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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Jul 10, 2015
Jury of his peers..... his council asked for a venue change because the jury pool was from a 95% Biden supporting sector and 2 of the jurors flat out said they hated Trump.

You don't think this stunt will cost democrats...... good luck with that, I just hope is doesn't cost us all.

Sep 20, 2013
Jury of his peers..... his council asked for a venue change because the jury pool was from a 95% Biden supporting sector and 2 of the jurors flat out said they hated Trump.

You don't think this stunt will cost democrats...... good luck with that, I just hope is doesn't cost us all.

That's nonsense. Ninety five percent are not Democrats and his lawyers picked that jury along with the prosecution. Hell, some of the jury were Fox News watchers and at least one was as a Truth Social Viewer. Trump has always played the victim. He does it even when he wins, like in 2016. He still said that illegal immigrants voted which was false. Republicans in states that are red have advanced a proposal 900 pages long called the Project 2025 that will take even more freedoms away from people everywhere.
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Mar 11, 2013
Yeah I'm also fine with DAs who campaign on going after criminals like Trump. It's been pretty obvious he is one for a long time now.

It can be hard to tell satire from reality. Right after the Trump conviction, I saw a "the hard times" headline, which is kinda like the onion. It said "Trump now says he loves criminals and we should go easier on them" or something like that. Pretty funny. Then a day or so later, my friend tells me that Trump said that he never said to lock up Hillary Clinton. I thought that sounded like too brazen of a lie even by Trump standards and assumed she had read it as an onion headline too. But no, he really did say it.

I have to wonder what goes through the mind of a MAGAt when they hear him say stuff like that. Do they just immediately accept his words as reality and let his rambling utterances become their thoughts and beliefs? Seems some do, I recall seeing an interview with a republican official who actually tried to justify when Trump clearly confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, acting like no he did not misspeak. A real "emporer has no clothes" kinda vibe.

It's been one of the most frustrating things about the trump era for me. I pay closer attention to the things he says that his own supporters. On so many occasions I will relate something that he said to a MAGAt, and they will deny he ever did or would say such a thing, despite there being footage from national television etc of him saying it. They just project an image of what they think he is and what they want him to be onto him.

Trump of course encourages this. When in front of super pro life people, he'll say things like there has to be punishment for a woman getting an abortion and things like that, then other times he blames republican election losses on being too extreme on abortion, and says leave it up to the states. Super pro life people of course arent ok just leaving it to the states, they want it banned everywhere, even when a 12 year old has been raped by her father. For them abolishing roe v wade was just the first step.

Trump is quite proud that his supporters are so sychophantic and have no standards of accountability for him. He did after all say that his supporters were so loyal that he could shoot someone and not lose any support. He's not wrong, at least at this late date. If you still like Trump at this point, you have no standards of accountability for him, or you like all the terrible things he does, or both. Again, I have wondered for some time what goes through the mind of a MAGAt when they hear Trump say some of the things he has said like the shooting people and not losing support thing. Do they feel proud that their emporer god-king brags that there is no blatant act he could do that would make them stop supporting him? If any politician I nominally supported ever bragged that he could do anything and not lose support, it would certainly be a red flag for me. I might conclude that they're some kind of power hungry fascist, especially when they also say that they should be able to do whatever they want, as Trump has also said. It would certainly make me wonder if such a politician does anything to cultivate a following that has no standards of accountability. (Calling any news that is negative about him fake) call me crazy, but if i were a politician, I'd endeavor to inspire loyalty by being honest and having high standards of accountability. If i thought my supporters were so loyal that i could shoot someone and they wouldnt care, Id see that as a mark against both my supporters and me. It certainly wouldnt be something I would brag about.

It's a heck of a doozy for me, I guess that's just one of many reasons I'm not a MAGAt
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Oct 18, 2013
I wish NDP was stronger, Im tired of it just being Liberals VS Conservatives.

Oh wait, this is American politics XD :P

In a perfect world, American politics shouldn't matter to me as a Canadian, but ever since Trump got elected the Conservative party of Canada has been a lot more bold, and I really don't want what is essentially the Canadian Republican party doing to Canada what the American Republicans did to America.
Sep 20, 2013
I wish NDP was stronger, Im tired of it just being Liberals VS Conservatives.

Oh wait, this is American politics XD :p

In a perfect world, American politics shouldn't matter to me as a Canadian, but ever since Trump got elected the Conservative party of Canada has been a lot more bold, and I really don't want what is essentially the Canadian Republican party doing to Canada what the American Republicans did to America.

I understand completely.

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
Interesting yeah, violent crime rates in the USA seem to be heading back down after that sudden jump during the pandemic years. Hopefully that happens here in Canada too, our violent crime rate had been trending up before the pandemic and also experienced a jump, but hasn't gone back down as quickly.

Jul 10, 2015
Yeah I'm also fine with DAs who campaign on going after criminals like Trump. It's been pretty obvious he is one for a long time now.

It can be hard to tell satire from reality. Right after the Trump conviction, I saw a "the hard times" headline, which is kinda like the onion. It said "Trump now says he loves criminals and we should go easier on them" or something like that. Pretty funny. Then a day or so later, my friend tells me that Trump said that he never said to lock up Hillary Clinton. I thought that sounded like too brazen of a lie even by Trump standards and assumed she had read it as an onion headline too. But no, he really did say it.

I have to wonder what goes through the mind of a MAGAt when they hear him say stuff like that. Do they just immediately accept his words as reality and let his rambling utterances become their thoughts and beliefs? Seems some do, I recall seeing an interview with a republican official who actually tried to justify when Trump clearly confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, acting like no he did not misspeak. A real "emporer has no clothes" kinda vibe.

It's been one of the most frustrating things about the trump era for me. I pay closer attention to the things he says that his own supporters. On so many occasions I will relate something that he said to a MAGAt, and they will deny he ever did or would say such a thing, despite there being footage from national television etc of him saying it. They just project an image of what they think he is and what they want him to be onto him.

Trump of course encourages this. When in front of super pro life people, he'll say things like there has to be punishment for a woman getting an abortion and things like that, then other times he blames republican election losses on being too extreme on abortion, and says leave it up to the states. Super pro life people of course arent ok just leaving it to the states, they want it banned everywhere, even when a 12 year old has been raped by her father. For them abolishing roe v wade was just the first step.

Trump is quite proud that his supporters are so sychophantic and have no standards of accountability for him. He did after all say that his supporters were so loyal that he could shoot someone and not lose any support. He's not wrong, at least at this late date. If you still like Trump at this point, you have no standards of accountability for him, or you like all the terrible things he does, or both. Again, I have wondered for some time what goes through the mind of a MAGAt when they hear Trump say some of the things he has said like the shooting people and not losing support thing. Do they feel proud that their emporer god-king brags that there is no blatant act he could do that would make them stop supporting him? If any politician I nominally supported ever bragged that he could do anything and not lose support, it would certainly be a red flag for me. I might conclude that they're some kind of power hungry fascist, especially when they also say that they should be able to do whatever they want, as Trump has also said. It would certainly make me wonder if such a politician does anything to cultivate a following that has no standards of accountability. (Calling any news that is negative about him fake) call me crazy, but if i were a politician, I'd endeavor to inspire loyalty by being honest and having high standards of accountability. If i thought my supporters were so loyal that i could shoot someone and they wouldnt care, Id see that as a mark against both my supporters and me. It certainly wouldnt be something I would brag about.

It's a heck of a doozy for me, I guess that's just one of many reasons I'm not a MAGAt

You make a lot of sweeping generalizations about Trump supporters that are FALSE !

Trump's remark about shooting someone and not losing support was just a poor choice of words when remarking about his remarkable popularity..... do you really think he desired to randomly shoot someone ?
Trump is an ego maniac, but that's better than being a brain dead puppet to a cabal of woke power mongers like Biden is.

Joe Biden....... Really

The Biden Admins. DOJ will not prosecute Garland for defying congressional subpoenas even tho the House has held him in contempt.
Funny....... not really funny how the department aggressively prosecuted Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for the same thing.
This is just one of many examples of the corrupt Biden Administration's weaponization of our justice dept..
Sep 20, 2013
You make a lot of sweeping generalizations about Trump supporters that are FALSE !

Trump's remark about shooting someone and not losing support was just a poor choice of words when remarking about his remarkable popularity..... do you really think he desired to randomly shoot someone ?
Trump is an ego maniac, but that's better than being a brain dead puppet to a cabal of woke power mongers like Biden is.

Joe Biden....... Really

The Biden Admins. DOJ will not prosecute Garland for defying congressional subpoenas even tho the House has held him in contempt.
Funny....... not really funny how the department aggressively prosecuted Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for the same thing.
This is just one of many examples of the corrupt Biden Administration's weaponization of our justice dept..

Of course the DOJ isn't going to prosecute Merrick Garland. Biden invoked Presidential privilege over the audio of the transcript he issued. Republicans only want that to use for political purposes.
Mar 11, 2013
I do not think i made any false generalizations about MAGAts. Generalizations, by their very nature, will apply to many or most if nor every single individual. Hence the term generalization. I maintain that every description I offered is true for many or most MAGAts. I study these things a lot. I am surrounded by MAGAts in my daily life

Way to miss the point there red. No, I don't think he intended to shoot someone. The point is that he brags about supporters so loyal that there is no hypothetical act he could commit which would lose their support. Such loyalty should not be desired, nor given.

For the record, I would argue that Trump has done things comparably bad or worse than shoot someone though, such as pardon convicted war criminals and commit and advocate for war crimes and much more
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Jul 10, 2015
Trump actually went to North Korea and made peace with Kim Jong Un.
Biden did nothing to prevent the human tragedy in Ukraine, even though Russia gave plenty of warning amassing troops on the border, actually Biden's disastrous Afghanistan pullout only emboldened acts of aggression globally and today we face WWIII on account of the miserable Biden foreign policy, hell it was democrats huge monetary gifts to Iran that funded the terrorist who provoked the human tragedy in Israel/Gaza.
Trump didn't put us on the brink of WWIII but Biden certainly has and the sad fact is it could have been avoided, but the Biden admin. wanted regime change in Russia.

I don't support any bans on abortion, I support Freedom for everyone.
On that point I support an end to the war on drugs, we are supposed to be a Free people, a Free people should be able to make their own choices be they good or bad choices, just so long as they are not directly infringing on another's life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.

We should all be demanding less regulation on everything, more Freedom and a much more effective ( smaller and much less wasteful ) government, we should be devoting more resources to extending the length and quality of the human lifespan and promoting peace around the world..... not forced regime change.
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Sep 20, 2013
Trump actually went to North Korea and made peace with Kim Jong Un.
Biden did nothing to prevent the human tragedy in Ukraine, actually Biden's disastrous Afghanistan pullout only emboldened acts of aggression globally and today we face WWIII on account of the miserable Biden foreign policy, hell it was democrats huge monetary gifts to Iran that funded the terrorist who provoked the human tragedy in Israel/Gaza.
Trump didn't put us on the brink of WWIII but Biden certainly has and the sad fact is it could have been avoided, but the Biden admin. wanted regime change in Russia.

I don't support any bans on abortion, I support Freedom for everyone.
On that point I support an end to the war on drugs, we are supposed to be a Free people, a Free people should be able to make their own choices be they good or bad choices, just so long as they are not directly infringing on another's life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.

We should all be demanding less regulation on everything, more Freedom and a much more effective ( smaller and much less wasteful ) government, we should be devoting more resources to extending the length and quality of the human lifespan and promoting peace around the world..... not forced regime change.

You want to talk about gifts to Iran? Reagan had a back channel to them and told them not to release the hostages in 1980. Then he sold weapons to Iran and used the money illegally to fund the contras. Biden has been really effective as president. He got much more done for the middle class than anyone else in decades. Republicans insist on saying and editing films trying to show Biden isn't cognitive. That's stupid as it sets the bar lower for Biden than Trump and they are debating in just 10 days. :LOL:
Jul 10, 2015
Biden hasn't been effective at anything.
He's not making the choices and he doesn't even know what he's signing.
We really need a President, not a puppet to a woke cabal of liberal extremist power mongers who are just as war hungry as anyone ever was.

p.s. The Chuck Schumers of this world don't really care about liberal ideals, they simply exploit the language to stay in power and power broker making themselves wealthy.
This is why your democrats will never really redistribute the wealthy, because they are aspiring wealthy themselves and they love their wealthy supporters.
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Mar 11, 2013
I would agree that Biden is in terrible shape, cognitively. I don't think Trump is far behind though. Trump rambles, and often says incoherent things, and sometimes his brain completely craps out.

Sep 20, 2013
Biden hasn't been effective at anything.
He's not making the choices and he doesn't even know what he's signing.
We really need a President, not a puppet to a woke cabal of liberal extremist power mongers who are just as war hungry as anyone ever was.

p.s. The Chuck Schumers of this world don't really care about liberal ideals, they simply exploit the language to stay in power and power broker making themselves wealthy.
This is why your democrats will never really redistribute the wealthy, because they are aspiring wealthy themselves and they love their wealthy supporters.

What the hell are you talking about? It's Trump who is trying to get power to keep his ass out of jail. Biden has shown in his last State of the Union address that he is as sharp as he ever was. Trump, on the hand, just proposed that Biden take a cognitive test saying, "Ronnie Johnson gave me my test and I aced it." The guys name is Ronnie Jackson. :ROFLMAO:
