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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Jul 10, 2015
I will bet Biden is pumped full of anti-Alzheimer meds just before the debate........ meds which don't last, but will help get him through a debate..... just watch how Biden fades towards the end as his meds fail him, lol.

Guarantee Biden will be late, they will make certain Trump is there and ready to go and bring a freshly medicated Biden out at the last minute.... watch.

Oct 18, 2013
Red, do you not remember for like the first 2 years of Trump's term he and Kim Jong Un were shit talking each other and talking about nuking each other on fucking Twitter for the world to see? That's not good leadership behavior, full stop.

As for Ukraine, what would you have had Biden do? Deploy American troops to the Russian-Ukrainian border and really risk kicking off another world war? Let Russia annex part or all of Ukraine? I don't know what you think Trump or anyone else would have done better in a very dicey political situation.
Sep 20, 2013
I will bet Biden is pumped full of anti-Alzheimer meds just before the debate........ meds which don't last, but will help get him through a debate..... just watch how Biden fades towards the end as his meds fail him, lol.

Guarantee Biden will be late, they will make certain Trump is there and ready to go and bring a freshly medicated Biden out at the last minute.... watch.

We shall see. Oh yes, we shall see. Trump keeps insisting Biden must be on drugs as he is sharper than he is. That is hilarious!
Jul 10, 2015
Red, do you not remember for like the first 2 years of Trump's term he and Kim Jong Un were shit talking each other and talking about nuking each other on fucking Twitter for the world to see? That's not good leadership behavior, full stop.

As for Ukraine, what would you have had Biden do? Deploy American troops to the Russian-Ukrainian border and really risk kicking off another world war? Let Russia annex part or all of Ukraine? I don't know what you think Trump or anyone else would have done better in a very dicey political situation.
Trump said to Kim he also had a red button only his worked, it was never a serious danger from Kim anyway, that's because Trump knew Kim Jong Un was a barking dog looking for concessions, but when Trump barked back, daddy China told Kim to cool it...... Trump told us as much.

What was the alternative.... bend over and give concessions..... that would only empower the little tyrant to push for more, but by meeting with him it gave Kim heightened status and then Trump and Kim were friends and Trump made a point to tell the world they were friends, that's what Kim wanted in place of concessions, he wanted status, problem solved via diplomacy. You couldn't ask for any better.


As for Ukraine the US could have conducted war games on the border with Ukraine just like we do elsewhere and Biden could have solved the issue via diplomacy with Russia/Putin because Putin did not want Ukraine joining NATO, all Biden need to do was promise Putin that would not happen..... but the Bidin admin. wanted to take down Putin and thought sanctions would work...... NOPE
Mar 11, 2013
Maybe red would've liked it if Trump were in power and we painted Chinese flags on our aircraft and then bombed Russian forces. That's what trump said we should do anyway.

So red, did you watch the video I posted? Did you see the part where trump said "Saudi arabia Russia will re be doo ahhhhhhhhhhh" ?

If you can watch that and all the times trump mixes up names ( just like biden does) and still think that he's totally with it, I'd argue you are as delusional as Paul is when he says biden is as sharp as ever.
Sep 20, 2013
Trump and Biden are both old. But, they are the choice this year. Trump is and always has been only about himself. Project 2025 advanced by the Heritage Foundation is the blueprint for Republicans this year. Vote accordingly.
Sep 20, 2013
Just watched President Biden speak about protecting families that include undocumented immigrants. He seemed as sharp as ever and never spoke as Trump has...mumbling and confused. ;)

Meanwhile the highest court in NY refused to take Trump's case to remove the gag order he's been trying to get out of. He will be sentence on 7/11/24.
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Oct 18, 2013
Also in my sleep deprived state I kinda forgot a point I wanted to make, which is basically, so what if Trump did achieve peace with North Korea? Yeah thats a good thing, I wont argue that or take it away, but it doesn't make Trump a good person or a good leader. Bad people can still do good things, doesn't stop them from overall being terrible. Adolf Hitler loved animals and the Nazi party had very strong animal welfare policies, doesn't change the fact that overall Hitler and the Nazi party were horrible.
Sep 20, 2013
I don't believe Trump did anything in North Korea besides romance Kim Jong UN. That isn't peace. That's just stupid. Now Putin is getting weapons from them and they will be getting something in return. Trump would just stop helping Ukraine which is just what Putin is counting on. In fact Russian television speaks glowingly about Trump everyday.

A decade ago North Korea was a pariah that no one would support. Even Russia and China wouldn't support them.
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Oct 18, 2013
I don't believe Trump did anything in North Korea besides romance Kim Jong UN. That isn't peace.
Yeah I personally don't buy the "peace" either. I was more just saying that even if Trump did broker a peace with N.Korea, doesn't absolve him of being an egotistical blowhard.
Jul 10, 2015
A decade ago North Korea was a pariah that no one would support. Even Russia and China wouldn't support them.
In 1961, the two countries signed the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty, whereby China pledged to immediately render military and other assistance by all means to its ally. This agreement was renewed in 1981, 2001 and 2021..... every 20 years since 1961.

Yeah I personally don't buy the "peace" either. I was more just saying that even if Trump did broker a peace with N.Korea, doesn't absolve him of being an egotistical blowhard.
I choose an egotistical blowhard over a brain dead puppet child sniffer unable to control the power hungry warmongers who pull his strings.

:ROFLMAO: Of course Russia is saying that they have an advantage in Cuba. But, don't forget that the flag ship of Russia is a the bottom of the Black sea because a Ukrainian rocket sunk it.
That has nothing to do with a Russian hyper-sonic missile ship that can carry nuclear warheads being that close to the USA as Ukraine isn't going to sink it and neither are we, what it does is it signifies yet another escalation towards WWIII.
Mar 11, 2013
My opinion is that Trump only cared about talking to Kim of North Korea because Obama failed to do so. Peace would be great though and I encourage diplomacy. There was no coherence to trump's actions for nuclear peace. He "tries" with north Korea, yet ripped up the Iran nuclear agreement. Again, just doing the opposite of Obama, out of spite I guess. Biden said he'd get back in the Iran deal, but just as with a public option for Healthcare, it was an empty promise.

It probably didn't help that John Bolton went on TV during that time and said "we're looking to do the Libya model with north korea" Kim isn't dumb,
If he saw that, he would know exactly what happened to Gaddafi after he agreed to disarm. Fat chance he'd make the same mistake, he must know that the nukes are the only thing stopping the US from overthrowing him.

This reminds me of what partisan hacks fox News are. Look at this juxtaposition of clips about meeting with Kim when obama wanted to, vs when Trump did

Sep 20, 2013
Fox found that when they called the 2020 election for Biden that their ratings plummeted. They haven't made that mistake again.
Sep 20, 2013
In 1961, the two countries signed the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty, whereby China pledged to immediately render military and other assistance by all means to its ally. This agreement was renewed in 1981, 2001 and 2021..... every 20 years since 1961.

I choose an egotistical blowhard over a brain dead puppet child sniffer unable to control the power hungry warmongers who pull his strings.

That has nothing to do with a Russian hyper-sonic missile ship that can carry nuclear warheads being that close to the USA as Ukraine isn't going to sink it and neither are we, what it does is it signifies yet another escalation towards WWIII.

You guys are are always talking about WWIII. That's just nonsense!

Israel has stopped aid from getting into Gaza. This has been the most reason that children there are starving.

Robert Morris, who was Trump's spiritual leader, resigned because he molested a 12 real old child.
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