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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Well you're going to have to wait, a long long time...... like forever, lol.

Hope your safe space is well stocked with crying towels paul, cause you're sure gonna need em, lol.

I only see the DEI accusations fly when the person in question is a woman or person of color or both. The implication being that a more qualified white guy must have been passed up on to make a racial quota. I never see evidence for this. It can't be that someone was just bad at their job or made a mistake, nope has to be a racial thing, the implication being that women and people of color are at the very least less capable and more incompetent on average than white people and men.

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There should not be ANY requirements to hire based on race/gender because it is racist/sexist by definition to do so, how is that so difficult for liberals to understand ?
Well a racist or sexist employer could just pass over people of color and women and act like it's all just arbitrary and coincidence.

I would agree that things like affirmative action are an imperfect stop-gap measure. I imagine that the qualified white guy who gets passed on in favor of a person of color or woman who is less qualified or equally qualified is not as common as conservative victim culture would have you believe

What solution would you come up with to prevent racist exclusion practices in hiring?

Oh right, you think systemic racism doesn't exist and no one is racist anymore, sorry forgot. So there's no problem to solve anywhere.
Hope your safe space is well stocked with crying towels paul, cause you're sure gonna need em, lol.

In addition to the $126 million Harris has raised from small donors, she has also raised $150 million from large donors since being endorsed by Biden. :ROFLMAO:
A large corporation shouldn't have 10,000 white employees and 0 black employees, maybe large corporations should have a basic guideline with flexibility for regional labor pool availability,ect... The problem is something like this starts off as a good idea and then goes too far, like our Secret Service hiring fat little women who can't holster their weapon while looking lost during critical moments.

Some jobs, like Secret Service agent are going to need the very best people, people with strong physical attributes, this means the best results may be obtained with an almost 100% male to 0% female ratio.

Why don't we see 60% white basket ball players ? Is professional basket ball racist ?
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What about the helpless, shouldn't we protect the helpless too ?
Maybe require hiring handicapped persons for desk jobs anyway.

Say don't you think babies are helpless..... maybe we should protect babies while they are most helpless, some say they are viable around 4 months in the start of the 2nd trimester.

Or do we want Freedom for everyone ?

Maybe we will only tell people what to do if it suits the liberal sensitivities ?
If it panders to the racial identity politics used to control people, to compel virtue signaling, to guilt people into the leftist agenda.
We could start in the schools and make the kids feel vulnerable.... and to really tighten our grip, how about an impending disaster that can only be prevented by giving up liberties and following our program..... maybe climate change.... yes and pound it in to kids in schools.
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A large corporation shouldn't have 10,000 white employees and 0 black employees, maybe large corporations should have a basic guideline with flexibility for regional labor pool availability,ect... The problem is something like this starts off as a good idea and then goes too far, like our Secret Service hiring fat little women who can't holster their weapon while looking lost during critical moments.

Some jobs, like Secret Service agent are going to need the very best people, people with strong physical attributes, this means the best results may be obtained with an almost 100% male to 0% female ratio.

Why don't we see 60% white basket ball players ? Is professional basket ball racist ?
Ok I can give you that while maintaining that many conservatives are still using DEI as a dogwhistle. Are you aware of any evidence that this particular woman was "DEI hire", that more qualified individuals were passed on?

As for basketball, I think some of that at least can be explained as a cultural thing. Basketball seems more popular with black people on average than white.

Some people think black people are overrepresented in professional sports due to selective breeding for physical strength during slavery. I don't know if that's true or not, or partially true. I suspect it is at least partially true. Off topic but reminds me of an immortal technique song

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I used to be an atheist, I wanted " in god we trust " taken off our money, but now I understand, when we broke away from tyranny we declared:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Created equal, by God, not dictated to be by tyrants.

Religion is a counter balance to government and it gives people strength to fight, to become martyrs if needed when tyranny rears its ugly head.

You liberals want big government to provide universal healthcare, universal income, universal ass wiping.... well it comes with universal being told what to do.
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I used to be an atheist, I wanted " in god we trust " taken off our money, but now I understand, when we broke away from tyranny we declared:

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal.

Created equal, by God, not dictated to be by tyrants.

Religion is a counter balance to government and it gives people strength to fight, to become martyrs if needed when tyranny rears its ugly head.

You liberals want big government to provide universal healthcare, universal income, universal ass wiping.... well it comes with universal being told what to do.

What about the freedom from religion? There is a reason that church and state were considered separate entities. The constitution doesn't mention a god even once, unless you take the phrase, "in the year of our lord" to mean that we are all Christians. No one at the signing of the Constitution believed this.
The U.S. Constitution never explicitly mentions God or the divine, but the same cannot be said of the nation's state constitutions. In fact, God or the divine is mentioned at least once in each of the 50 state constitutions and nearly 200 times overall, according to a Pew Research Center analysis.

What does it say about God in the Declaration of Independence?

Fourth, the final sentence of the declaration says, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” The founders entrusted themselves to God, the “divine Providence,” Who they believed had protected them and would continue to
The U.S. Constitution never explicitly mentions God or the divine, but the same cannot be said of the nation's state constitutions. In fact, God or the divine is mentioned at least once in each of the 50 state constitutions and nearly 200 times overall, according to a Pew Research Center analysis.

What does it say about God in the Declaration of Independence?

Fourth, the final sentence of the declaration says, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” The founders entrusted themselves to God, the “divine Providence,” Who they believed had protected them and would continue to

Who cares? It is our national Constitution that matters. Divine providence is beside that fact. If they wanted this to be an exclusive Christian nation the founders would have said so.
It's on our money, it's in our courtrooms, God is part of the United States.
History repeats itself.
We go from living in bondage to gaining spiritual faith out of need.
Spiritual faith gives people great courage to fight for their Freedom.


Apathy has allowed liberals to poison the minds of children in our schools, to promote socialism.
Socialism will lead to bondage.

There's also been the falling away from the church and the destruction of the nuclear family, loss of morality... all a result of apathy.

The difference this time will be technology, when socialism becomes bondage, the fight will be longer and harder to regain liberty.
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