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I said middle and high school kids know. Younger than that and you get into weird idolization that kids sometimes do of a cartoon character.. imitation of what they see is common. Why even expose them to such things if there isn't an agenda? You know the percentage of people who are drag queens? It's laughably small.

So if Palestine really is all a bunch of children being used by Hamas as human shields why not do as I said before and broker a peace deal to move them all at once to a wealthy oil producing Muslim majority neighbor? They'd be safer and better cared for, I doubt they care where they live especially since their lives have been so disrupted by war. Who loses in that scenario?

I suppose the point would be to normalize the existence of such people so that kids can see them as humans and not grow up to hate or misunderstand them. So that they know that should they choose this themselves, that's OK. At a young enough age though, I'm not sure a kid would even realize what a drag queen is. They probably just notice the bright colors or whatever, like a clown. You could talk me into limiting such things to middle or high school but many conservatives want to ban such things for minors at any age up to 18, and some want to ban transition even for adults. This is their tactic. To either pretend it's an attack on children or greatly exaggerate this so that they seem reasonable, then when they take power they remove rights from adults as well because to them it's all degeneracy no matter the age (which is what the nazis thought too btw) for example, I bet you are under the impression that minors as young as 5 can have gender reassignment surgery. This doesn't happen. Even hormone blockers don't start until older than that. Did you know that the rate of regret for transitioning is less that for knee replacement?
Couple issues. First, they aren't getting carpet bombed - they're being used by the extremist Hamas government (who they elected) as meat shields while Israel is being terrorized and when they respond in kind they're 'bombing civilians'. It's unfortunate but nobody would be getting hurt is Hamas wasn't elected as the government of Palestine by the Palestinians. Without extremist Hamas in the picture zero innocents on either side would be harmed. Personally I don't understand why one of the many nearby Muslim majority nations don't simply take all of Palestine in as refugees and relocate them..

I'm a conservative, Christian, and gay. I don't know any people (especially in positions of power) in the United States who believe gays should be killed. I'm not aware of Charlie Kirk saying that's his personal belief. He may have stated that as a historical fact, but I doubt he cares what people do in their private lives. The closest I could think of would be folks like Westboro Baptist saying 'God hates gays'. Most people here do not care who you sleep with or fall in love with, especially if you aren't in their faces with your openness, especially in front of children, in public, etc..

While I am concerned about the broad scope of Project 2025 especially when it comes to limiting gay freedoms, I believe the things being targeted will be common sense i.e. stop grooming children to become transgender online and in reality, remove sexual content from the view of children and allow them to develop naturally. By middle of certainly high school if you're gonna be gay or trans you know yourself without help from outside influence. Why have drag queens story hour with first grade kids? Why put books with homosexual smut scenes written in them in grade school libraries? It's kinda gross honestly.

^This is where the whole groomer and pedophilia thing against democrats comes from, if you didn't know.

So, you believe because Hamas is there that the far-right wing Netanyahu government has the right to commit war crimes. They have killed more than 39,000 Palestinians. I saw Netanyahu's speech yesterday and it was a farce where he didn't answer the most important question about an exit strategy. Also, since you are gay you know that being so isn't a choice. Neither is being trans, so grooming people is absurd. I had a gay pianist in my band in the 1970s and have know many gay people over my long lifespan. I'm not ignorant of these issues.
So, you believe because Hamas is there that the far-right wing Netanyahu government has the right to commit war crimes. They have killed more than 39,000 Palestinians. I saw Netanyahu's speech yesterday and it was a farce where he didn't answer the most important question about an exit strategy. Also, since you are gay you know that being so isn't a choice. Neither is being trans, so grooming people is absurd. I had a gay pianist in my band in the 1970s and have know many gay people over my long lifespan. I'm not ignorant of these issues.
Ever notice that no one ever worries about kids seeing straight couples engaged in intimacy in media etc being "groomed" to be straight, even if the kid is likely gay already? If I didn't know any better I'd say it's because they view homosexuality as degenerate but want to mask their bigotry behind faux concern for kids while offering thoughts and prayers to school shooting victims
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Ever notice that no one ever worries about kids seeing straight couples engaged in intimacy in media etc being "groomed" to be straight, even if the kid is likely gay already? If I didn't know any better I'd say it's because they view homosexuality as degenerate but want to mask their bigotry behind faux concern for kids while offering thoughts and prayers to school shooting victims

Yeah, they always seem to not accept gay kids. It's always something to be fixed.
War is very bad for everyone. Israel has been defending themselves from Hamas for years before this current conflict. They've spend probably billions on missile shield tech. They lead the world in said tech because they have had more experience shooting down ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones than any other place on earth. Why is Hamas, Hezbollah, whoever else lobbing missiles at Israel seemingly justified with y'all? Innocent people on both sides are killed every day.

Bottom line is the invasion Hamas took upon themselves to launch is the reason Israel finally after decades and decades of harassment decided that enough is enough. They said they'd stamp Hamas out and I do not blame them a bit looking at historical context here. It is their choice and they have the power to do something about it. It is none of our (the West's) business anymore to interfere with the operation.

This is like if people protested the harsh and fast movement of USSR into Berlin during the second world war. It sucks for civilians but the aggressor pushed and can't handle the return shove.. so we're supposed to rescue the terrorists, the antagonists? Seems counterproductive. The harshest form of natural selection is playing out.
War is very bad for everyone. Israel has been defending themselves from Hamas for years before this current conflict. They've spend probably billions on missile shield tech. They lead the world in said tech because they have had more experience shooting down ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones than any other place on earth. Why is Hamas, Hezbollah, whoever else lobbing missiles at Israel seemingly justified with y'all? Innocent people on both sides are killed every day.

Bottom line is the invasion Hamas took upon themselves to launch is the reason Israel finally after decades and decades of harassment decided that enough is enough. They said they'd stamp Hamas out and I do not blame them a bit looking at historical context here. It is their choice and they have the power to do something about it. It is none of our (the West's) business anymore to interfere with the operation.

This is like if people protested the harsh and fast movement of USSR into Berlin during the second world war. It sucks for civilians but the aggressor pushed and can't handle the return shove.. so we're supposed to rescue the terrorists, the antagonists? Seems counterproductive. The harshest form of natural selection is playing out.

Whatever you believe about Netanyahu's push to wipe out Palestinians he has committed war crimes. That's not my opinion. The ICC has indicted him. I believe Netanyahu is trying to stay in office as he faces criminal prosecution in Israel. I know he doesn't want that to start.
I suppose the point would be to normalize the existence of such people so that kids can see them as humans and not grow up to hate or misunderstand them. So that they know that should they choose this themselves, that's OK. At a young enough age though, I'm not sure a kid would even realize what a drag queen is. They probably just notice the bright colors or whatever, like a clown. You could talk me into limiting such things to middle or high school but many conservatives want to ban such things for minors at any age up to 18, and some want to ban transition even for adults. This is their tactic. To either pretend it's an attack on children or greatly exaggerate this so that they seem reasonable, then when they take power they remove rights from adults as well because to them it's all degeneracy no matter the age (which is what the nazis thought too btw) for example, I bet you are under the impression that minors as young as 5 can have gender reassignment surgery. This doesn't happen. Even hormone blockers don't start until older than that. Did you know that the rate of regret for transitioning is less that for knee replacement?
I flatly do not believe the rate of transition vs knee replacement statistic. If someone wants to transition, absolutely they should be able to. Getting your elective medical procedures paid for with my tax dollars should never be a right however.

Members of our own family harbor the view that homosexuality is sinful or degenerate - but those old folks aren't in positions of power or any place near it. Times are changing and the nation is more accepting than ever before. I don't see the reasoning in constantly fighting among ourselves about things that are private and personal issues in peoples' lives. Pride is sinful too yet we have 'pride' celebrations all over the place and they're very in-your-face. People take children to pride parades which are VERY sexually charged showing themes of BDSM and other pretty degenerate things that are fine if you enjoy, but keep it in the bedroom. Why does the whole town have to see you putting on the whole whips and chains look on a Tuesday afternoon??

I personally don't see homosexuality as something to have pride in, it's just who I am, my fiancee is the same way. You'd never know we were together if you saw us in public. We might occasionally hold hands in public at most, but we don't see a need to wear crop tops, skirts, and thigh highs to our local supermarket just to evoke the public's reaction.
I flatly do not believe the rate of transition vs knee replacement statistic. If someone wants to transition, absolutely they should be able to. Getting your elective medical procedures paid for with my tax dollars should never be a right however.

Members of our own family harbor the view that homosexuality is sinful or degenerate - but those old folks aren't in positions of power or any place near it. Times are changing and the nation is more accepting than ever before. I don't see the reasoning in constantly fighting among ourselves about things that are private and personal issues in peoples' lives. Pride is sinful too yet we have 'pride' celebrations all over the place and they're very in-your-face. People take children to pride parades which are VERY sexually charged showing themes of BDSM and other pretty degenerate things that are fine if you enjoy, but keep it in the bedroom. Why does the whole town have to see you putting on the whole whips and chains look on a Tuesday afternoon??

I personally don't see homosexuality as something to have pride in, it's just who I am, my fiancee is the same way. You'd never know we were together if you saw us in public. We might occasionally hold hands in public at most, but we don't see a need to wear crop tops, skirts, and thigh highs to our local supermarket just to evoke the public's reaction.

Republicans have made gay and trans an issue this year. Trump has said he wants to eliminate any rights guys have have gotten. Why does this not bother you?
Pride events are a backlash to the oppression and persecution and hatred that homosexuals historically and currently face. Id have thought that was obvious. Same reason we have black history month but no white history month. Best way to have no more pride parades is for society to become accepting of homosexuality, and then no one would care. You heard of triggering the libs? Pride events are like that but for homophobes. If the homophobes weren't triggered, they wouldn't happen.

You speak like this violence against Isreal just happens out of a vacuum. Put yourself in the place of a Palestinian. What would you do if your land was taken, your olive trees and home bulldozed, you family mamebers killed. What if activists on your behalf were run over with steam rollers and then the people who did that celebrated "pancake day" to commemorate the murder? What if you had to spend many hours every day going through checkpoints just to get to your underpaid job? If you couldn't drive on certain roads or at all? If the military routinely bombed you in operations they refer to as "mowing the grass" How much could you take before resorting to violence? Maybe youd be fine with being relocated to another country. Easy enough to prescribe this when its not your home though me thinks. Not so easy in practice. None of this is to say that hamas is good or that isrealis aren't also often victims of violence.

Might help if bibi would stop playing divide and conquer games

I'd say if I need to put myself in Hamas' shoes, you should put yourselves in Israel's as well. They've been harassed forever. The UN made Israel as a safe haven after the second world war and the harassment should have come to an end then.
Well now you are conflating hamas with Palestinians in general, but yes, everyone should always put themselves in everyone else's shoes. Hamas has repeatedly said they would accept the 1967 borders but Isreal insists on expansion in violation of international law.
