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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

The Harris campaing has raised an astonishing $310 million in July. The Trump campaign raised $139 million in that same time period.
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Kamala Haris has now reported that she has met the threshold of delegates needed to take the nomination. Looks like she is now our official nominee.
Trump has backed out of the ABC debate with Kamala Harris now saying he will debate her only on Fox News on 9/4/24. Harris has now said she will be at the ABC debate.
It's not a orange turd, It's an orange turd. Orange starts with the letter o, o is a vowel.

Yeah, I'm using a new laptop with a smaller keyboard. It doesn't always do what I want. I often hit keys that don't repond as well as my other laptop. I try to read these posts before I post them, but stuff gets through anyway. If that is your best argument you are no better than the orange turd is.
I was simply returning the favor you so often have extended too me of pointing out my typos..... nice to know you think of yourself as no better than an orange turd, lol.

BTW Kamala is NOT black !

I was simply returning the favor you so often have extended too me of pointing out my typos..... nice to know you think of yourself as no better than an orange turd, lol.

BTW Kamala is NOT black !

That's ridiculous! She has always considered herself a Black woman. She went to Howard University. Of course she had an Indian mother, but these disinctions are not difficult to peope who aren't racists.
I'm not racist just because you insinuate I am and I'm not racist for speaking the truth, Kamala Harris is NOT an African American ( black ) woman and she has not served the black community, she locked up blacks for smoking pot then attempted to gain favor by saying she's a pot smoker, Kamala Harris is a hypocrite and a liar who spread her legs to get to where she is today, she's also a cackling buffoon who has no business in any position of authority as she has expressed her will to violate the oath of office she will have to take to uphold our Constitution if elected.
I'm not racist just because you insinuate I am and I'm not racist for speaking the truth, Kamala Harris is NOT an African American ( black ) woman and she has not served the black community, she locked up blacks for smoking pot then attempted to gain favor by saying she's a pot smoker, Kamala Harris is a hypocrite and a liar who spread her legs to get to where she is today, she's also a cackling buffoon who has no business in any position of authority as she has expressed her will to violate the oath of office she will have to take to uphold our Constitution if elected.

I insinuated nothing of the kind. You are spouting the racist nonsense that Trump does. I expect that as you support him. To say that Harris spread her legs to get where she is shows the desperation you guys have at facing her this November.

Saying Harris will violate her oath is hilarious! Trump is a criminal. He is a covict. He faces many more prosecutions too.
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As soon as Trump says something, conservative brains get a firmware update 😂
If you were asked whether you see an issue with Kamala being biracial Indian and Black a week ago, you would have had no opinion on the subject. But because the cognitive dissonance is too much to bear, opinion updated
Trump had such good momentum after the assassination attempt. Even as someone on the left side of the political spectrum I felt the emotion when he pumped his fist in the air and spoke at the rnc…for the first few minutes at least. If only he acted with a trace of decorum he might be in the lead
I love the rare instances where trump is in front of an unfriendly crowd and they boo or laugh at him. You can tell it really gets to him. Bet he wishes he could make it illegal, just like in north Korea. Our freedom to make fun of our leaders is an important one. Seeing as he tried to sue Bill Maher for making a joke, he doesn't seem to respect this freedom
lol That reminds me of when he got booed by his own supporters and was apparently upset after revealing that he got his COVID booster shot.

"Ex-Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said later that Trump was apparently hurt by the audience's reaction, adding that he had to console the former president."

