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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

No most gun owners do not want universal BGC, that's a falsehood.

That's just liberal hyperbole, it was a Trump moment of levity taken out of context, Trump never intended to become a dictator unlike Cackling KooKoo Kamala who laughed about keeping people in prison to be used as cheap labor.

Yeah, scam a lot is just nonsense. You guys need a better idea if you wish to win in November. Trump is just a stupid guy expecting enough people will vote for him to keep him out of prison. Good luck with that. You are sure gonna need it.

Keep telling yourself that paul, we have never had a female POTUS, Cackling KooKoo won't be the 1st, if you can't see that, then you are blinded by your Trump hatred, you're going to be gutted when Trump is sworn back in, maybe you should start being honest with yourself now, try saying " maybe Harris won't win, maybe Trump will win " and think about how you can come to terms with it, so it's not such a harsh shock for you.
Setting aside the legality of the issue, I think it's hilarious and indicative of the hypocrisy and double standards of MAGAts that you are OK with trump trying to suppress true information that would reflect unfavorably on him in an election, yet cry foul about the suppression of the hunter biden laptop story claiming that if people were aware of it the outcome of the election would change.

The funny part is that I really dont think that either story gaining widespread coverage would make much difference. After all, trumpers will continue to support him even if he shoots someone in broad daylight, and brags about grabbing women by the pussy, and brags about peeking into girls changing rooms, and hangs with Jeffery Epstien, and wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well, why would they care if he banged a porn star? This is the party of family values after all, so none of that should matter.

Similarly, I think the dislike or even hatred of trump by the left and by liberals is strong enough and justified enough that they won't much care if biden's son smokes crack and bangs prostitutes and buys guns while claiming not to be a drug user or sits on Ukranian energy boards through nepotism and grants access to his father the vice president. (and the money he received is cute by comparison to the $2,000,000,000 that Jared Kushner received from the Saudis, But there's nothing to see there right? Im sure the saudis were just being charitable and expected no favors in return. That $50,000 or whatever per month though that Hunter got, why thats the most corruption imaginable)
Both sides turn a blind eye to blatant corruption and abuse of power by their elected crooks, yet both sides faint righteous indignation over every little detail comited by the other sides elected crooks when what we mostly care about are issues.

Trump supporters care about our Bill of Rights, border control, economy and we want men( people with a penis ) out of women's sports/locker rooms and many care about protecting babies in the womb.

Democrats care about DEI, abortion rights, climate religion, identity politics and social justice virtue signaling.

It's sad that we all aren't more concerned about how things get done, because the more corruption and the more our rights are trampled to get things done, the less Free we all will be as our corrupt servants become our masters.
Both sides turn a blind eye to blatant corruption and abuse of power by their elected crooks, yet both sides faint righteous indignation over every little detail comited by the other sides elected crooks when what we mostly care about are issues.

Trump supporters care about our Bill of Rights, border control, economy and we want men( people with a penis ) out of women's sports/locker rooms and many care about protecting babies in the womb.

Democrats care about DEI, abortion rights, climate religion, identity politics and social justice virtue signaling.

It's sad that we all aren't more concerned about how things get done, because the more corruption and the more our rights are trampled to get things done, the less Free we all will be as our corrupt servants become our masters.

Biden got more done than Trump ever thought to try. That's a fact. And since he's no longer in this race your guy is the only old fart in this race. He's a criminal and with only MAGA to support him won't be getting back in the White House. He's not even trying to raise support. How crazy is that?
All of that is complete nonsense. I even posted daily about what was going on in that courtroom. I don't care what judicial watch said. The trial was fair and judge Merchan ruled as much for the defense as he did for the prosecution. Trump's attorneys helped pick the jury and it had Fox News watchers and at least one person who went to Truth Social. That isn't true at all that any juror was kept on after saying they were biased. I guess this is what Fox News is saying now. The island of Manhattan doesn't even have 95% of Democrats. That pure nonsense.
I mean you can certainly say everything that goes against your narrative is complete nonsense, you've done it about five times the past few days, but facts are facts and this is the sole purpose of Judicial Watch.. you're so biased for the left it actually feels like you're dangerously ignorant of reality reading this sometimes. People are supposed to be able to look at facts and form an opinion, objectively hear both sides of an argument, not let the big media give you an opinion.. all that's gone from politics especially with democrats nowadays. It's a sad time for democracy.
I mean you can certainly say everything that goes against your narrative is complete nonsense, you've done it about five times the past few days, but facts are facts and this is the sole purpose of Judicial Watch.. you're so biased for the left it actually feels like you're dangerously ignorant of reality reading this sometimes. People are supposed to be able to look at facts and form an opinion, objectively hear both sides of an argument, not let the big media give you an opinion.. all that's gone from politics especially with democrats nowadays. It's a sad time for democracy.

What parts of my narrative do you disagree with? Everything I said was true. Judge Merchan did allow both sides to pick the jury and he did rule as often for the defense as he did for the prosecution. No one who claimed bias was made to serve. And Manhattan isn't 95% Democratic.
Biden got more done than Trump ever thought to try. That's a fact. And since he's no longer in this race your guy is the only old fart in this race. He's a criminal and with only MAGA to support him won't be getting back in the White House. He's not even trying to raise support. How crazy is that?

Lies and propaganda from you paul, non stop lies and propaganda, you can't even have an honest conversation about how both sides are corrupt.
Biden did shit, he simply signed whatever they shoved in front of him.

I told you paul, Trump has his base and Kamala will have much of the dem base, the middle voters will decide the election.... do they want Cackling koo koo Kamala as the 1st female potus after she failed as border czar and comes across as a self centered maniac ? I am betting not paul and you know it too, that's why you push your lies and propaganda so hard, that and you hate Trump, better start dealing with your hate paul.

Merchan was conflicted and yes both sides picked jurors, from a 87% Biden supporting jury pool after denying Trump a change of venue.
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If MAGA really cared about ending corruption they'd be more against the citizens united decision and would care more about getting big money out of politics. Got trump out here literally telling big corporations he will give them tax cuts and do their bidding, deregulation etc if only they donate enough to his campaign. And yes Many dems act similarly.

I recall Pelosi ultimately opposing a bill that would've banned members of congress from trading stock, so did Dan Crenshaw. So certainly bipartisan support for corruption and enriching themselves.

AOC said it pretty well:

AOC is disgusting, all of the 'squad' are just sad DEI hires. Should've never left the bartending position she held immediately before becoming a representative.

Paul I disagree with Trump being prosecuted because while yes there's a trial, there's something for you and other Dem minions to latch onto and post updates about daily.. there's still no evidence against him and it's been a kangaroo court. Every single case against him. Georgia especially, New York, Smith's crap.. it's all been desperate attempts to bring down a political rival funded by our tax dollars.
Lies and propaganda from you paul, non stop lies and propaganda, you can't even have an honest conversation about how both sides are corrupt.
Biden did shit, he simply signed whatever they shoved in front of him.

I told you paul, Trump has his base and Kamala will have much of the dem base, the middle voters will decide the election.... do they want Cackling koo koo Kamala as the 1st female potus after she failed as border czar and comes across as a self centered maniac ? I am betting not paul and you know it too, that's why you push your lies and propaganda so hard, that you you hate Trump, better start dealing with your hate paul.

Merchan was conflicted and yes both sides picked jurors, from a 87% Biden supporting jury pool after denying Trump a change of venue.

Yes, Merchan did deny a change of venue. That is often asked for, but rarely granted as the crime was committed in Manhattan. I don't know where you got your stats about the jury, but people don't even know who they were, so that is just wrong on its face. Kamala Harris does love to laugh, but that's a positive. Trump has never laughed except to mock someone else. This race comes down to a prosecutor against a criminal who also has many charges still pending.
AOC is disgusting, all of the 'squad' are just sad DEI hires. Should've never left the bartending position she held immediately before becoming a representative.

Paul I disagree with Trump being prosecuted because while yes there's a trial, there's something for you and other Dem minions to latch onto and post updates about daily.. there's still no evidence against him and it's been a kangaroo court. Every single case against him. Georgia especially, New York, Smith's crap.. it's all been desperate attempts to bring down a political rival funded by our tax dollars.
They were elected not hired. They have their faults but are ultimately my favorite democrats. I notice you had nothing specific to criticize about what AOC said there, so I must assume that you have no criticisms of substance and are simply racist and sexist. What next, gonna post a pic of AOC showing her incisors lookin big? Say Ilhan should "go back to her country"?

No evidence against trump? Seriously? If only you claiming that could make it true, but this isn't a shamanic dreamworld where you manifest your own reality, hate to break it to ya
AOC is disgusting, all of the 'squad' are just sad DEI hires. Should've never left the bartending position she held immediately before becoming a representative.

Paul I disagree with Trump being prosecuted because while yes there's a trial, there's something for you and other Dem minions to latch onto and post updates about daily.. there's still no evidence against him and it's been a kangaroo court. Every single case against him. Georgia especially, New York, Smith's crap.. it's all been desperate attempts to bring down a political rival funded by our tax dollars.

The guy was impeached twice and the final time his defense was don't convict him now as he can be prosecuted after he leaves office. It isn't a persecution. It's a prosecution of a deeply criminal old man. You support him so I get why you don't like it, but it is what it is. And he's not done with prosecutions either. His only reason for running is to stay out of prison.
They were elected not hired. They have their faults but are ultimately my favorite democrats. I notice you had nothing specific to criticize about what AOC said there, so I must assume that you have no criticisms of substance and are simply racist and sexist. What next, gonna post a pic of AOC showing her incisors lookin big? Say Ilhan should "go back to her country"?

No evidence against trump? Seriously? If only you claiming that could make it true, but this isn't a shamanic dreamworld where you manifest your own reality, hate to break it to ya

AOC is a joke. Pushing the 'Green New Deal' is plenty reason to dislike her on political grounds. Ilhan promotes and defends radical islamists in the United States. I think if she likes that kinda oppression for women and any religion besides islam she should certainly take a good long vacation to an Islamic majority nation, yes.

The West is beginning to learn and rebel against this forced migration of terrorists and antisemitism into our peaceful, free, open societies. News broke overnight that Germany has grown a backbone and banned a specific sect of islam with many locations, destroying one mosque already and moving to close and demolish a few more currently. Before you call me racist or xenophobic look into the reasoning. These guys were buying parts for kamikaze drones and shipping them to Hezbollah for their continuing assault of Israel.

We don't allow enemies of the West to reside in our free and peaceful nations under the guise of inclusivity while they simultaneously ship parts back to a guerilla military group opposed to our very existence. We are just so mean and xenophobic aren't we?
You are a broken record paul.
None of your politicians are saints, Trump is going to win, keep spewing paul, keep spewing.

LOL at the sham impeachment against Trump for attempting to get Biden investigated on account of his Ukraine scandal, what a load of crapola, it was nothing but a televised Trump bashing festival and a one sided sham.
Please, do show me where and when ilhan defended and promoted radical islamists. I'll wait. While you're at it, you can show where she was anti semetic. I'll assume for now that you're referring to the same comment that all delusional MAGAts cite, the "all about the Benjamins" comment. If you weren't such partisan hacks and could understand context, you'd know she was referring to AIPAC and how they buy our politicians all the time, especially republicans, which is a demonstrable fact and has nothing to do with hating Jewish people. In fact, I seem to recall she endorsed a Jew for president.

The other statement she made that is always taken out of context by deliberately obtuse conservatives was her "some people did some thing" statement. Again, context plays a key role here. She had already referred to the terrorists as well as the attack, and was talking about how because of what the terrorists did, other Muslims faced discrimination. So sorry if she said, "some thing" instead of using the whole phrase ,"the September 11th terrorist attacks" and "some people" instead of "radical terrorist islamists". Normal people do this in every day conversations, we call them pronouns and I know you conservative especially hate and don't understand them and so always use the entire term even when you've already referred to the noun in the same sentence or conversation right? How tiring conversing with you must be.
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