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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Democrats may replace Harris, but Trump will be reelected, even if he was locked up.
Still sounds like a star wars character whose helmet spins around and turns into a disco ball

I think Vivek, Nikki Haley, and Don Jr(s) could also be ones to watch out for in the future

None of those are much better than Donald Trump. The GOP is a disaster party now.
Vivek created a pyramid scheme to fund his campaign during the primaries lol. I remember seeing his ad for it, it was telling people they could see a percentage of the pool if they got their friends to donate too.
Vivek created a pyramid scheme to fund his campaign during the primaries lol. I remember seeing his ad for it, it was telling people they could see a percentage of the pool if they got their friends to donate too.

Even Nikki Haley was a protest vote against Trump. There are no good alternatives in the GOP now.
The conservative judges are judicial activists too. Both sides do this. They're just judicial activists that you agree with. With so many things the constitution is unclear, or vacant, and they have to make it up as they go and justify it in an ad hoc way. You can tell when they overturned roe because of something something oh it had no longstanding tradition or whatever. You know what else doesn't have longstanding tradition? Lots of things. AR 15s. But you can bet they'd rule that the 2nd applies to them too. Gay marriage, interracial marriage, the list goes on. I'm betting gay marriage will get overturned next on similar rationale as roe, but since Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman, they won't overturn that.

If Hillary had won, she wouldn't have appointed 3 judges, the Republicans would've blocked the 3rd saying it was too close to the next election like they did with Obama. then some said they would apply the same standard if it were a republican near the end of their term, then they proved what liars and holders of double standards they were when push came to shove.
The only republicans who are better than democrats are
(#1) Anyone
(#2) Everyone
You know nothing about either candidate except that A is committed to defending the constitution and promises to not raise taxes on incomes below $2M.

Who gets your vote?502C962A-A769-40A3-8D5C-917877D19BE1.jpeg
I like to go out and get something to eat once in awhile. I like to listen to the radio and lately I've heard Kamala Harris laugh and cackle so much it's making me want to puke. No political statement, just sayin
Yeah, it is s bit of a strange laugh. The other day some really weird, messed up looking bird (maybe an escaped tropical bird that had been mauled by cats?) let out this really eardrum shattering squawk right outside my bedroom window and it reminded me of Kamala Harris and that "we did it Joe" clip. :ROFLMAO:
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The conservative judges are judicial activists too. Both sides do this. They're just judicial activists that you agree with. With so many things the constitution is unclear, or vacant, and they have to make it up as they go and justify it in an ad hoc way. You can tell when they overturned roe because of something something oh it had no longstanding tradition or whatever. You know what else doesn't have longstanding tradition? Lots of things. AR 15s. But you can bet they'd rule that the 2nd applies to them too. Gay marriage, interracial marriage, the list goes on. I'm betting gay marriage will get overturned next on similar rationale as roe, but since Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman, they won't overturn that.

If Hillary had won, she wouldn't have appointed 3 judges, the Republicans would've blocked the 3rd saying it was too close to the next election like they did with Obama. then some said they would apply the same standard if it were a republican near the end of their term, then they proved what liars and holders of double standards they were when push came to shove.

The Conservatives follow our Constitution and as for AR-15's they are in " common use "

The Heller test looks at what arms are “in common use” today, not in the past. If semiautomatic rifles and handguns that accept detachable magazines are in common use today, they are protected. Their ubiquity, and their being “in common use,” confirms their protected status under the Second Amendment.
The SCOTUS today ruled that the Missouri AG had no standing to interfere with Donald Trump's NY conviction. This was a 7 to 2 ruling. Guess who the two holdouts were.

Speaking of Clarence Thomas, it has been reported today that he got even more than the $4.3 million in gifts from a billionaire who has cases before this court.
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