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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

This is great! Hope everyone enjoys it.

Trump has already lost. Not saying it's okay or that I agree with the steps taken to bring us to this point, but here we are.
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They should use the election as a giant sting operation to trap illegal aliens. Promise them a path to citizenship if they just come and vote. When they get into the voting booth though, border patrol agents detect that it's an illegal alien and trigger a trap door on the floor of the voting booth and drop the illegal alien right down a chute that leads through a vat of green slime and right onto a waiting deportation flight airplane hidden and parked right behind the polling station! :LOL:
Damn, for some reason that reminded me of the scene from the movie Alien where the creature's acid blood melted through skin, the floor, armour, etc. :alien: :sick:
I love how the predators in alien vs predator have that amazing plasma cannon thing on their shoulder with a three laser target reticle.
Arizona's EC votes shouldn't be counted if they let illegals vote, otherwise it's a stolen election and this time people may just revolt.

You can't register to vote if you're not a citizen. This is Trump nonsense. Also, if you think that running this out until no one can see the From Russia With Lev, I'll just post it again.
IDGAF what you post paul..... you queefing turd.
Also I blocked signatures a long time ago, so I see more posts per page than you do.
See, I don't have to look at peoples long signatures, yours used to be obnoxiously long, is it still ?
Screenshot from 2024-09-20 23-09-18.png
