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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Trumps China tariff was NOT passed onto the consumer because China has a huge trade deposit and has been unwilling to play fair, Trump took in billions in tax revenue for the Federal government without impacting consumers.

Harris doesn't understand basic economics, price fixing means producers will lower the product quality and eventually stop producing it, we will end up with government run production and no name bland products on the shelf, possibly even ration cards while the entire debacle plays out until the government has complete control and the consumer will suffer, free enterprise is much better, there's plenty of generic products on the shelf, but people want convenience and people want the tasty top shelf products they know and love, they don't want the producers driven out of business with price fixing.

Lets face it, government spends too much money they don't have and we are already taxed to death.
The product is taxed when we buy it, the road it got to the store on is taxed, the truck is taxed, the fuel is taxed, the maker is taxed, their workers are taxed, the store employees and the store are taxed and the money we spend was taxed and taxed again on the way out with local sales tax, we pay enough dam tax.

How the hell is the federal government going to fix prices when they can't balance their budget and never have, never will, our government needs to be smaller, not bigger.
A smaller government would cost less, spend less and do less harm, we can keep the FDA without adding price fixing ( price fucking up ) and do better by voting with our dollars, something cost too much.... don't buy it.

Now inflation is our governments fault, but we can't fix reckless government spending by letting government take over our food supply chain and further control us.

Harris is more big government control and less Freedom and right now with global foreign interest in controlling America and democrats willing to sell their souls and us out, democrats can't be trusted.
The mere idea that the WHO and NATO would have a controlling influence over Americans should be laughable, but democrats are actually pushing it.
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Trumps China tariff was NOT passed onto the consumer because China has a huge trade deposit and has been unwilling to play fair, Trump took in billions in tax revenue for the Federal government without impacting consumers.

Harris doesn't understand basic economics, price fixing means producers will lower the product quality and eventually stop producing it, we will end up with government run production and no name bland products on the shelf, possibly even ration cards while the entire debacle plays out until the government has complete control and the consumer will suffer, free enterprise is much better, there's plenty of generic products on the shelf, but people want convenience and people want the tasty top shelf products they know and love, they don't want the producers driven out of business with price fixing.

Lets face it, government spends too much money they don't have and we are already taxed to death.
The product is taxed when we buy it, the road it got to the store on is taxed, the truck is taxed, the fuel is taxed, the maker is taxed, their workers are taxed, the store employees and the store are taxed and the money we spend was taxed and taxed again on the way out with local sales tax, we pay enough dam tax.

How the hell is the federal government going to fix prices when they can't balance their budget and never have, never will, our government needs to be smaller, not bigger.
A smaller government would cost less, spend less and do less harm, we can keep the FDA without adding price fixing ( price fucking up ) and do better by voting with our dollars, something cost too much.... don't buy it.

Now inflation is our governments fault, but we can't fix reckless government spending by letting government take over our food supply chain and further control us.

Harris is more big government control and less Freedom and right now with global foreign interest in controlling America and democrats willing to sell their souls and us out, democrats can't be trusted.
The mere idea that the WHO and NATO would have a controlling influence over Americans should be laughable, but democrats are actually pushing it.

And yet, Trump has propsed stopping a tax he imposed on homeowners. You just don't get it. Trump is NOT the answer. He is, and always has been, the problem. You are talking about ration cards that only happened during WW II when we used our produce to feed soldiers. You don't seem to know history at all. ;)
I unsubscribed from email updates on this one but still check it daily for the laughs. Isn't it the liveliest any part of LPF has been since the Wicked Arctic boondoggle?

Dang Paul bringing the fire on the Trumpers.
I unsubscribed from email updates on this one but still check it daily for the laughs. Isn't it the liveliest any part of LPF has been since the Wicked Arctic boondoggle?

Dang Paul bringing the fire on the Trumpers.

Could be the most activity since at least the Rep System Flamewars or the height of the Alaskan Probings. :LOL:

The Great Drama Eras of LPF:

2006 - The Great Tommygreen Scams
2007 - The Timelord Troubles
2008 - BlueFusion's Blue Balls GB
2009 - DarkarmyofOne's Great Scam
2009 - 2010 The Power Meter Wars
2010 - The 445nm Chaos
2011 - 2013 - The Tech Junkie Trollfests
2015 - The Rep System Flame Wars
2016 - The joker301's HUGE Scam
2018 - The Alaskan Probings

I predict that by election time this thread will have reached 360 pages.

We've done 80 pages in the last month. So I think we could just about make it to 360. In the week right before the election this thread I bet will be more entertaining than any normal political commentary on TV. :LOL:
And yet, Trump has propsed stopping a tax he imposed on homeowners. You just don't get it. Trump is NOT the answer. He is, and always has been, the problem. You are talking about ration cards that only happened during WW II when we used our produce to feed soldiers. You don't seem to know history at all. ;)

My point was legislating price controls could lead to ration cards, Harris taking us to war is another topic.
It's funny that you don't know what you're talking about, yet you pretend you do, here I will make it simple for you to understand..... a Harris administration would be detrimental to our economy because she can't spend us out of inflation. Get it ? Got it ? Don't lose it.
My point was legislating price controls could lead to ration cards, Harris taking us to war is another topic.
It's funny that you don't know what you're talking about, yet you pretend you do, here I will make it simple for you to understand..... a Harris administration would be detrimental to our economy because she can't spend us out of inflation. Get it ? Got it ? Don't lose it.

Trump is the only one proposing spending us out of whatever. He comes up with a new one everyday. From eliminating taxes on tips to eleminting his own tax on homeowners. Just watch. These a new one all the time.
