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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Jul 10, 2015
Garland is a woke liberal tool and has no business presiding over anything, I look forward to Trump's new AG appointment so we can have a functioning DOJ once again.

Sep 20, 2013
Garland is a woke liberal tool and has no business presiding over anything, I look forward to Trump's new AG appointment so we can have a functioning DOJ once again.

Funny. You guys had no problem with Hunter Biden getting convicted. In fact Trump called for it. Think how disappointed you will be when Trump loses you the White House, Senate and House again.
Sep 20, 2013
It's just been reported that 9 people were shot in Michigan. This is another mass shooting.
Sep 20, 2013
Apparently the suspect was found dead a short distance away.

Okay. The bump stock problem is that 58 people in Las Vegas were killed and another 500+ were wounded in just 11 minutes. So many people are sick and tired of all these mass shootings and the SCOTUS is playing politics. Republicans always say the the solving of this is more guns. That is ridiculous!
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Jul 10, 2015
I did have a problem with Hunters " conviction "
It's BS, it's just for optics and will almost certainly be expunged after the election.
Hell Hunters lawyer didn't even try, it was a rush through done for the optics.
Judge Noreika didn't even set a sentencing date for Hunters " conviction "

The SCOTUS ruled based on the law, our Constitution.
Remember what you said in the past...... elections have consequences, so deal with it and don't even think about dems packing the court.
People are just as sick of you liberal democrats changing the definitions of words and failing to obey the rule of law, such as the Bruen ruling that democrat Mayors have failed to obey.

Criminals are going to criminal, restricting everyone's rights won't stop criminals and it's unconstitutional to restrict everyones rights on account of what criminals do.

Democrats are so afraid of Trump winning they played this " Hunter conviction " ploy, so they can say .... see, see.... even the Presidents son isn't above the law.... it's BS, Hunters " conviction will be expunged " Hell ... Judge Noreika didn't even set a sentencing date for Hunters " conviction "

Mass shootings...... I just watched a video on a 16 year old ( Nathaniel Jouett ) who shot up a library in New Mexico killing several people, he was sentenced to 2 life sentences....... but a new liberal law banning life sentences for people under 18 in New Mexico means he will get parole in under 15 years by or before his 31st birthday.

You can't punish people who didn't commit the crimes and then fail to punish the criminals, it's stupid and it won't work, it's what happens when you try to legislate by woke feelings.
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Sep 20, 2013
I did have a problem with Hunters " conviction "
It's BS, it's just for optics and will almost certainly be expunged after the election.
Hell Hunters lawyer didn't even try, it was a rush through done for the optics.
Judge Noreika didn't even set a sentencing date for Hunters " conviction "

The SCOTUS ruled based on the law, our Constitution.
Remember what you said in the past...... elections have consequences, so deal with it and don't even think about dems packing the court.
People are just as sick of you liberal democrats changing the definitions of words and failing to obey the rule of law, such as the Bruen ruling that democrat Mayors have failed to obey.

Criminals are going to criminal, restricting everyone's rights won't stop criminals and it's unconstitutional to restrict everyones rights on account of what criminals do.

Democrats are so afraid of Trump winning they played this " Hunter conviction " ploy, so they can say .... see, see.... even the Presidents son isn't above the law.... it's BS, Hunters " conviction will be expunged " Hell ... Judge Noreika didn't even set a sentencing date for Hunters " conviction "

Mass shootings...... I just watched a video on a 16 year old ( Nathaniel Jouett ) who shot up a library in New Mexico killing several people, he was sentenced to 2 life sentences....... but a new liberal law banning life sentences for people under 18 in New Mexico means he will get parole in under 15 years by or before his 31st birthday.

You can't punish people who didn't commit the crimes and then fail to punish the criminals, it's stupid and it won't work, it's what happens when you try to legislate by woke feelings.

This just shows your misunderstanding of state systems versus the federal systems of justice. Federal systems don't sentence right away. You will likely understand this when Trump is convicted in the federal cases.
Mar 11, 2013
The one sided justice system claim by conservatives is such BS. If Hunter and Menendez and any other Democrat never faced any charges, they'd point to that as evidence that it's one sided. When some dems do face charges, they claim it's a show so they can claim it isn't one sided. So it's an unfalsifiable claim. They'll always move the goal post so they can continue thei oppression narrative

Conservatives always have to be the victim, and everything always has to be against them.

Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
Was that satire or was he being serious?

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
I'm pretty sure it's satire (I really hope lol), but yeah, these days you can never be 100% sure. :LOL:

Imagine a 100X100 phalanx of pink catboys facing a 100X100 phalanx of Spartans on the battlefield though, how epic would that be.
Jul 10, 2015
The one sided justice system claim by conservatives is such BS. If Hunter and Menendez and any other Democrat never faced any charges, they'd point to that as evidence that it's one sided. When some dems do face charges, they claim it's a show so they can claim it isn't one sided. So it's an unfalsifiable claim. They'll always move the goal post so they can continue thei oppression narrative

Conservatives always have to be the victim, and everything always has to be against them.
I don't believe it's one sided, I know the justice system in New York was hijacked by Trump haters who RAN FOR OFFICE ON GETTING TRUMP !
Have you paid any attention to how contrived this Trump " conviction " has been ?
Or do you just hate Trump and you don't think this dangerous political lawfare will spread ?

Did you enjoy watching the Monica Lewinsky scandal ? Want more of that do you ?
Sep 20, 2013
I don't believe it's one sided, I know the justice system in New York was hijacked by Trump haters who RAN FOR OFFICE ON GETTING TRUMP !
Have you paid any attention to how contrived this Trump " conviction " has been ?
Or do you just hate Trump and you don't think this dangerous political lawfare will spread ?

Did you enjoy watching the Monica Lewinsky scandal ? Want more of that do you ?

Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers. That is the essence of our democracy. Ken Starr and the Monica Lewinsky scandal cost Republicans a lot in 1998. Do it again at your peril.
