water, you take an active part in the disinformation campaign, you have no solid ground to stand on and point your finger at anyone.

Prepare yourself paul...... remember when you just knew Hillary would win and it didn't happen ?
That same senario is coming round again and the same Great Patriot, Donald Trump is going to shatter your progressive pipe dreams again, get ready to soak your crying towel while hiding from the world in your safe space, maybe give your Trumpy Bear a few extra punches to vent your frustration.

Trump has lost every election he has been in since 2016. He even loses for you when he isn't on the ballot. Remember that red wave? It didn't happen because of Trump. Is it because you only get your news from right-wing outlets? Must be. Where's Steve Bannon?
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Wow they'll literally just say anything with no regard to facts. Counterpoint, from someone who is actually a lawyer

That's enough! It's bad enough that you insult one another to no end but this is unacceptable. Horse semen? Really? Grow up
I didn't come up with that, the MAGAs did. If you look back a few pages you will see. The MAGAs have memes about Tim Walz saying that he did that. That is what the meme I posted is referencing. I am not suggesting that the MAGAs do it. I agree though, it would be nice if they could grow up but when you have a 78 year old man baby running for president, well... here we are
You posted it!! Don't do that again. I will shut the fightclub down if I have to if you guys cannot contain yourselves. This has gone so far. You guys are so petty and angry it's ridiculous.
I am not sure civil discourse is possible on this subject, and I don't just mean in this thread, but across the country. I have certainly insulted members here, and I can agree to not do that, and I have been trying not to directly insult fellow members, but many people's identity is so tied up in their political beliefs that they will interpret attacks on their ideology or preferred candidate's ideology as attacks on them.
I don't care what reasoning you use to justify it and I will also not be dragged into the discussion. Just keep it clean. Very simple concept.
Trump has lost every election he has been in since 2016. He even loses for you when he isn't on the ballot. Remember that red wave? It didn't happen because of Trump. Is it because you only get your news from right-wing outlets? Must be. Where's Steve Bannon?

1 election the 2020 election and it was stolen.

Ahh yes, more political lawfare, Bannon is doing 4 months for contempt of Congress as he refused a congressional subpoena to testify on the 1/6 mostly peaceful capital protest.

Funny that Hunter Biden and Merrick Garland have been held in contempt, yet they serve no sentence.

There will be accountability for the weaponization of our alphabet agencies and court systems against political opposition, it's been going on for far too long, another reason why we need Trump and not Harris, Harris would mean a continuation of the corruption of our justice system to target half the nation who doesn't support the progressive agenda as well as censorship via. government threats.

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1 election the 2020 election and it was stolen.

Ahh yes, more political lawfare, Bannon is doing 4 months for contempt of Congress as he refused a congressional subpoena to testify on the 1/6 mostly peaceful capital protest.

There will be accountability for the weaponization of our alphabet agencies and court systems against political opposition, it's been going on for far too long, another reason why we need Trump and not Harris, Harris would mean a continuation of the corruption of our justice system to target half the nation who doesn't support the progressive agenda.

You can only believe the DOJ has been weaponized if it weren't for the President's son also being tried and convicted as well. And, Senator Menedez was also tried and found guilty.
Hunter Biden's conviction was all about optics, to justify the political lawfare against Trump in the court of public opinion, I have no doubt Hunter Bidens record will be expunged in the time ahead after the election should Harris win, hell Hunters lawyer didn't even try, again this was all about optics and on a gun charge that's likely unconstitutional as the 2nd Amendment made no prohibition against someone for personal drug use, there is so much more that they could have gone after Hunter Biden for, like the Burisma scandal..... of course that would implement " the big guy Joe " so that didn't happen.
I agree, if Biden violated the immoluments clause and there is evidence proving as much, he should be prosecuted, just as Trump should be prosecuted for his various immolumanets violations. Of all the things the dems could've impeached trump for, they never used his immolumants violations which actually does make me wonder if that is because they are also guilty of the same. In terms of dollar amount received though, I would bet a lot that Trump tops that list so in terms of "the most corrupt" if we measure by dollar amount, Trump is number 1
The entire system is corrupt and both sides are guilty of selective prosecution when they control the DOJ, what's frightening is how the American people have been targeted, the tea party activist Obama ruined by exploiting the unlimited power of the IRS and when people wrongly targeted had their bank accounts frozen and attempted to use property as payment for legal defense, that property was seized.

The Biden admin going after everyone in Trumps orbit and their family members is disgusting, this is why the FBI handed out immunity to everyone in Hillary's orbit after her hard drive and cell phone smashing party, to protect Hillary form future accountability.

We should all stand up against the corruption of our legal system, but we are so divided that we turn a blind eye when it's our side going after the opposition, this makes every one of us less safe, we are giving our servants become our masters infinite power against us in this political division game they play against us all while more and more laws are writen and we become less and less free.
Well red, what do you suppose the crown prince hopes to get for his 2 billion given to Jared Kushner? Are you aware that the crown prince's advisors advised him not to do that, and he overruled them and did it anyway? Why do you think that is? Do you recall that Saudi Arabia was committing genocide in Yemen, and there was a bipartisan bill sponsored by, if memory serves, both Bernie sanders and Mike Lee of Utah, that passed the house and senate that would've forced Trump to stop weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. Trump vetoed it. This was when he was confronted about how the weapons were being used and he responded by saying that theyd get the weapons elsewhere if not from us, so we may as well be the ones to profit, I can find the clip if you haven't seen it.
Now, given the crown prince's influence over oil prices, what do you think are the chances that he increases them to hurt biden or now Harris, to make it more likely that Trump wins, and only lowers them once Trump is back in power and doing the crown prince's will? In this narrow sense at least, why are high gas prices bidens fault and is the slaughter of Yemeni an acceptable trade so you can save at the pump?
