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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Dam, I've bought fruit at that farmers market after going to the gunshow that's held in the events center building on that same property before...... at least it wasn't fentanyl, I worry about getting something contaminated with fentanyl, you could be dead before you know what happened.

Dam, I've bought fruit at that farmers market after going to the gunshow that's held in the events center building on that same property before...... at least it wasn't fentanyl, I worry about getting something contaminated with fentanyl, you could be dead before you know what happened.

Again you don't know what you are talking about. A regular dose of the Schedule II fenatnyl is 100 ug. And that's IV. You would have to ingest a great deal more before you would reach a lethel LD50. That is 50% of individuals who would die from taking that dose. Besides, most people I know wash their vegetables before they eat them.
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Again you don't know what you are talking about. A regular dose of the Schedule II fenatnyl is 100 ug. And that's IV. You would have to ingest a great deal more before you would reach a lethel LD50. That is 50% of individuals who would die from taking that dose.

You don't know what you're talking about, I've seen video of cops simply coming into contact with it and hitting the ground, only a ready dose of narcan saved them.

Here you go. This is the LD 50 for ingested fentanly.


The oral dose that causes a lethal dose is 2 mg.

You should know better than to question me about medicines.
And before you tell me that people have died at lower doses, people die from taking tylenol at regular doses.
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I will trust what I saw more than what you said, I don't want any fruit or veg that's been in contact with black market fentanyl, any amount of some bootleg toxin could be much weaker or much stronger than what was described in your decades old textbook learning, hell it could be a highly concentrated form or precursor component/mixture, ect..... hell maybe some smugglers have liquefied and injected said bootleg fentanyl into some fruit to be extracted/recovered later.

Fact is we are talking about many an unknown factor here, you go ahead and risk your own life eating some fruit that's been in contact with black market fentanyl if you think it's always going to be perfectly safe, but don't go telling people that it can't hurt them, because you can't know all the factors in every possible situation, to think/pretend you do is idiotically conceited.
I will trust what I saw more than what you said, I don't want any fruit or veg that's been in contact with black market fentanyl, any amount of some bootleg toxin could be much weaker or much stronger than what was described in your decades old textbook learning, hell it could be a highly concentrated form or precursor component/mixture, ect..... hell maybe some smugglers have liquefied and injected said bootleg fentanyl into some fruit to be extracted/recovered later.

Fact is we are talking about many an unknown factor here, you go ahead and risk your own life eating some fruit that's been in contact with black market fentanyl if you think it's always going to be perfectly safe, but don't go telling people that it can't hurt them, because you can't know all the factors in every possible situation, to think/pretend you do is idiotically conceited.

My text books might be older, but the internet is not. I showed you what is known today. As alway, you do you. BTW, Harris Walz are doing an amazing job energizng voters. Trump, not so much.
I like how none of the MAGAs chimed in to defend me when the mod was on my case for correctly saying that MAGA has made memes and jokes insinuating that Tim Walz drinks horse semen. Just let him act like I'm the weird one who is out of line. oh well, to be expected

Whats up with this raygun girl? I saw a few videos of her... "breakdancing" and it was one of the worst things I have ever seen
They should have included exotic and pole dancing to the Olympics instead of break dancing.
That is going to be fun to see. :cool: JD had better start working on his makeup and making sure the bells on his cat ears are perfectly polished for this event.

Time for a bit of humour amongst this global mess. The UK is going through a tough moment but our culture doesn’t let it go without making it a bit more lighthearted and sarcastic.
Now don’t get me wrong. There are morons on both sides of the debate. I know some idiot ‘right wings’, but this is the level of mental capacity of some of those leftists.

This video is very alarming. It shows the man is capable of no meaningful discussion or reasoning. He’s impressionable. And the worst part he tried to get a man arrested for just asking the question and wanting an answer. This is the most important part regarding the UK at the moment. Any opposition of the narrative is being shutdown. No discussions or questions are being allowed to be asked without labelling, smearing of reputation or without legal consequences.

And this guy alone sums that up immediately.


I hope my American friends wake up before it’s too late. We’ve just put in a ‘far left’ authoritarian in charge with no real opposition due to the way the majority worked out in parliament. The Conservative Party are making no visible objections. The police are directly following Starmers instructions rather than following UK law practices. This is quickly going to turn very sour and into a dictatorship if the power continues to not get challenged


Anyone remember this advert from 2005. If anyone needs a wake up call to how fast things have changed for the worst then watch this.
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Donald Trump held a press conference today at his Bedminster property. He lied through the whole thing. He needs to hold more of these. :ROFLMAO:
