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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I'd be interested to see the full interview with Ilhan there. I suspect they were fearmongering about Muslims, maybe suggesting a database to track them. Ilhan correctly points out that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by white men and I suspect that English being a second language for her, she was pointing out that if you want to be afraid of an ethnicity doing shootings, wouldn't it be prudent to fear the one that commits the most number of them? Yup, radicalization of white men is a problem, there probably are already databases and 3 letter agencies tracking such things.

I'd like to know of what utility is pointing out that the KKK was founded by democrats? Do you mean to suggest that democrats now should feel guilt for what their party did in 1865, at a time when values were completely different? Because that's the only reason I can think of that you'd bring it up, so if that isn't it, then please do enlighten me of what relevance it is when the kkk of today support Republicans.

If I am correct about your reason, it strikes me as very ironic. I suspect you're the type that thinks leftists want to teach white people to feel guilty about slavery. You may be able to find a clip or two of someone saying that that a conservative talking head will signal boost and blow out of proportion, acting like it's representative of the whole. The reality is that the left merely wants people to be aware of systemic racism, something that many conservatives deny even exists. Aware of the difficulties that minorities continue to face like disproportionate imprisonment, prison terms, generational wealth gaps, etc. It's possible to be aware of all these problems and desire to address them while feeling not a shred of guilt for slavery. Conservatives don't want to address such problems because many of them are racist or it would involve policies that they call communist just like everything else. So the irony is that you feel you shouldn't feel guilty for slavery, which is true, but democrats are supposed to be ashamed of what their pary did 160 years ago when the demographics were completely reversed and it was southerners who's descendents went on to become conservative Republicans after the southern strategy, who founded the KKK? Do I have that right?

I have already been preparing for every eventuality and I look at it as a potentially exciting time, that said I expect Trump to win, but I am aware that it is possible that Trump could actually lose, however that is looking improbable at this moment and we don't have much longer until Nov.5th, chances are good that Trump will be sworn back in on Jan. 20th and I look forward to hearing his speech.

How about you paul, are you prepared for either outcome ?

Anyone who has watched Trump knows he doesn't have anything going on except his grievences. Just yesterday he used his Mar-a-Lago press conference to express those, yet again. I have delt with a Trump victory in 2017, so I will deal again...but I truly doubt it will be I who is disappointed.
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Won't be long now before Harris Walz are in Arizona. Should be a great thing to watch. About a third of Arizona voters are Latino. LULAC has come out in favor of Harris Walz.
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I'd be interested to see the full interview with Ilhan there. I suspect they were fearmongering about Muslims, maybe suggesting a database to track them. Ilhan correctly points out that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by white men and I suspect that English being a second language for her, she was pointing out that if you want to be afraid of an ethnicity doing shootings, wouldn't it be prudent to fear the one that commits the most number of them? Yup, radicalization of white men is a problem, there probably are already databases and 3 letter agencies tracking such things.

I'd like to know of what utility is pointing out that the KKK was founded by democrats? Do you mean to suggest that democrats now should feel guilt for what their party did in 1865, at a time when values were completely different? Because that's the only reason I can think of that you'd bring it up, so if that isn't it, then please do enlighten me of what relevance it is when the kkk of today support Republicans.

If I am correct about your reason, it strikes me as very ironic. I suspect you're the type that thinks leftists want to teach white people to feel guilty about slavery. You may be able to find a clip or two of someone saying that that a conservative talking head will signal boost and blow out of proportion, acting like it's representative of the whole. The reality is that the left merely wants people to be aware of systemic racism, something that many conservatives deny even exists. Aware of the difficulties that minorities continue to face like disproportionate imprisonment, prison terms, generational wealth gaps, etc. It's possible to be aware of all these problems and desire to address them while feeling not a shred of guilt for slavery. Conservatives don't want to address such problems because many of them are racist or it would involve policies that they call communist just like everything else. So the irony is that you feel you shouldn't feel guilty for slavery, which is true, but democrats are supposed to be ashamed of what their pary did 160 years ago when the demographics were completely reversed and it was southerners who's descendents went on to become conservative Republicans after the southern strategy, who founded the KKK? Do I have that right?
Omar said ( some people did something and we began to lose some civil liberties ) when referring to 911 where over 5000 Americans were murdered, she also compared America to a terrorist nation when complaining about Americas support of Israel, Omar has said a lot of things that could easily be seen as racist and/or antisemitic.

Point is democrats are not above being racist, yet many are constantly lecturing and exploiting racism to control people, every time someone expresses a viewpoint not inline with the liberal agenda isn't an act of racism.
It just seems hypocritical to be so hyper sensitive to everything a white person says, yet make excuses for any appalling things a brown person says.

Point is progressives use/exploit racism and shaming to compel virtue signaling in order to advance an agenda while being hypocrites and racist themselves.
Omar said ( some people did something and we began to lose some civil liberties ) when referring to 911 where over 5000 Americans were murdered, she also compared America to a terrorist nation when complaining about Americas support of Israel, Omar has said a lot of things that could easily be seen as racist and/or antisemitic.

Point is democrats are not above being racist, yet many are constantly lecturing and exploiting racism to control people, every time someone expresses a viewpoint not inline with the liberal agenda isn't an act of racism.
It just seems hypocritical to be so hyper sensitive to everything a white person says, yet make excuses for any appalling things a brown person says.

Point is progressives use/exploit racism and shaming to compel virtue signaling in order to advance an agenda while being hypocrites and racist themselves.

No one can say that minorities, and Blacks in particular, haven't been the victims of racism for hundres of years. In Texas, it was also Latinos as they made marijuana illegal there before anyone else did. One Latino was sentenced to lfe in prison there. When he said, I can't do life, the Texas judge said, well do as much as you can.
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Harris was bad about locking up black people for minor marijuana offenses when she was a prosecutor, then cackling about being a pot smoker herself.
Harris was bad about locking up black people for minor marijuana offenses when she was a prosecutor, then cackling about being a pot smoker herself.

Prosecutors don't have the luxury of picking which cases they will prosecute. I'd like to see a video of her saying that she was a pot smoker.
Yes the US has and does sponsor terror states, including Isreal. That isn't antisemitic. So it seems my point about the KKK has gone way over your head and you just plow on ahead as if I didn't obliterate your so-called point.

The some people did something is the most common out of context thing conservatives fixate on that she ever said. She had already referred to the terror attack and who the official narrative said did it. It's common in English to refer to a subset of something with the word "some". She was talking about discrimination and hate crimes that Muslims in the US were facing after 9/11 because "some people" ( Islamic terrorists, not all muslims) did "something" (9/12, which she had already referred to. You have to deliberately remove the context in a disingenuous way to make an attack out of that, which is of course what Republicans do best since truth and facts do not matter to them
It's always some excuse, the KKK of old wasn't the same when mostly democrats joined in the greatest numbers and values were different then....

Omar had already referenced 911 when she downplayed the entire horrible event as " some people did something " ....... yes I see your excuse ( she had already referenced it ) and I reject it, because her language and demeanor was still to downplay the entire horrible event in contrast to her racial grievance.

That said I support her Freedom of speech, however I find her tone to be dismissive...... she could have paused after she said " some people did something...pause and add Yes it was awful....then state her grievance, but her thoughts were all about her indignation, her grievance.... as a US representative she could have been just a little bit sensitive to the feelings of others the way she expects others to be sensitive to her and her issues and measure her wording just a little, but she didn't...... yet when Trump let slip the same kind of indignation without measuring his words, ohh the sky is falling........ Hypocrites !
I wouldn't want it because it's a hallucinogenic and has a lot of chemicals that we haven't determined how they might interact with other meds , but I say let people have if they choose once they turn 18.
Marijuana, a hallucinogenic? Lol, ok. If you say so.

When I referred to values being different then, I meant the values of people in the democratic party, who went on to become dixiecrats and later, Republicans. Did you think that I was saying the KKK were some sort of nicer version of racist or that it was OK for them to be because times were different? Man, you really are motivated to find the worst possible interpretation of your political opponents words aren't you, AKA, intellectually dishonest.
