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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

No I said I don't believe the story behind the pic, not yet and not unless I see credible proof, however the pic is funny.

p.s. Maybe he just drank milk from a glass, the pic doesn't say, it leaves it up to your imagination..... and to that end, the look on his face, makes it funny, IMO

No I said I don't believe the story behind the pic, not yet and not unless I see credible proof, however the pic is funny.

p.s. Maybe he just drank milk from a glass, the pic doesn't say, it leaves it up to your imagination..... and to that end, the look on his face, makes it funny, IMO

It's an obviously photoshopped picture.
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They should have a tag team debate where it's Harris and Walz vs Trump and Vance with all four on the stage at once.
They should have a tag team debate where it's Harris and Walz vs Trump and Vance with all four on the stage at once.

I wouldn't mind watching that. Trump held a press conference today that looked awful. He lied over and over again. He claimed that his crowd size forhis inauguration was larger than Martin Luther King's. His crowd was 58,000. King drew more than 250,000. He has also complained about Harris' crowd size saying she only got 1000 people and he got hunderds of thousands. Then he said everyone wanted Roe v Wade overturned and it will play no role in this election. It went on like this for over an hour.
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I thought Trump made some good points, he also said he thinks women should be able to get an abortion for all the extreme case reasons, rape, incest, mothers health ..... you know mothers health could cover a lot.
I thought Trump made some good points, he also said he thinks women should be able to get an abortion for all the extreme case reasons, rape, incest, mothers health ..... you know mothers health could cover a lot.

Yeah, but he is truly responsible for the overturing of Roe v Wade. It is unlikely now, that if he actually got in, that he would do anything to change that.
They could add a mechanism where the moderator could trigger a Tesla coil to deliver an electric shock to either candidate during the debate if they told a blatant lie. Have a small group of moderates from both parties fact checking and signalling to the moderator that a statement was not true and a shock was needed.
They would both be crispy critters before the debate even really got going, lol.

Also you would need an interlock/interrupt on the moderators shock button, so no shock could be delivered unless all the fact checkers agreed and pressed their enable buttons, good for a 5 second window or such.
Otherwise ...... hilarity could ensue, lol.

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Carol Nennig has said today that Georgia is a harbinger of what is to come. Trump called the Republican election officails by name saying that they were giving the good fight. They are supposed to ministrial confirm the election results, but Trump seems to think they will not certify the elction when he loses.
