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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Trump cut taxes to stimulate business and we had a fantastic economy for it, but under Biden everything is more expensive.

Another reason we need Trump and not an Obama 4th term via. another puppet.

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The “deep state” puppetry is inevitable no matter which candidate I fear. Donald was making all the decisions, even though he didn’t bother to read his morning briefings and had no prior experience in politics? I doubt it. He just had puppeteers that align more with your values, most likely

But on the other hand there’s always been a network of people around the president with various skill sets helping out and offering counsel including the cabinet; the pres isn’t supposed to be judge jury and executioner anyway
Kamala claims to be a capitalist and support business growth. Where do you see evidence to the contrary? Running a democracy is abt creating the right cocktail of freedom and equality (which contradict each other) and Kamala seems to have a good mix
Kamala Cackleturd Harris has flat out expressed some very far left socialist, redistribute the wealth, concepts.

Even if trump wins, I wouldn't hold my breath for lower prices. We already pay far less for our gasoline than the average European. Can thank government subsidy for that. Republicans claim to hate socialism but they love corporate welfare and socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.

I'd agree Kamala is guilty of word salads but people in glass houses should not be throwing stones 1000010086.jpg1000010033.jpg
Trump is the worst of the options. Hell, he's a convict, an adjudicated rapist and is facing more ciminal prosecutions. The guy is only in it for himself. At least Harris is looking to make people's lives better. It's up to everyone to search your heart and make the best descision you can in November.
It's up to everyone to see through the political lawfare and media manipulation, people should be be outraged that it happened, any party that corrupt is too dangerous to be in power.

Today's radical democrats what to pack the court, hamstring the Executive branch and weaponize the alphabet agencies, today's democrats want to give Congress all the power to rule as kings and queens without any recourse for the people, nobody is safe, the plan is for everyone to own nothing and supposedly be happy..... sounds like slavery by another name ( American socialism )
That doesn’t sound like what democrats want.. If we’re going to talk about a Party imposing its will on the people, when will we talk about Trump appointing three conservative judges who have overturned Roe v Wade; republican opposition to LGBT rights and banned book panic; pro-christianity in public schools; anti-prison reform (cough, 13th amendment).

A lot of such things have manifested as a result of Trump’s presidency. Where is the alleged communism from Biden’s presidency?
That doesn’t sound like what democrats want.. If we’re going to talk about a Party imposing its will on the people, when will we talk about Trump appointing three conservative judges who have overturned Roe v Wade; republican opposition to LGBT rights and banned book panic; pro-christianity in public schools; anti-prison reform (cough, 13th amendment).

A lot of such things have manifested as a result of Trump’s presidency. Where is the alleged communism from Biden’s presidency?

Democrat Harry Reid nuked the judge appointment filibuster, if Hillary Clinton had been elected then she would have appointed 3 judges.

Kids are impressionable and need positive role models, not cross dressing drag queens to read stories and confuse them before they have even reached puberty, also biological men should not compete in women's sports, other than that I say live and let live.

Abortion should be the mothers choice.

The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."....... What's your point ??

Here's an example, Biden signed the infrastructure bill into law, one of the things in that law besides a lot of green boondoggle money grabs is a law that says all new cars by 2026 must have driver monitoring software that can shut down the car.

Here's another straight out of the Orwellian nightmare, Biden admin. established a ministry of truth, talk about attacking free speech.
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Democrat Harry Reid nuked the judge appointment filibuster, if Hillary Clinton had been elected then she would have appointed 3 judges.

Kids are impressionable and need positive role models, not cross dressing drag queens to read stories and confuse them before they have even reached puberty, also biological men should not compete in women's sports, other than that I say live and let live.

Abortion should be the mothers choice.

The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."....... What's your point ??

Here's an example, Biden signed the infrastructure bill into law, one of the things in that law besides a lot of green boondoggle money grabs is a law that says all new cars by 2026 must have driver monitoring software that can shut down the car.

There are things Democrats can do to rein in the SCOTUS when Harris is sworn-in in January. My hope is they will waste no time in doing so.
Packing the court would be a big mistake, no Trump did not pack the court, Trump acted within the long established rules.
No one is talking about packing the court. They do need to be held to enforceable ethics. And recusal when any justice is trying to rule in conflict to what every other judge in the federal system has to adhere to.
