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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You are a broken record paul.
None of your politicians are saints, Trump is going to win, keep spewing paul, keep spewing.

LOL at the sham impeachment against Trump for attempting to get Biden investigated on account of his Ukraine scandal, what a load of crapola, it was nothing but a televised Trump bashing festival and a one sided sham.
While I totally support Trump as the better candidate - I am not so confident I'll say he's gonna win in November.

He was the winner in 2020 after all and look what we've had to put up with for years due to sudden changes of voting laws with zero oversight in multiple states, straight up mail fraud, counting 'errors' with BOTH voting and counting machines made by Soros-backed corporations.. the corruption in fact does go very deep and I don't honestly know how we're going to get a fair shake ever again. If a conservative tried to change voting parameters they'd just be labeled a racist.. hell even bringing up known facts we're labeled as insane conspiracy theorists.

So that's why I'm here, willing to defend Trump to the bitter end, and I'll accept the results when it's rigged again because that's what we have to do as a nation. If people revolted against the corruption they'd just criminalize conservatism further, not that conservatives even have a safe way to communicate, organize themselves, or congregate anymore anyway. It's kinda absurd but in my opinion it's already over.
No it's not over and we are communicating right now.

1st. Everyone needs to vote.
2nd. We will conduct our own audits, but everyone needs to vote.
3rd. If this election is stolen, buckle up.

The important part is everyone needs to vote.
They were elected not hired. They have their faults but are ultimately my favorite democrats. I notice you had nothing specific to criticize about what AOC said there, so I must assume that you have no criticisms of substance and are simply racist and sexist. What next, gonna post a pic of AOC showing her incisors lookin big? Say Ilhan should "go back to her country"?

No evidence against trump? Seriously? If only you claiming that could make it true, but this isn't a shamanic dreamworld where you manifest your own reality, hate to break it to ya

So sorry to keep you waiting 45 minutes, Red's link should also suffice to make this point and drive it home.
You're kidding right, there's a house resolution against Ilhans anti semetic comments while in congress.

Ah thank you. I can't believe you'd think this amounted to anything of substance. (Ah who am I kidding, of course I can believe a MAGAt would think this is substantive) It isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Let's review, shall we?

From your link:

  • Whereas in 2012, Representative Omar tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”;
  • Whereas in 2018, Representative Omar posted, “Drawing attention to the apartheid Israeli regime is far from hating Jews.”;
    Whereas the latest controversial tweets from Representative Omar suggest Jewish people are buying political support. She tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” a reference to a song about $100 bill, and AIPAC, a pro-Israeli lobbying group;
    Whereas Representative Omar stated during a town hall, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for the allegiance to a foreign country.”;

So first off, to the first statement. Absolutely true. Isreal has hypnotized the world. Isreal is a country. You do understand how a nations actions are not the same as an ethnicity right? Are you aware that non-zionist jews who criticize Isreal's actions and push for Palestinian liberation exist? Are they anti semitic too for criticizing Isreal? Give me a break
The 2nd statement. Absolutely true again. Isreal is an apartheid regime. Anyone who denies this isn't familiar with the facts or is lying.

3rd, as I addressed a bit already, and similar to my other point, aipac does not equal jews. In fact, many aipac members are Christian Americans.

What a disingenuous house resolution and shame on Nancy Pelosi for taking sides with disingenuous conservatives. I imagine Nancy is balls deep in aipac money too.

(Yup just checked. Nancy does indeed get aipac money. You can use your imagination to see my surprised face😐)
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No it's not over and we are communicating right now.

1st. Everyone needs to vote.
2nd. We will conduct our own audits, but everyone needs to vote.
3rd. If this election is stolen, buckle up.

The important part is everyone needs to vote.

No election has been stolen so far. You guys just can't deal with losing. Sounds like another threat if Trump loses again. That's okay. The prisons are filled with those who tried to interfere with the last election.
No election has been stolen so far. You guys just can't deal with losing. Sounds like another threat if Trump loses again. That's okay. The prisons are filled with those who tried to interfere with the last election.

There aren't enough prisons if dems steal another election, that's my opinion, not a direct threat.

I see you said " If Trump loses " GOTCHA ! You just told on yourself, you know it's an ( if ) situation. ;)
Gays for Palestine are the sickest perversion of reality I've seen. How can you support something that wishes you death, and would harm or kill you for simply existing in their world? Like what? That's like being a Jew for Hitler, a hen for foxes, or a person with a functional brain for Democrats.

Also 'MAGAts' is pretty offensive to me, not sure if they mean maggots or the gay slur that begins with F. Either way it's not very nice.
Socialism is one of those words that means something different to just about anyone you ask. It would always come down to the details, but yes, many policies I advocate could be called socialist.

When it comes to workers owning the means of production, I can see some problems but I think a hybrid solution could be preferable to what we have now.

For example, if the workers owned the means of production, what if an innovation came about that made a given process require less workers but increased efficiency or was even more environmentally friendly? Would the workers want to do it even though it would result in some of them losing their jobs? What about raising capital to expand the business? So I'm open to conversations about that kind of stuff but we don't even have single payer Healthcare like every other developed nation (who spend less per capita on it AND have better health outcomes) so we are a long ways away from any workers owning means of production or decommodified housing debates.
Gays for Palestine are the sickest perversion of reality I've seen. How can you support something that wishes you death, and would harm or kill you for simply existing in their world? Like what? That's like being a Jew for Hitler, a hen for foxes, or a person with a functional brain for Democrats.

Also 'MAGAts' is pretty offensive to me, not sure if they mean maggots or the gay slur that begins with F. Either way it's not very nice.
Yeah it's not hard to understand. Let me help. Let's assume for the sake of arguement that every Palestinian is a Muslim who advocates for the death penalty for gay people. This isn't even close to true but let's go with it for now. Does this mean that their children deserve to get carpet bombed? Here's a question. Does committing genocide on them make them more or less likely to give into radical islamists groups offering them purpose and revenge or less likely? It's a pretty rich arguement coming from your side considering how many conservatives support the biblical policy towards gay people which was to stone them to death. Charlie kirk advocates for this. In Isreal gay marriage isn't allowed and many conservatives would see it banned in the US as well, so a really baffling movement is the "gays for trump" which I would assume is very small in number given the vitriol toward things like pride month that MAGAts have.

Yes MAGAt as in the fly larva and trump sychophant fart sniffer. I began using the term after growing tired of seeing trump call his political opponents vermin and his supporters call them demon rats and pedophiles and child groomers. Why would a leftist use the slur for gay people? We believe in preserving peoples rights not taking them away, and we care about the rights of others not only our own, which is why we are leftists not conservatives.
Most Trump supporters are not in favor of stoning gays to death, we just don't want drag queen story hour in our children's schools.
Personally I am live and let live, that said I do not intend to be badgered with someones pronouns that I must speak when addressing someone, unless you want to say my pronouns which are " I'm an asshole sorry to bother you " to be spoken each time you address me.

p.s. I would support universal healthcare as long as government didn't use it to invade our lives or diminish our rights.
Most Trump supporters are not in favor of stoning gays to death, we just don't want drag queen story hour in our children's schools.
Personally I am live and let live, that said I do not intend to be badgered with someones pronouns that I must speak when addressing someone, unless you want to say my pronouns which are " I'm an asshole sorry to bother you " to be spoken each time you address me.
What is the issue with drag queens reading to kids? Let's assume for the sake of arguement that the costume in question is not a provocative or revealing one, because that I can understand taking issue with, however, not all drag is like that and ones I have seen reading to kids were not like that

Hey, glad you'd support universal Healthcare in principal. I will always take yes for an answer on an issue even when we disagree on so much else. I think there are many such issues and politicians use social issues that we are divided on to keep them from happening while they run out the back door with all the money. Trans women in women's sport would be an example. I would bet fewer than 10,000 people are impacted by that in any way, yet Republicans use it to gain power and deny millions of us Healthcare (and many dems too frankly) because eeew gross, trans people am I right?
Yeah it's not hard to understand. Let me help. Let's assume for the sake of arguement that every Palestinian is a Muslim who advocates for the death penalty for gay people. This isn't even close to true but let's go with it for now. Does this mean that their children deserve to get carpet bombed? Here's a question. Does committing genocide on them make them more or less likely to give into radical islamists groups offering them purpose and revenge or less likely? It's a pretty rich arguement coming from your side considering how many conservatives support the biblical policy towards gay people which was to stone them to death. Charlie kirk advocates for this. In Isreal gay marriage isn't allowed and many conservatives would see it banned in the US as well, so a really baffling movement is the "gays for trump" which I would assume is very small in number given the vitriol toward things like pride month that MAGAts have.

Yes MAGAt as in the fly larva and trump sychophant fart sniffer. I began using the term after growing tired of seeing trump call his political opponents vermin and his supporters call them demon rats and pedophiles and child groomers. Why would a leftist use the slur for gay people? We believe in preserving peoples rights not taking them away, and we care about the rights of others not only our own, which is why we are leftists not conservatives.

Couple issues. First, they aren't getting carpet bombed - they're being used by the extremist Hamas government (who they elected) as meat shields while Israel is being terrorized and when they respond in kind they're 'bombing civilians'. It's unfortunate but nobody would be getting hurt if Hamas wasn't elected as the government of Palestine by the Palestinians. Without extremist Hamas in the picture zero innocents on either side would be harmed. Personally I don't understand why one of the many nearby Muslim majority nations don't simply take all of Palestine in as refugees and relocate them..

I'm a conservative, Christian, and gay. I don't know any people (especially in positions of power) in the United States who believe gays should be killed. I'm not aware of Charlie Kirk saying that's his personal belief. He may have stated that as a historical fact, but I doubt he cares what people do in their private lives. The closest I could think of would be folks like Westboro Baptist saying 'God hates gays'. Most people here do not care who you sleep with or fall in love with, especially if you aren't in their faces with your openness, especially in front of children, in public, etc..

While I am concerned about the broad scope of Project 2025 especially when it comes to limiting gay freedoms, I believe the things being targeted will be common sense i.e. stop grooming children to become transgender online and in reality, remove sexual content from the view of children and allow them to develop naturally. By middle or certainly high school if you're gonna be gay or trans you know yourself without help from outside influence. Why have drag queens story hour with first grade kids? Why put books with homosexual smut scenes written in them in grade school libraries? It's kinda gross honestly.

^This is where the whole groomer and pedophilia thing against democrats comes from, if you didn't know.
There aren't enough prisons if dems steal another election, that's my opinion, not a direct threat.

I see you said " If Trump loses " GOTCHA ! You just told on yourself, you know it's an ( if ) situation. ;)

Of course I said "if." No one knows for certain what the outcome of any close race will be until it's over. You don't know that Trump will win. I expect that Harris will win, but until its called by the media no one will know until then.
Oh I know, but you're wrong. No one is grooming kids to become trans. You said it yourself, a person knows if they are or not. Funny enough, it's only public displays of gay affection I ever see conservatives take issue with, I can't recall them ever complaining about a straight couple kissing in public. Removing explicit material is one thing but that's not all that is happening. One book about two male penguins raising a chick together (true story) was banned. The penguins weren't even gay, their mates had died and they were just helping eachother out. Similarly, I've seen conservatives not want to teach about clown fish as that species can change its sex, and also not want to teach about sea horses, as the males are the ones who give birth. when you deny scientific facts out of fear of turning kids gay, something that is intrinsic anyway, who is the reality denying extremist then?

Regarding hamas. Are you aware of what % of Palestinians are minors? It's like half. Are you aware of when elections were last held? It was 2007. So if you do the math, you'd know that half or more than half of the population was not old enough to even vote for hamas and that was 17 years ago.

Did you know that American's support for elected leaders (as shown by electing them, nevermind that not every American voted for a given president) doing bad things in Islamic countries was a cited justification of Osama bin Laden? So you are using the same rational as a terrorist. If terrorists took over your kids school and the cops just threw up their hands and said, "well, guess we just have to bomb the whole building, the terrorists are using human shields, our hands are tied", would you think that was reasonable? Yeah, hamas bad, that's not exactly news. Maybe bibi shouldn't have supported them knowing he could use them as an excuse to contine to deny Palestinians human rights. Every non violent resistance is squashed, what other recourse do they have? I always hear that Isreal has the right to defend itself but hardly ever hear that Palestinians have that same right. Did you know some states have passed laws prohibiting boycott of Isreal if you take government loans? This is a clear 1st amendment violation, and it's in service to another country no less.

Real quick regarding Charlie kirk. He may not advocate for a law calling for gays to be stoned but he has cited that that is what the bibles policy was and that he supports the bible.thankfully this is a minority view and I don't mean to suggest otherwise, but it isn't unheard of. My own mother thinks gays should be executed
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