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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

When do you plan to stop promoting this easily demonstrable falsehood? So you found an ignorant "pick me" to spout uninformed drivel, are we supposed to believe she knows what she is talking about simply because she is black? I have already told you about the southern strategy. Again, if you think the KKK are democrats today, go to their rally and tell them that to their face and see what happens. Then explain how their leader can endorse trump and still remain their leader if they're all democrats. Then maybe explain why such a huge chunk of racist people live in the south which are by and large...... RED STATES

PLEASE, tell me what this Wikipedia page gets wrong, I'll wait....

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Democrats joined the clan early on in the greatest numbers, I posted that data before and I know you saw it.
Anyway my point is Harris can not be trusted by poor black Americans to do a dam thing besides raising taxes and running up the cost of living, Harris would be bad for the US economy and bad for poor Americans of every race.

Trump is NOT associated with the klan and Trump is NOT a racist, these are just false democrat talking points and political propaganda.....IDGAF what Trump wrote next to renters names 50 years ago, a small letter c for colored or something...... 50 years ago.... just knock it off, Trump served all Americans as POTUS, you democrats bad mouth Trump calling him a racist because you just want socialism, Trump worked for all Americans, he did not take action to hurt people of color, quite the opposite.

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Can you explain why Trump said that "the squad" should go back to where they came from, and can you find a single example of him saying ANY white Democrat that he hates should go back to where they came from?

Then maybe you can explain how saying that a black or brown person should leave the country to go back where they come from is not racist
Because they are 2nd generation Americans complaining about America, complaining about white men, they want to tear down white America....... so because they don't love America and want to tear it down, Trump said if you don't like America then why not go back to where you came from..... as in roots, as in where their parents came from.

Trump could have said it this way: If America is so bad and you hate it, then why not try living where your parents did before they decided to come to America for a better life and then tell us if America is the worst or if you really would rather live here.

I suppose saying anything connected to race is racist, yet the squad calls out white men as the problem...... how's that not racist and sexist ?


I told paul a while back that the antisemitic crap coming out of the progressive left would hurt them, now we are seeing it come to fruition.

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Today the Harris Wlalz campaign heads to Arizona then to Nevada. Where's Trump? He,s headed to that swing state Montana. :LOL:
I think you are either lying or misrepresenting when you say the squad complain about white men.

Funny how only Republicans are able to complain about America and want to make it great again whatever the hell that means. People you disagree with aren't allowed this courtesy though. It gets characterized as hate for America. You act like the fact that some people who come from objectively worse countries and come to the US should therefore not be able to criticize anything about the US and express nothing but fawning adoration.

Well I say they can walk and chew gum at the same time. They can both be grateful for all the good things about the US yet still want to improve it and critique it.

Since trump wants to ban Muslims from coming to the country and imprison those who exercise their 1st amendment rights, I therefore conclude that he hates America, is a traitor to the constitution, and he should go back to Germany where his family is from.


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Donald Trump made really stupid assertions on Fox Business yesterday saying that he can eliminate the debt, can also increase tax cuts, and increase the GDP all at the same time. This earned him four Pinocchios in the Washington Post today.

This wasn't a rally. It was an endorsement by the UAW. Harris doesn't need to bus anyone in to see her. That is just nonsense. Also, Beyonce has come out for Harris allowing her to use her songs and many entertainers have offered to perform at her rallies.
Harris needs Megan Thee Stallion and free concerts to draw a crowd, Trump doesn't.

I know where Trump will be on January the 20th and he will draw a big crowd. :cool::p😝😜🤪
Harris needs Megan Thee Stallion and free concerts to draw a crowd, Trump doesn't.

I know where Trump will be on January the 20th and he will draw a big crowd. :cool::p😝😜🤪

How many people can go to Mar-a-Lago? Harris will win this year and what will you do then? :ROFLMAO:
I have already been preparing for every eventuality and I look at it as a potentially exciting time, that said I expect Trump to win, but I am aware that it is possible that Trump could actually lose, however that is looking improbable at this moment and we don't have much longer until Nov.5th, chances are good that Trump will be sworn back in on Jan. 20th and I look forward to hearing his speech.

How about you paul, are you prepared for either outcome ?
