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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

No, she's NOT black, she's Indian American with some fractional other, but she's Indian American no matter what anyone wants to believe.

The Black voting community will decide what they think based on her info and her history of locking up black people. IDGAF what she calls herself.

I have decided to call myself a fruit salad, so if I say that's a chocolate banana coming out of my ass, will you eat it paul ?

If I say I am black, can I take advantage of affirmative action ? Can I take advantage of DEI hiring quotas ? Hell lets all call ourselves black, yes so if we say we are black, then we are black ........ and that's how we nullified DEI

Yeah, I thought you would say that. It doesn't matter what you and Donald Trump say. You've already lost this election. Hopefully you guys will run him again in 2028. I can hardly wait. BTW, I have thought of you as a fruit salad before, so just sayin'.

Ohh you are dreaming paul, Trump will be reelected, that cackling moron will not be the 1st female US President, no way no how.
Biden stepping down is a disaster for democrats, so keep pretending it's a good thing, maybe you can fool yourself, but I know better.
Ohh you are dreaming paul, Trump will be reelected, that cackling moron will not be the 1st female US President, no way no how.
Biden stepping down is a disaster for democrats, so keep pretending it's a good thing, maybe you can fool yourself, but I know better.

Yeah, good luck with that. You're gonna need it. Trump has already lost this election. P L E A SE run him again in 2028. We need him. :ROFLMAO:
I know you're not religious paul, but my suggestion for you is to...... Pray...... Pray you can find the strength to cope with your TDS after Trump is sworn back in.
I know you're not religious paul, but my suggestion for you is to...... Pray...... Pray you can find the strength to cope with your TDS after Trump is sworn back in.

There's no chance in hell. Your guy has already lost. He has no policies or vision for the future. It's Trump after all. He only cares about himself. He still, to this day, keeps on making this about personalities. Everything is not about Trump.
What the hell are you talking about already lost, the election is in November, nobody has won or lost yet, but Harris has a slim chance at best.

Trump has sound policy, but Harris has nothing but inane ramblings about redistributing wealth which will never happen, every congressman is indebted to wealthy supporters, all Harris will do is jack up taxes and put us into a deep recession, but Trump will again stimulate the economy and bring prices back down, we all need Trump, all across the socioeconomic spectrum, Trump will improve the economy for everyone.
What the hell are you talking about already lost, the election is in November, nobody has won or lost yet, but Harris has a slim chance at best.

Trump has sound policy, but Harris has nothing but inane ramblings about redistributing wealth which will never happen, every congressman is indebted to wealthy supporters, all Harris will do is jack up taxes and put us into a deep recession, but Trump will again stimulate the economy and bring prices back down, we all need Trump, all across the socioeconomic spectrum, Trump will improve the economy for everyone.

What the hell are you talking about? Trump has absolutely no vision for the future. Harris has the support of most Independantsand all of the Domocratic party. It will be a landslide election for Harris. All you have are MAGA supporters. That ain't even near enough. I expect Trump will have to show up on the 7th as Harris will be there irrespective of what Trump does.
I keep returning to the realization that you paul are insane, Trump has great vision and policy, but your cackling nut only has word salads and inane ramblings that will never come to fruition.

You're going to end up standing in a puddle of your own urine, stamping your feet while screaming at passing cars, one fist in the air and the other pulling out your remaining hair.

You're going to need professional help paul if you don't stop telling yourself these fanciful stories, Harris hasn't won anything and likely won't in November either...... get a grip man, get a grip and build a plan to deal with your TDS so that it doesn't consume you any further.

Harris has the support of most Independants

1st item.... You mispelled independents.
2nd item.... How the hell do you pretend to know who most independents will be voting for ?

rofl JD Vance just sounds like a BDSM themed super villain. He could be the Sofa Gimp Sub a gimp suited villain bent on World Submission. (Guess it can't be world domination if he's an ultra sub) With JD, Justin Trudeau, and Kim Jong Un screaming in Gimp suits as Putin whips them repeatedly. :ROFLMAO:
rofl JD Vance just sounds like a BDSM themed super villain. He could be the Sofa Gimp Sub a gimp suited villain bent on World Submission. (Guess it can't be world domination if he's an ultra sub) With JD, Justin Trudeau, and Kim Jong Un screaming in Gimp suits as Putin whips them repeatedly. :ROFLMAO:

Trump is the same way. It's like they're both trying to out do the other.
rofl JD Vance just sounds like a BDSM themed super villain. He could be the Sofa Gimp Sub a gimp suited villain bent on World Submission. (Guess it can't be world domination if he's an ultra sub) With JD, Justin Trudeau, and Kim Jong Un screaming in Gimp suits as Putin whips them repeatedly. :ROFLMAO:
Lmfao what did I just read
rofl JD Vance just sounds like a BDSM themed super villain. He could be the Sofa Gimp Sub a gimp suited villain bent on World Submission. (Guess it can't be world domination if he's an ultra sub) With JD, Justin Trudeau, and Kim Jong Un screaming in Gimp suits as Putin whips them repeatedly. :ROFLMAO:

JD most likely got flesh pegged by that trans friend who released a bunch of their emails. They said 'love you' to each other in their correspondence. Why is nobody talking about this? He could be the first gay Republican VP. Just curious why nobody else is discussing this amazing thing.
Because they don't really care about gay rights all that much, what they really want is free healthcare, free housing and a free paycheck...... but they don't realize it's not possible in the utopian fashion that's been dangled in front of them.

What they would get is poor healthcare, some project type housing for some and a pittance check along with some food stamps..... the cost would be the highest taxes we have seen in a century and a crippled economy unable to recover which would facilitate more and more government managed enterprise.

American socialism and all the misery and sorrow you can imagine, young people will readily sign up for military service to escape the reality of daily life with no hope, the American dream will not have died, it will have been killed...... but prosperity will still be enjoyed by some Americans in our ruling class and there will be a possibility for a few to marry into a decent life.
Because they don't really care about gay rights all that much, what they really want is free healthcare, free housing and a free paycheck...... but they don't realize it's not possible in the utopian fashion that's been dangled in front of them.

What they would get is poor healthcare, some project type housing for some and a pittance check along with some food stamps..... the cost would be the highest taxes we have seen in a century and a crippled economy unable to recover which would facilitate more and more government managed enterprise.

American socialism and all the misery and sorrow you can imagine, young people will readily sign up for military service to escape the reality of daily life with no hope, the American dream will not have died, it will have been killed...... but prosperity will still be enjoyed by some Americans in our ruling class and there will be a possibility for a few to marry into a decent life.

Again, that's nonsense. Trump gave us an $8 trillion defecit and he plans on giving more to the wealthiest. No one wants food stamps either. This is the best you can do for your buddy Trump?
