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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Do you work from home or does the *need* to reply to Paul just call for emergency equipment? Lmao

I miss the storms we had in the south.. I moved from Oklahoma to the Pacific Northwest a few years ago and WOW the weather and environment is on easy-mode up here.

How do you like living with so many Democrats? Must be hard on you.

I agree, so don't push your DEI or climate religion on me
Climate change has been scientifically proven again and again and again and is an issue that affects everyone on this planet.

But I do think that the government(s) have been going after the wrong group when they enact climate policies. Like in Canada they want all new cars sold to be electric by like 2030-2035, thats stupid, electric cars have a lot of downsides, and they cost 2X the next cheapest gasoline car.

What they should be doing if they want to make an appreciable dent in climate change is go after the rich assholes who pollute more in 1 year than an average middle class person will in their entire life. Tax the everloving fuck out of private jet use, crack down on big corporations, actually dish out serious fines for violations instead of the usual weak sauce where they fine like 1% of a company's income. No, fine them enough that it actually hurts their bottom line otherwise fines are just the cost of doing business.

Once they crack down on the 1% and their mountain of wastefulness, then I'd be willing to listen to ideas they have for me to reduce my footprint.
Very disturbed weather today along the whole East Coast. Just had a nasty storm come through all the way up here in Ottawa as well. Looks like a huge line of storms all the way down.

The wealthy will never get punished, never be made to pay up, it's a pipe dream because your politicians and wealthy are forever in bed together.
How do you like living with so many Democrats? Must be hard on you.

The only real effect is that I know my vote does not count here. Besides that I know a lot of conservatives locally, though I don't work in tech, art nonsense, the unemployed sector, or fast food where the liberals all seem to congregate. Whenever I encounter a liberal they tend to be behind a few layers of plexiglass..
The wealthy will never get punished, never be made to pay up, it's a pipe dream because your politicians and wealthy are forever in bed together.

IDK, seems like Trump surely will. Not that he's nearly as wealthy as he would like everyone to believe. He's a convicted felon now and will be sentenced 9/18/24. He has a butt load of charges left.
Don't hold your breath on that deal paul, it's all political theater, once Trumps appeal works it's way up the court system, his conviction will be overturned as the entire charade was a mockery of justice, hell the appellate court might even overturn it.
Trump will be reelected and once he appoints a competent AG, then you will see a working DOJ.
Don't hold your breath on that deal paul, it's all political theater, once Trumps appeal works it's way up the court system, his conviction will be overturned as the entire charade was a mockery of justice, hell the appellate court might even overturn it.
Trump will be reelected and once he appoints a competent AG, then you will see a working DOJ.

Yeah, that would happen. I wouldn't hold my breath on Trump getting out of this. Even that terrible SCOTUS decision that gave Trump immunity for official acts won't cover this. Besides, he will get sentenced BEFORE any appeals can advance.
Don't expect much of that either, you're going to be disappointed a lot as Trump survives it all and gets reelected, remember we are a nation of laws and that verdict from that kangaroo court trial will be overturned.

BTW in Biden's little speech of lies today, Biden confirmed Kamala was a DEI hire and Biden invoked the name of God in his speech.
Also I didn't hear Biden endorse Koo koo kackle Kamala.
Don't expect much of that either, you're going to be disappointed a lot as Trump survives it all and gets reelected, remember we are a nation of laws and that verdict from that kangaroo court trial will be overturned.

BTW in Biden's little speech of lies today, Biden confirmed Kamala was a DEI hire and Biden invoked the name of God in his speech.

That is your opinion of what you would like to see happen. These were not official acts and Trump will likely not win even IF it goes all the way to the SCOTUS.

Biden is a Catholic. Of course he believes in a god. I was raised as a Catholic, so I know.
Trump doesn't need his book keeping error to be an official act, the State boot strapping the State book keeping law into a felony was unjust as was going past the statute of limitations, so was the way the trial was conducted and much more.

Biden didn't endorse Kamala in that speech.
Trump doesn't need his book keeping error to be an official act, the State boot strapping the State book keeping law into a felony was unjust as was going past the statute of limitations, so was the way the trial was conducted and much more.

Biden didn't endorse Kamala in that speech.

A jury that his team helped pick convicted him. They had a particularly bad defense as they were doing what Trump told them to do. Hope they got their fees up front. Biden didn't need to name Harris by name as he had already done so last Sunday. What do you expect? That he endorse her every time he holds a speech? This was about his legacy.

Just watched it again and he did endorse Kamala Harris by name. What the hell are you talking about?
Book keeping errors? That's hilarious. I'll write that down:

Book keeping error = paying hush money to porn star

Man MAGAts will bend over backwards to suck off trump and make excuses for him

Also, I think you are confusing DEI Hire with pandering with regards to kamala pick as VP by biden
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You know none of you seem to know how to play nice. Are you guys so mentally inept that you cannot debate without insults? I mean really... how horrible are your lives that you harbor so much hatred? I'm very disappointed in seeing this.
Civility politics went out the windows with Trump's election. Now trump himself refers to democrats as vermin. Many of his supporters call them "demon rats". They regularly say that democrats are child groomers or pedophiles. So I respond in kind, the difference is I have substance and draw upon reality not made up fantasy, nor do I need to resort to hyperbole. Since i am a libertarian socialist, i can also take shots at neoliberals with whom i have no shortage of disagreements with, and when i point out something trump did thats bad and a MAGAt responds by saying , "yeah, well biden did such and such that is just as bad", I can simply respond with "yes, and?" Also, when it comes to changing minds, I have found that logic and reason is largely ineffective as are citing history or facts at this late date with people who still support trump. MAGAts don't care about any of that at this point. Another tactic that may be no more effective but is certainly more fun is ridicule and shaming. Maybe back when Hillary first said that half of trump's supporters were deplorable she was off on the math but by this time, I think it is much more than half, and I despise Hillary

Also I thought that was why this section was called fight club. I am pretty nice guy elsewhere on the forum
