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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I could certainly go without potheads on the road. Cell phone while driving is still the worst sometimes imo. That being said I used to years ago be one of those potheads.. I'm very lucky to not have a criminal record from my younger years, I decided to quit all that stuff and count my blessings, now I'm super happy to be driving around in the beautiful Pacific Northwest professionally.

I do secured transport which means I'm responsible for the person I'm transporting until the ride is over, sometimes a person could require restraints as they're potentially a danger to themselves or others but dangerous drivers still make me more nervous than a person freaking out in my vehicle. If I crash or break down with a patient I have to wait on another secured vehicle to complete the trip. In adversely hot or cold weather that can be quite nerve wracking. It's happened to me once and that was the longest single day of my life.
I could certainly go without potheads on the road. Cell phone while driving is still the worst sometimes imo. That being said I used to years ago be one of those potheads.. I'm very lucky to not have a criminal record from my younger years, I decided to quit all that stuff and count my blessings, now I'm super happy to be driving around in the beautiful Pacific Northwest professionally.

I do secured transport which means I'm responsible for the person I'm transporting until the ride is over, sometimes a person could require restraints as they're potentially a danger to themselves or others but dangerous drivers still make me more nervous than a person freaking out in my vehicle. If I crash or break down with a patient I have to wait on another secured vehicle to complete the trip. In adversely hot or cold weather that can be quite nerve wracking. It's happened to me once and that was the longest single day of my life.

Sounds like a nice gig, do you own your vehicle as a contract worker or drive a company vehicle ?

I hear non-emergency medical transport is also a good business.
Sounds like a nice gig, do you own your vehicle as a contract worker or drive a company vehicle ?

Yeah I like the job honestly. It's a company vehicle but I get to drive it home at night. They operate several minivans and some sedans and SUVs too, all with a cage like a police car.

Technically I'm an NEMT but because we only do secure transport we go through ambulance bays usually. It's cool.
Now surely this is an unfavorable depiction right? IDK, maybe the designer of mine intended that too. I thought they are pro trump because the description said something like, "this coin will commemorate trump's historic victory in 2020, but if somehow biden wins and tanks the economy, at least you'll have this real silver to help protect your money" I'm paraphrasing but it definitely had me thinking they were pro-trump. Everyone who bought one from me sure was.

Maybe they're just trying to play both sides for profit, I suppose that would be the wise decision if maximizing profit is the goal.

Ever see the south park episode with towlie the stoner towl? They had the "I love towlie" and "I hate towlie" t shirts lol
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Maybe they're just trying to play both sides for profit, I suppose that would be the wise decision if maximizing profit is the goal.

Literally the smartest move in this extreme and divided political climate. Reminds me of the people here who would wait for conflicting Israel and Palestine protests to pop up and just set up nearby selling both Israeli and Palestinian flags. :LOL:
There's a new NY Times/Siena poll out today. It examines the voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Harris leads trump 50% to 46%, a four point dfference in all three states. Voters seem more excited than not to vote this year. Also the Democratic candidates for Senate led by even higher margins in these states.
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Many of the polls are massaged by the democrat machine, I prefer Rasmussen.

Many of the polls are massaged by the democrat machine, I prefer Rasmussen.

The NY Times/Siena poll is the latest poll out there. Importantly it measures the reponses in those three swing states. The Rasmusen poll doesn't.
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