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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Nope, you got it wrong. The 1st was a Trump hater who supported democrat org. and only crossed party lines to vote against Trump in the primaries.
The 2nd Ryan Routh was registered as a democrat before he lost his right to vote and his social media posts echoed the democrat hate speech against Trump.
This talk of party is a smokescreen, it's the mainstream democrat mouthpieces who preach Trump hatred who provoke these fringe radicals.
While I support freedom of speech, democrats know what they have been doing, they are scumbags.
Scumbags who fake outrage when Trump says anything politically incorrect, then turn around and engage in gaslighting a nation preaching Trump hatred and fear, scumbags.

Nope, you got it wrong. The 1st was a Trump hater who supported democrat org. and only crossed party lines to vote against Trump in the primaries.
The 2nd Ryan Routh was registered as a democrat before he lost his right to vote and his social media posts echoed the democrat hate speech against Trump.
This talk of party is a smokescreen, it's the mainstream democrat mouthpieces who preach Trump hatred who provoke these fringe radicals.
While I support freedom of speech, democrats know what they have been doing, they are scumbags.
Scumbags who fake outrage when Trump says anything politically incorrect, then turn around and engage in gaslighting a nation preaching Trump hatred and fear, scumbags.

Trump says so many things politically incorrect, which ones are you talking about? Trump is a liar...always has been. And, he cannot keep his big mouth shut, even when Repbulicans are asking him to. He is not only going to lose this election, he's going to lose you the House as well. :LOL:
For the sake of the nation lets hope you are wrong..... I would put your chances of Harris winning at 5% - 10% and your chances of Harris winning with a dem controlled House and Senate at 1% or less.
My question is with all the hate/fear democrats have preached against Trump, what will democrat voters do when Trump wins ?
A peaceful transition of power starts with a peaceful race, but democrats have already screwed that up.
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Did you guys see the other day where Kamala Harris told her supporters to fill out their mail in ballots, sign them, and then also go vote in person? Vote early and often my leftist and liberal allies💪
Voting twice is illegal.

Harris was the deciding vote on this infrastructure bill that requires new cars to have driver monitoring software, they will have a camera watching you in your own cars.

Voting twice is illegal.

Harris was the deciding vote on this infrastructure bill that requires new cars to have driver monitoring software, they will have a camera watching you in your own cars.

Since when is voting twice illegal? Are you certain you haven't been duped by shallow state operatives and faux news?
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say if I did it..... I bet it would be illegal..... maybe it's only legal by virtue of selective enforcement of the law, for democrats, but illegal for everyone else ??

How many times did you vote ?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say if I did it..... I bet it would be illegal..... maybe it's only legal by virtue of selective enforcement of the law, for democrats, but illegal for everyone else ??

How many times did you vote ?

It was Trump supporters who voted more than once in the last election. All of them got caught. One actually took a ballot that his recently deceased mother got and flled it out for her. :LOL:
Well I didn't yet. Hang on...

Wow, I just googled it and in a mere fraction of a second, Google informed me that in fact voting twice IS illegal!!!

It's a good thing I have you MAGAs here to keep me well informed of the truth, keep me on an even level headed keel as it were. To think, I was going to commit voter fraud and not even be aware!😱

Let's be frank here. We all know how stupid, gullible, and credulous democrat voters are. They'll believe anything Kamala and the democrats say because they lack critical thinking skills and are caught up in a cult of personality and brainwashed by propaganda in a media echo chamber that they place themselves in willingly. Most are too lazy to even do what I was just thankfully prompted to do by you fine MAGA people and make a quick Google search of a basic factual claim. In short, I'm not sure how culpable they actually are if they follow her advice to vote twice. Should she be allowed to tell them to do such things? Seems dangerous to democracy. what consequences do you think Kamala should face for telling her voters to break the law?
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Trump has persued Nebraska making it a winner take all state negating the Omaha region that always goes to the Democrats. Now, Maine is talking about doing the same which would negate this for Nebraska. Trump just can't win no matter how he tries to cheat. :ROFLMAO:
Well I didn't yet. Hang on...

Wow, I just googled it and in a mere fraction of a second, Google informed me that in fact voting twice IS illegal!!!

It's a good thing I have you MAGAs here to keep me well informed of the truth, keep me on an even level headed keel as it were. To think, I was going to commit voter fraud and not even be aware!😱

Let's be frank here. We all know how stupid, gullible, and credulous democrat voters are. They'll believe anything Kamala and the democrats say because they lack critical thinking skills and are caught up in a cult of personality and brainwashed by propaganda in a media echo chamber that they place themselves in willingly. Most are too lazy to even do what I was just thankfully prompted to do by you fine MAGA people and make a quick Google search of a basic factual claim. In short, I'm not sure how culpable they actually are if they follow her advice to vote twice. Should she be allowed to tell them to do such things? Seems dangerous to democracy. what consequences do you think Kamala should face for telling her voters to break the law?

Maybe Kamala misspoke, it's hard to believe she would intentionally tell people to vote twice, probably a verbal snafu where she meant to say sign and mail your ballot - or - go vote in person and somehow she omitted the - or - when saying her bit, I will give her the benefit of doubt unless she says it again and again.
Trump has persued Nebraska making it a winner take all state negating the Omaha region that always goes to the Democrats. Now, Maine is talking about doing the same which would negate this for Nebraska. Trump just can't win no matter how he tries to cheat. :ROFLMAO:
Some blue state is refusing to take Kennedy off their ballot even though he no longer wants to be on it..... I think there was a court case over this as welll, but why would democrats ever play fair ?
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Maybe Kamala misspoke, it's hard to believe she would intentionally tell people to vote twice, probably a verbal snafu where she meant to say sign and mail your ballot - or - go vote in person and somehow she omitted the - or - when saying her bit, I will give her the benefit of doubt unless she says it again and again.

Yeah, I doubt it was intentional, it's likely she was just drunk or something.
Some blue state is refusing to take Kennedy off their ballot even though he no longer wants to be on it..... I think there was a court case over this as welll, but why would democrats ever play fair ?

I believe that was Michigan. I think they have a law there that once a candidate is on the ballot they can't be removed. This was to stop candidates from acting like they were running only to drop out later making that party's candidate no longer vaible. This had happened in the past with minority party candidates. So, they put a stop to it.
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Oh snap my bad guys, my tiny leftist brain got confused. You know how that communism and trans ideology stuff can just get in there and rot it out.

It was trump who instructed his voters to vote twice, sorry for the mix up

With all these attempts on trump's life, I think maybe the secret service could do with some training on the simulator

