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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I hope Trump can drain the swamp this time, democRATS have weaponized too much of our government/alphabet agencies against their opposition including the American people.

I hope Trump can drain the swamp this time, democrats have weaponized too much of our government/alphabet agencies against their opposition including the American people.

He has to get elected first. And "drain the swamp" is just RNC doubletalk for weaponize the DOJ against Trump's rivals. MAGAS are already in his pocket, but it will take a lot more than them to get Trump into the White House.
There's no way Biden can win without cheating, that's why Trump has been persecuted in the woke State courts and the facts are out, deny it all you want because people see what's going on and it will backfire on democRATS.

p.s. God forbid we have another stolen election, I'm afraid it could tear our country apart.
There were no stolen election results in the last election. There were 60 court cases that proved that. In addition to those, Republican members in swing states showed the election was fair with no fraud that could have swung the election to Trump. The threats of violence only show the lengths MAGAs will go to win.
Even Steve Bannon said that it would be a bloodbath if Trump loses. Ever notice how many convicts Trump associates with? I guess it takes one to know one.
Yeah trump sure did a bang up job of draining the swamp last time.

Some noteable examples:

Appointing Mick Mullaney as head of the consumer financial protection beauru. Dude took campaign contributions from payday loan industry then proceeded to undermine the CFPB's actions against them.

Appointing Steve Mnuchin as secretary of treasury. I suggest everyone to learn about this scum bag and his history. If MAGAts really like him, then they owe Kamala Harris a debt of gratitude for failing to prosecute him even when her office recommended it. He had donated to her campaign, a fact I'm sure didn't factor into her decision not to prosecute. Under his leadership, a woman was once foreclosed on over a matter of $0.26. Then as secretary of the treasury he went on to give out half a trillion dollars to his corporate buddies which is unaccounted for and confidential

Funny how government spending under biden is blamed for all the inflation we have seen, but trump doesn't get blame despite massively increasing the deficit through both tax cuts to the wealthy and massive spending. I guess some aren't aware that inflationary effects are delayed and don't happen immediately after large government spending. Similar to how a government check signed by Trump for everyone doesn't count as socialism or wanting "free stuff", but M4A which we would all contribute to with our taxes does.

Another example is John Bolton. You wanna talk about warmongers?

Really there's so many examples that I have to conclude that when MAGAts say drain the swamp, what they mean is to put the foxes in charge of the hen house

And no it's not trump's ego that I dislike. i actually think you have to be something of an ego maniac to even want to be president. It's a tired trope that I've grown weary of hearing, that people like me just don't like Trump because of mean brash tweets etc and we all have TDS and are just so blinded by hate that we can't see all the good things he has done and how selflessly he loves this country. What a load of crap. Also, I have no issues admitting things trump did that I like. pardoning Alice Johnson was one. Eliminating the individual mandate was another. BTW, the individual mandate was a heritage foundation idea originally, as was much of the framework for Obama care. It had some good aspects but by and large was made to profit the health insurance industry. Republicans are such hacks that even though it was basically their idea, they couldn't give Obama any credit for it since it was him doing it. Just as they wouldn't support a bill that essentially gave them what they wanted on the border just because daddy trump didn't want to give Biden a "win" on the issue. Biden could literally go to the border with an M60 and a million rounds and gun down border crossers every waking minute for a month straight, on camera, and Republicans would still claim he is for open borders.
Biden said he would appoint a black woman to the Supreme court........ that is racism and sexism, a nominees race and gender should have no bearing in determining their qualifications.

What if Trump said.... who ever I appoint it will be a white man ?
That would be just as wrong and what Biden did is no different.

Biden's " infrastructure " bill was stuffed with DEI and green bullshit, yet Biden demonstrated racism and sexism intentionally playing to his woke base in his appointment.
So much for bringing the country together.
This woke term has become meaningless when MAGAts use it. You've referred to woke warmongers a few times. Every person I know of who is aware of social injustice and wants to correct it, which is what woke meant originally, is against wars in general.

Now Biden is slapping his "woke" supporters in the face by supporting the genocide of Palestinians. I saw a clip of a trump rally recently where his supporters were chanting "genocide joe". Trump said, "they're not wrong"

Another example of him going along with people when it will benefit him, and allowing supporters to project whatever they think he is, or want him to be onto him in spite of the facts.

I'm sure in his head the irony wasn't lost on him. He has said that all the dead Palestinians amounts to simply bad PR, bad optics. He doesn't give a damn about the civilians any more than Biden, and in fact has said he'd go even further in supporting Isreal to "finish the job" also, in the past he has supported war crimes by saying we have to go after the families of terrorists. How far would that go I wonder? 3rd cousins? The space balls thing of father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate? Who knows, but we gotta "bomb the shit outta them" as Trump would say I imagine. If only he applied this to the Saudis who he sucks off and takes so much money from in various forms. I imagine the crown prince has some terrorist relatives, or does terror himself by committing war crimes in Yemen and assassinating US journalists, or funding wahhabist groups. Trump didn't seem to care about that. When he ran for president he said the Saudis did 9/11 which I actually partially agree with. One would think that if he really believed that, he'd be reticent to sell them weapons. I guess their money spends the same though. After all, when he was confronted about selling them weapons, he said if they didn't get them from us, they'd get them elsewhere, might as well take their money. Drug dealers in court who sold to children should try that line with the judge
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Biden said he would appoint a black woman to the Supreme court........ that is racism and sexism, a nominees race and gender should have no bearing in determining their qualifications.

What if Trump said.... who ever I appoint it will be a white man ?
That would be just as wrong and what Biden did is no different.

Biden's " infrastructure " bill was stuffed with DEI and green bullshit, yet Biden demonstrated racism and sexism intentionally playing to his woke base in his appointment.
So much for bringing the country together.

Black women have never been a part of SCOTUS. Biden is racist only if you believe white men should tell women about their choices. Trump nominated Federalists, which are worse and you know it. That "woke" crap is just that...a big talking Republican turd!
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Black women have never been a part of SCOTUS. Biden is racist only if you believe white men should tell women about their choices. Trump nominated Federalists, which are worse and you know it. That "woke" crap is just that...a big talking Republican turd!
NO paul, you can't put conditions on my outrage at Biden's racism/sexism or disqualify my outrage by your twisted justification metric !

Trump nominated Justices who respect our Constitution which was the right thing to do, but Biden nominated a woke extremist judicial activist who couldn't say she knew the difference between a man and a woman and he did it while pandering to his woke base exploiting identity politics fully displaying his racism and sexism.

You woke extremist can't diaper every cow, but the fact you wanted too shows how warped you are and how much control you want via your green dictatorship.

This woke term has become meaningless when MAGAts use it. You've referred to woke warmongers a few times. Every person I know of who is aware of social injustice and wants to correct it, which is what woke meant originally, is against wars in general.

Now Biden is slapping his "woke" supporters in the face by supporting the genocide of Palestinians. I saw a clip of a trump rally recently where his supporters were chanting "genocide joe". Trump said, "they're not wrong"

Another example of him going along with people when it will benefit him, and allowing supporters to project whatever they think he is, or want him to be onto him in spite of the facts.

I'm sure in his head the irony wasn't lost on him. He has said that all the dead Palestinians amounts to simply bad PR, bad optics. He doesn't give a damn about the civilians any more than Biden, and in fact has said he'd go even further in supporting Isreal to "finish the job" also, in the past he has supported war crimes by saying we have to go after the families of terrorists. How far would that go I wonder? 3rd cousins? The space balls thing of father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate? Who knows, but we gotta "bomb the shit outta them" as Trump would say I imagine. If only he applied this to the Saudis who he sucks off and takes so much money from in various forms. I imagine the crown prince has some terrorist relatives, or does terror himself by committing war crimes in Yemen and assassinating US journalists, or funding wahhabist groups. Trump didn't seem to care about that. When he ran for president he said the Saudis did 9/11 which I actually partially agree with. One would think that if he really believed that, he'd be reticent to sell them weapons. I guess their money spends the same though. After all, when he was confronted about selling them weapons, he said if they didn't get them from us, they'd get them elsewhere, might as well take their money. Drug dealers in court who sold to children should try that line with the judge

The US has a long history of arming one side and then the other, we can't seem to keep our fat nose out of the worlds business and after sticking our thumb in much of the worlds eye, many people around the world hate us for it...... This is not a Trump thing, this is long standing US policy, so is protecting our oil interest.
Sure, but that flies in the face of all who say trump promotes peace, isn't a warmonger, opposes warmongers, or opposes the military industrial complex. It's true that other presidents are guilty of many of the same things that I hate trump for.

I'd agree that picking a justice because they are black is bad, and often is pandering. I dont however fault people for wanting a first black justice as a sign of progress on racial equality. I suspect many conservatives would claim that she was picked just for being black even if biden hadnt said so. There are plenty of racist conservatives. Like charlie kirk who said he would feel uncomfortable on a plane with a black pilot. Those types are all to quick to attribute all black people in prestigious positions to scary DEI. Id disagree that trump's picks are not "judicial activists". They're just judicial activists for right wing goals. I actually think both sides do this. Otherwise, no one would differentiate between conservative and liberal justices
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NO paul, you can't put conditions on my outrage at Biden's racism/sexism or disqualify my outrage by your twisted justification metric !

Trump nominated Justices who respect our Constitution which was the right thing to do, but Biden nominated a woke extremist judicial activist who couldn't say she knew the difference between a man and a woman and he did it while pandering to his woke base exploiting identity politics fully displaying his racism and sexism.

You woke extremist can't diaper every cow, but the fact you wanted too shows how warped you are and how much control you want via your green dictatorship.

The SCOTUS has the lowest approval rating of all time...and it's not because of Sotomayor, Kagan or Brown Jackson. It is the far-right Justices that were placed there by far-right Republicans. Dobbs was a disaster and you folks will see that as it is a real issue in this election. If you still believe that climate change is a hoax I feel for you. This summer should be a wakeup for you as it hasn't even started yet.
Climate change is a control tactic, it's a way to get people to do what you want, to give up freedom/liberty for the good of the cause, because we must save the world...... it's all about control, the planet isn't going to burn up and when we have the coldest winter you woke extremist say that it's not just global warming ( been disproven ) but now it's climate change, bullshit..... 1 degree in 100 years that's hard to even prove that, it is bullshit, bullshit with a purpose to control people and stuff pockets with lots of tax dollars.
Climate change is a control tactic, it's a way to get people to do what you want, to give up freedom/liberty for the good of the cause, because we must save the world...... it's all about control, the planet isn't going to burn up and when we have the coldest winter you woke extremist say that it's not just global warming ( been disproven ) but now it's climate change, bullshit..... 1 degree in 100 years that's hard to even prove that, it is bullshit, bullshit with a purpose to control people and stuff pockets with lots of tax dollars.

I wouldn't expect you to say anything else. The wild fires, the greatest heat this early in the year and the unilateral oil company expansion is all you know how to do. This isn't about control of people at all. That is what Project 2025 is all about. The rule of the country by a minority. It isn't a one degree increase either. That is bullshit.
Climate change is a control tactic, it's a way to get people to do what you want, to give up freedom/liberty for the good of the cause, because we must save the world...... it's all about control, the planet isn't going to burn up and when we have the coldest winter you woke extremist say that it's not just global warming ( been disproven ) but now it's climate change, bullshit..... 1 degree in 100 years that's hard to even prove that, it is bullshit, bullshit with a purpose to control people and stuff pockets with lots of tax dollars.
Oh good, now you're going down the climate change is a hoax path.
Firstly, its not about saving the planet. Its about saving ourselves. The planet has shrugged off worse things than us in its existence. So no, we aren't "killing" the planet, were making it less habitable for us and a lot of other species, and I doubt we'll extinct ourselves, but its not gonna be pretty.

It hasn't been disproven by any legitimate scientific studies. It used to be referred to as "global warming" which at a basic level is whats happening, the average temperature of the planet is increasing, and it tracks with increased Co2 output from human activity. We now refer to it as "climate change" because the knock on effects of the average temperature increasing are far broader than "it just gets a little bit warmer". Our atmosphere works like a giant heat engine essentially, so the more energy you have stuck in the system, aka the more heat you have in the atmosphere because its being trapped by increased atmospheric Co2, the more extreme *everything* gets, including, as you say, colder winters in some places. Its like a sterling engine, if you put energy into a sterling engine by spinning it, you get an increase in temperature on one side of the engine, and a decrease in temperature on the other side.

The proof is everywhere. The number and intensity of wildfires has gone up, the number and intensity of hurricanes and other large storm systems has gone up. Arid places are dryer than they've ever been, drought is more common. Jetstreams in the atmosphere have been slowing down and/or moving to new spots, ocean currents are slowing down and moving. These are all things that have been monitored for a long time now, and are all driven by the heat engine that is our atmosphere. You can't separate these changes from the increased average temperatures, and you can't separate the increased average temperatures from man-made Co2 production.

Now, are some groups using this to try and force control through "green" laws and such? Almost certainly, human history is filled with people exploiting bad situations for their own gain. But that doesn't mean it isn't happening.
