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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Harris and Walz are liars and fakes, the mainstream media gaslighting isn't going to work, people are finding out they are fakes as are the polls and all the bullshit paul regurgitates, democrats are excited.... bullshit, it's a psy-op to gaslight voters.

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Harris and Walz are liars and fakes, the mainstream media gaslighting isn't going to work, people are finding out they are fakes as are the polls and all the bullshit paul regurgitates, democrats are excited.... bullshit, it's a psy-op to gaslight voters.

In the latest poll Harris leads Trump by 6 points.
Harris/Walz are the worst pair of socialist/communist we've ever seen running.
Idiot socialist at that.
Idiot liar fraud socialist.
I don't believe American voters are anywhere near ready to vote in such a pair of radical socialist with such horrible credentials and I don't believe the polls, same polls that always put a presumptive Trump vs. Harris race at 70-30 while they were telling us Trump vs. Biden was 50-50...... it wasn't.
Nebula news LOL another wanna be dem mouthpiece auditioning with his opinion that points out how dems have manipulated the past news cycle, lol..... old bit of the truth to sell a lie, too funny.


They have won Nothing, neither has ever been elected POTUS but Trump has and will be again. ;)

The last false narrative was that Biden was in GREAT SHAPE and ready for 4 more years and Biden was SURE TO WIN !!!
That was all bullshit too. ;)

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They have won Nothing, neither has ever been elected POTUS but Trump has and will be again. ;)

The last false narrative was that Biden was in GREAT SHAPE and ready for 4 more years and Biden was SURE TO WIN !!!
That was all bullshit too. ;)

Trump becomes more unhinged as Harris Walz dominate the news cycles. He still hasn't found an effective way to detract from this Democratic duo. The momentum is behind Harris Walz. I expect Trump will continue being Trump which is not working for him at all.

Also, Biden isn't running any longer.
Weird because trump seemed to believe the polls that showed him winning against Joe Biden. Were those polls fake? Could you trust them?

They've gotten more accurate and take more variables into account than back when Hillary and Trump ran. Your confidence is arrogant and unfounded for a guy who's party hasn't won the popular vote since Reagan.

The way it works is trump likes anything depicting him favorably and calls anything unfavorable fake. If you can't see this it's probably because you're in a cult of personality.

Trump might still win, I'm not saying he won't, but the enthusiasm of being rid of Biden is real. I personally would rather have had a senile and inept old man as president than a fascist, but there's lots of people who don't like Trump but thought biden was too mentally compromised to be president and would've voted for trump simply because he can form coherent sentences with slightly greater frequency than biden could. That dynamic has changed now
I admit people are glad to be rid of Biden after the truth dems were hiding from mainstream news consumers came out at the last debate, but that will wear off and Harris still hasn't answered any real questions.

Walz is a fraud, he lied about his military service pretending to be something he is not and he flipped 180 on hes supporters in the past, Walz can't be trusted at all.

Harris can lie about what shes said in the past to try and appear more moderate, she's not moderate, she's an extreme leftist and would wreck our economy with tax increases and wasteful ideological spending sprees.

Harris still hasn't answered any real questions, she has no plan to build a strong economy and she has proven herself ineffective on border police, I can only imagine how horrific her foreign policy would be..... world war 3 anybody ?
I admit people are glad to be rid of Biden after the truth dems were hiding from mainstream news consumers came out at the last debate, but that will wear off and Harris still hasn't answered any real questions.

Walz is a fraud, he lied about his military service pretending to be something he is not and he flipped 180 on hes supporters in the past, Walz can't be trusted at all.

Harris can lie about what shes said in the past to try and appear more moderate, she's not moderate, she's an extreme leftist and would wreck our economy with tax increases and wasteful ideological spending sprees.

Harris still hasn't answered any real questions, she has no plan to build a strong economy and she has proven herself ineffective on border police, I can only imagine how horrific her foreign policy would be..... world war 3 anybody ?

WW III only MAGAs. Harris has been messaging about the economy and has found a villain in large corporastions to prosecute. It is landing well as she contiues to rally in swing states while Trump plans to rally in that swing state, Montana, on Friday. :LOL:
Yet you support a guy who has spoken of sending nuclear submarines to Russian coast and has said we should bomb their forces with our airplanes that have Chinese flags painted on, right after he said that Putin was smart, which he is. Again, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I would choose Trump on foreign policy over Harris without any hesitation what so ever, Harris can't even manage the border, hell she didn't even want to go to the border.

I would choose Trump on foreign policy over Harris without any hesitation what so ever, Harris can't even manage the border, hell she didn't even want to go to the border.

This guy's latest poll was from last month. Not any of them more recent than that and most very much older. It doesn't show the shift that we now see for Harris.
(1) Last month was 7 days ago, that said this video is less than 1 day old and it uses the latest polls.

(2) If anything you said was the least bit true, then list the polls and their dates, or stop making stuff up paul.
