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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Bullshit !

Judge Merchan was conflicted yet he took part in Alvin Bragg's perversion of our legal system to target a political candidate for President.

They brought Merchan in special, he wasn't even in the pool from which a judge was supposed to be randomly chosen and he was conflicted.

They used a state book keeping law past the statute of limitations and boot strapped it into a felony based on a flakey legal theory never before tested, they actually instructed a jury of 85% anti Trump voters that Trump was guilty of " election interference " for recording NDA payment as a legal expense........

Trump was also denied his rights throughout the trial.

Now you have the gall to talk about forcing judges to recuse based on what ever liberals may invent..... no way.

Democrat Governors are passing laws they know to be unconstitutional, without the scotus there would be no legal recourse when lower courts are staffed with political activist judges, this would leed to each party packing the court after each election with Americans subject to more and more extreme and unjust laws, both democrats and republicans would have the rug jerked out from under them every 4-8 years, it's a sure path to civil unrest.

The scotus has followed the same rules for all of our lifetimes, leave the court alone.
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except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted
That right there. This part is used as a loophole to make prisoners do free labor. Keep jailing people for minor marijuana offenses, and it's not hard to fill the prisons with 'free laborers'. Here is a Georgia Congresswoman's website talking more about an effort to revise the amendment.
Here's an example, Biden signed the infrastructure bill into law, one of the things in that law besides a lot of green boondoggle money grabs is a law that says all new cars by 2026 must have driver monitoring software that can shut down the car.
Here's another straight out of the Orwellian nightmare, Biden admin. established a ministry of truth, talk about attacking free speech.
Of the two examples offered, while I wouldn't be a fan of either one in practice, the first example is easily negated by a quick fact check (if AP isn't a reliable source, they also verify our election results, so we have some bigger problems), and the second is no longer active after constitutional concerns were raised according to Wikipedia
Bullshit !

Judge Merchan was conflicted yet he took part in Alvin Bragg's perversion of our legal system to target a political candidate for President.

They brought Merchan in special, he wasn't even in the pool from which a judge was supposed to be randomly chosen and he was conflicted.

They used a state book keeping law past the statute of limitations and boot strapped it into a felony based on a flakey legal theory never before tested, they actually instructed a jury of 85% anti Trump voters that Trump was guilty of " election interference " for recording NDA payment as a legal expense........

Trump was also denied his rights throughout the trial.

Now you have the gall to talk about forcing judges to recuse based on what ever liberals may invent..... no way.

Yes way. This is long overdue. The SCOTUS appears to be just another political arm of Trumpism. Merchan is a NY state judge and ruled for the defense as often as he ruled for the prosecution. Trump will be sentenced next month. Hope he gets time in a cell.
That right there. This part is used as a loophole to make prisoners do free labor. Keep jailing people for minor marijuana offenses, and it's not hard to fill the prisons with 'free laborers'. Here is a Georgia Congresswoman's website talking more about an effort to revise the amendment.

Of the two examples offered, while I wouldn't be a fan of either one in practice, the first example is easily negated by a quick fact check (if AP isn't a reliable source, they also verify our election results, so we have some bigger problems), and the second is no longer active after constitutional concerns were raised according to Wikipedia

Kamala Harris locked up a lot of black people for minor marijuana offenses.

That fact check simply says the technology isn't YET a kill switch that cops can use to shut down cars, but it will easily be in time, that said the driver monitoring software is legally required on all new cars, that's way too invasive.

The ministry of fucking truth should never have been created in the 1st place.
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Yes way. This is long overdue. The SCOTUS appears to be just another political arm of Trumpism. Merchan is a NY state judge and ruled for the defense as often as he ruled for the prosecution. Trump will be sentenced next month. Hope he gets time in a cell.

Merchan was very conflicted as was Alvin Bragg who ran for office on " Getting Trump "

Merchan was very conflicted as was Alvin Bragg who ran for office on " Getting Trump "

Who cares what some Trumpian House committee says about this. Trump WILL be sentenced next month and I really hope he does jail time.
So let me see if I get this....

You're ok with the complete mockery of justice-political lawfare against Trump.
You want your kangaroo court to lock up the likely President reelect less than two months before the election.
Then you want dems to pack the court if they are successful in stealing another election ?

If this were to all play out and I doubt it will, your dems may just start ..... a big mess...... and then again, what happens when Trump gets elected anyway ?
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So let me see if I get this....

You're ok with the complete mockery of justice-political lawfare against Trump.
You want your kangaroo court to lock up the likely President reelect less than two months before the election.
Then you want dems to pack the court if they are successful in stealing another election ?

If this were to all play out and I doubt it will, your dems may just start ..... a big mess...... and then again, what happens when Trump gets elected anyway ?

There was no mockery of justice. In poll after poll a significant majory of Americans believe Trump was fairly tried. If Trump gets elected anyway it will be a monumental aberation. I wouldn't count on that happening.
WRONG ! That kangaroo court trial was a complete mockery of justice that should concern every American, if the fucking ex President can't get a fair trial, then what hope do any of us have ?

No half of America does not, your liberal polls are worthless.

If your kangaroo court were to lock up Trump less than 2 months before the election..... you just might motivate a lot of sleeping republicans to get out and vote. 🤪

The reform in the aftermath could be sweeping, be careful what you wish for paul, although I doubt you will get it.
If trump was found ineligible to hold office, who’s a younger, peppier republican that could take his place? The republican counterpart to Kamala Harris?
WRONG ! That kangaroo court trial was a complete mockery of justice that should concern every American, if the fucking ex President can't get a fair trial, then what hope do any of us have ?

No half of America does not, your liberal polls are worthless.

If your kangaroo court were to lock up Trump less than 2 months before the election..... you just might motivate a lot of sleeping republicans to get out and vote. 🤪

The reform in the aftermath could be sweeping, be careful what you wish for paul, although I doubt you will get it.

These weren't liberal polls. Show me just one that shows the opposite. There aren't any. Trump was fairly tried and convicted. The numbers of people who disagreed in these pollls are about equal to the number of MAGAs left. Trump won't get locked up before the elction, but he could right afterwards.
Well I assumed he would be ineligible if he was locked up, not that I think he will be, and I’m curious who the next choice republicans would be to lead the ticket

J D Vance. :ROFLMAO:

We have had people run for president from prison before. Just not one endorsed by a major political party.
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