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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

That's ridiculous! All poll takers try to make thier polls the most relevent to show what is happening in that moment. To say that "liberal" polls are skewed shows how lkittle you know. The media is the press. That was who the first Amendent was explicitely written for. A free press holds truth to power. I know Republicans don't like that much anymore as Trump is your nominee. He lies every time his mouth moves.

Their not thier.
Relevant not relevent.
Amendment not Amendent.
Explicitly not explicitely.

WTF is lkittle.... you're typing too fast in a fervor, lol.

How do you know what all poll takers do ? You don't !

Liberal polls are skewed and democrats are liars.

Just because we have a free press doesn't mean they are honest.

Their not thier.
Relevant not relevent.
Amendment not Amendent.
Explicitly not explicitely.

WTF is lkittle.... you're typing too fast in a fervor, lol.

How do you know what all poll takers do ? You don't !

Liberal polls are skewed and democrats are liars.

Just because we have a free press doesn't mean they are honest.

You know those were typos and you are part of the greatest liars club of all. Trump supporters. Trump lies all the time. More than 30,000 times while he was president. And those are documented. That's probably not fair. Trump supporters know he lies. They just don't care.
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Donald Trump is so unhinged by the Harris Walz campaign that he is now saying that these crowds are AI generated. No, Donald, they are real. He still hasn't come up with a way to stop this phenomenon.
Donald Trump is so unhinged by the Harris Walz campaign that he is now saying that these crowds are AI generated. No, Donald, they are real. He still hasn't come up with a way to stop this phenomenon.
That cackling moron and her turd vp are not going to win, keep selling the hype, hype does not win an election.

Trump had way way way fucking way more support than Biden who campaigned from his basement, didn't matter did it, nope, votes matter.
That cackling moron and her turd vp are not going to win, keep selling the hype, hype does not win an election.

Trump had way way way fucking way more support than Biden who campaigned from his basement, didn't matter did it, nope, votes matter.

Neither does using old movie clips to say Biden is so endowned that he has a member the size of a cane. Though, I doubt he would take offense. :LOL:
lol Maybe he should wave his cane at Ayatollah Khamenei this time to try and look more intimidating. :LOL:


Don't get your hopes up.

Watch and learn. Trump not only will be sentenced next moth, but he is looking at more than 50 more charges which will continue. Some are state and some are federal. But, he faces a lot more scrutiny.
Name the next charge Trump will go to court on and his court date...... you can't.

I wouldn't expect much from that kangaroo court case's sentencing if it's not postponed again and even if Trump is on appeal.

