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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

The Trump campaign was hacked this time. They are blaming foreign actors. That's hilarious! Remember what a big deal Donald Trump made out of the DNC getting hacked in 2016? The irony is overwhelming.
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If these people believe this is not the same as a typical Trump rally, you're wrong. Trump can't even get these numbers of people to show up any longer. The fact is that the Las vegas rally drew more peope than Trump ever did there. Good luck trying to disparage Harris. That just ain't gonna work any longer.

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Over the past five days the Harris Walz campaing has gone to five battleground states while Donald Trump went to Montana. Harris Walz has managed to get record crowds to their events. The excitment is truly phenomenal.
RIP, looks like Iran might actually do it, and wtf: "The Olympics may have delayed the attack as France put pressure on Hezbollah & Iran not to attack during the competition, as per Channel 13". It's like in ancient Greece when they tried to lessen the fighting during the Olympic games. :LOL:

Harris Walz had more than 12,000 attend their stop in Las Vegas yesterday. The Democratic National Covention is just eight days away now. Should get a good bump from that. Trump is just saying really stupid things as they still haven't figured out how to respond to this ticket.
I wonder if a large fight between Iran and Israel would tend to help either the Trump or the Harris campaign or would it not benefit either significantly.
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I wonder if a large fight between Iran and Israel would tend to help either the Trump or the Harris campaign or would it not benefit either significantly.

I think Trump would try to make it an issue. I'm doubtful that it would work for him. He hasn't been able to land a message so far.
Trump has excellent policy, if you haven't heard what he has said then you haven't been listening then...... or maybe you can't hear anything over Kamala's inappropriate laughing. 🤪

Trump has excellent policy, if you haven't heard what he has said then you haven't been listening then...... or maybe you can't hear anything over Kamala's inappropriate laughing. 🤪

That Rasmusan poll isn't even close to the latest. Why is it always Republicans who believe in only the polls who show them ahead? You can mock Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but this race has changed ever since Harris becme the Democratic nominee.
That Rasmusan poll isn't even close to the latest. Why is it always Republicans who believe in only the polls who show them ahead? You can mock Kamala Harris until the cows come home, but this race has changed ever since Harris becme the Democratic nominee.

I don't know any republicans who believe in only the polls, actually most don't believe in the polls much at all because I expect republican poll takers will strive to take an accurate honest assessment, while liberal poll takers will slant their polling to favor the dem agenda...... in other words the polls don't elect the President and we know for a fact that democrats will run a misinformation campaign with a complicit mainstream media.

Harris is not the democrat nominee, she's an appointee without a single actual vote.
I don't know any republicans who believe in only the polls, actually most don't believe in the polls much at all because I expect republican poll takers will strive to take an accurate honest assessment, while liberal poll takers will slant their polling to favor the dem agenda...... in other words the polls don't elect the President and we know for a fact that democrats will run a misinformation campaign with a complicit mainstream media.

That's ridiculous! All poll takers try to make their polls the most relevant to show what is happening in that moment. To say that "liberal" polls are skewed shows how little you know. The media is the press. That was who the first Amendent was explicitly written for. A free press holds truth to power. I know Republicans don't like that much anymore as Trump is your nominee. He lies every time his mouth moves.
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